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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. All right, here goes… -Durability is a terrible mechanic. -Faye isn’t a bad character. -If FE 6 & 7 were to both be remade, I could see it working like Mystery of the Emblem; Book 1 is FE7, and Book 2 is FE6. -And speaking of an FE7 remake, the character that Lyn finds at the beginning should be an actual character and unit, with a canon appearance and name, and then start off as a Villager class. All the remakes added OCs, so why stop at FE7? -Cantors in SoV are atrocious. -I would want the term Risen to be pronounced as RYE-sen. RIH-sen just doesn’t sound cool to me, even if it’s the actual pronunciation outside of FE. -It’s okay for casuals to get into the series. Yes, even some of the weird ones. In the words of Fernand, “There. You have my story. Now kill me and be done with it.”
  2. Hi! I’m a new member here on Serenes Forest, and I don’t know how to start a topic. I know this may be necroposting, but I had to say it.
  3. Hi! I’m Perkilator, a new member on this forum. I would’ve made my own topic about this, but there wasn’t a button that said “Start new thread”.
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