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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Granted, but one of them dies a violent death sometime later. I wish that Durability was gone forever but the Weapon Triangle retained.
  2. Not really, no. I just sort of play how I want when I want, assuming I’ve got enough free time.
  3. Is it crazy if I want a Pokémon Ranger (as in the styler one) as a fighter in Ultimate? *crickets* No response?
  4. Thanks for the advice, but I’m actually just sorta using Gharnef as my main attacker. I’ve two Flux and a Thunder. I got Gharnef through Spotpass spoiling me and Bullions. Lots and lots of bullions. EDIT: Okay, I pulled through and beat Ch. 12…with Anna. I still lost Olivia, but I kept on because I didn’t wanna fight 40 Valmese all over again.
  5. Sorry, but I can’t upload another image. The rest of my roster is Maribelle, Sunil, Nowi, Donnel, Gregor, Cordelia, Olivia, Vaike, Gaius, Miriel, Clair and Stahl.
  6. Okay…I’m on Chapter 12 and no matter what I do, I keep dying. Any help you guys can provide? EDIT: Ignore this now
  7. Maybe Frey? But then again, we’ve already an amnesiac character in the form of Zeke.
  8. I’m having a blast, but good Lord if it isn’t hard as balls, even on Normal/Casual (I’m a scrub, lol).
  9. I got Awakening today over at a GameStop at the Mission Viejo mall!
  10. Yeah, I know, but I didn’t know this would be a thing at the time I made this (which was in April).
  11. Intro: Blacephalon jumps out of an Ultra Wormhole and performs his signature pose. Notable Palette Swaps: Pheromosa, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Poipole, Stakataka, Kartana, Guzzlord Special Moves: B : Mind Blower; Blacephalon takes his head and throws it at the enemy. Holding B will charge it; you can select the distance in which you can throw it, but you will take minor damage if you let go above max charge. B + Forwards : Will-O-Wisp; Blacephalon shoots a ring of ghostly fire that hits enemies multiple times, sometimes leaving a burn that continues damage by 1%. B + Up : Shadow Claw; Blacephalon thrusts his right arm upward with a shadowy aura, going up a fair distance. B + Down : Smack Down; Blacephalon brings down a rock out of nowhere and strikes some three feet away from him; this move has a meteor effect. Final Smash: Endless Blaze; a combination of the two Z-Moves Never Ending Nightmare And Inferno Overdrive. Arms appear all over Blacephalon, who can use them to attacks for ten seconds. After those ten seconds, Blacephalon turns said arms into flames and scatters them around the screen. Taunts: 1: Blacephalon’s head bobs in all eight directions. 2: Blacephalon juggles his head. 1+2: Blacephalon removes his head and pretends to use it as a bowling ball. Winposes: 1: Blacephalon creeps into an Ultra Wormhole, and then abruptly disappears with it. 2: Blacephalon floats in the air with his right leg over his left leg, and then sticks his right arm out. 3: Blacephalon spins around in a circle of flames, them stops in place. Icon: Poké Ball. Victory Music: The Pokémon series music. Kirby Hat: His bomb hat along with Blacephalon’s head. If Kirby uses Mind Blower, he uses an illusion of Blacephalon’s head for a bomb. Stage: N/A Related Music: N/A
  12. Just as the title says. Do you think TearRing Saga has the worthiness to be remade by Intelligent Systems as a Fire Emblem game, or do you think they would rather let it rot in copyright hell?
  13. Wait! Got another one: A Pegasus Knight who wants to become a magician (the ones with the bunnies in their hats); she’s basically the Est of herself and her sisters. (I got the idea from “So this is basically Fire Emblem.)
  14. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/68750331789787431/
  15. Skip to 5:13 of this KH 0.2 video and it’ll speak for itself. It’s not a video of mine, but I still found it hilarious what happened in it.
  16. …Good, it’s not locked. Please, @eclipse, I’m sorry you don’t like the title.
  17. Just as the title states. How would you guys react if over hundreds of mannequins of Setsuna wanted to hug you and never let go, and you had no way of defending yourself (other than your hands and feet)? And what if they surrounded you?
  18. Yeah, bit of disclosure: I mean this out of lightheartedness. And @B.Leu, please note that this is predicting what most likely would be in TH, not what you definitely don’t want.
  19. Here’s my list of predictions of the staples of the FE series in Three Houses: -Loli Manakete (pretty much confirmed) -Character archetypes (i.e. Jagen, Est, Cain and Abel, Gordin, and Gharnef) -Comic relief in the form of most support conversations -Normally mediocre villains -A dragon being the final boss -Anna making an appearance in some way That’s pretty much it for me. What do you guys see happening among tropes like these?
  20. Welp, I decided to take the liberty of creating the Lon’qu x Florina comic myself. DISCLAIMER: I don’t actually ship Lon’qu and Florina.
  21. Heavy Lance-Reduces your HP by 5% in exchange for a 30% Boost in Strength (when the user attacks a sword-wielding enemy).
  22. I was thinking over this for a bit and I began wonder how moves like the Dolphin Slash and Dancing Blade would work in a mainline Fire Emblem game. Would you like to see any of these moves unlocked as normal skills by the main characters in Three Houses, and maybe all at once with something like a Marth amiibo?
  23. You can post whatever OST you can find when the game comes out and give your opinion on whatever music we hear before and after release. That OST in the trailer we got was amazing! It was interesting how they put a hint of dubstep in there.
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