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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. I got a little inspired by the “least favorite as a Lord” thread, so I figured I should take my contrasting take on it! I’d do something like a Valentia side-story with Clive as the main character. DISCLAIMER: If this has been done already, I apologize for inadvertently ripping it off.
  2. So Grand Theft Wyvern, then? Anyway, I’ve only really played Shadows of Valentia (and never completed it), so…my least favorite would be Rudolf, and even then I don’t necessarily hate him. Maybe he could be in a prequel game co-starring Mycen, where he (Rudolf) is a prince at the time.
  3. Hey…I didn’t see any mention of Rosa in the Chapter 3 script. Not to criticize, but what reason do you have for this? Also, just out of curiosity, when will Chapter 7 be?
  4. Well, I like a little detail like this. And is my title actually clickbait? I’m sorry if it is, but “I haven’t seen anyone talk about this” doesn’t really seem clickbaity at all (at least to me).
  5. Anyone remember the end of Chapter 3 of Heroes? Well, when I was playing it yesterday (love so far, btw. Downloaded it recently), I came across this. Never in my life did I think IS would go this far with writing.
  6. http://tecchen.tumblr.com/ Seriously, you could claim that these are official and it would hardly stir up argument (unless you were adamant about it).
  7. Technically speaking, wouldn’t it be long lost great-great-great^47 grandson?
  8. As the title states. You can have a long description with a few characters or all the playable characters in a brief description. It’s up to you.
  9. FE x Mario could be probably work gameplay wise, if any future Mario RPG uses FE gameplay. Anyway, now I’ve got another crossover in my head; FE x Final Fantasy.
  10. Well, first, sorry for posting in the wrong place. Second…I never said I could make it (much as I wish I could); I’m just passing out ideas.
  11. Hey, guys. I’ve had this idea for my own Fire Emblem game for a while, but I hadn’t the time to process it. It’s about two kingdoms who go to war because of their clashing ideals; the eastern Kingdom Acciptia, represented by the hawk, believes in strength from nobility, while Pyten, represented by the snake, believes in strength from courage. You play as the protagonists from both sides of the story after completing the two prologue chapters, and the maps show how many days pass as you take jobs or progress through the story (ex: Day 26/Chapter 6: Uprising or Day 12/The Northen Plains). Speaking of jobs, your characters can take them up on the map screen, ranging from routing the enemy to protecting villagers. What do you think?
  12. After watching Spirited Away, I’ve always wanted it in a Kingdom Hearts game. But, alas, that may be next to impossible now that Disney America’s Lost the distribution rights to Studio Ghibli’s films.
  13. Hey, guys! I have a new profile pic; Yessie Maltese from Deviantart made it: https://yessiemaltese.deviantart.com/
  14. Jester: A crazy unit who can throw bombs and performs to assist allies. Promotes to: Harlequin or Court Jester at Lv. 12. Skills: Trigger Happy (Lv. 1), Big Smile (Lv. 1), and Apotrope (Lv. 7) Trigger Happy: Throws bombs at a range of 1-3. Big Smile: Heals allies and allows them to move again after a performance. Weapons: Bomb Harlequin: A unit who runs around on a ball with bombs and knives. Skills: Trigger Happy (carried over from Jester), Bulldozer (Lv. 1), Cutting Edge (Lv. 4) and Grand Finale (Lv. 13) Bulldozer: Allows close combat with a ball. Cutting Edge: Increases the throwing knife range to 1-3. Grand Finale: An Ultimate Art. Barrages the adjacent enemy with explosives and other weapons, and finishes off with throwing the ball on them. Weapons: Bomb, Throwing Knife Court Jester: A unit who performs immensely and gives up bombs for magic, with slightly frequent critical hits. Skills: Big Smile (carried over from Jester), Apotrope (carried over from Jester), Discipline (Lv. 5), and Grand Finale (Lv. 13) Grand Finale: An Ultimate Art. A show of both magic and jester tricks that heals and allows movement to all adjacent allies in a 3x3 area. Weapons: Fire, Thunder, Aura, Excalibur
  15. FE Cioher shows IS remembers. Well, if there were to be an FE6 Echoes, what if he was canonized as an extra character? His name could be Alex or something in the English release. He could maybe start at the Mercenary class or something. Of course, if he was implemented into the games, they’d probably have to tweak his story a bit. What do you guys think of that?
  16. Call me crazy, but I sorta want Blacephalon from USUM as an unlockable character. Unlock Conditions: Defeat 45 enemies in Endless Smash on Normal difficultly or higher; play 200 VS. matches; beat Classic mode with Decidueye on Hard difficultly or higher. Intro: Blacephalon jumps out of an Ultra Wormhole and performs his signature pose. Notable Palette Swaps: Pheromosa, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Poipole, Stakataka, Kartana, Guzzlord Special Moves: B : Mind Blower; Blacephalon takes his head and throws it at the enemy. Holding B will charge it; you can select the distance in which you can throw it. B + Forwards : Will-O-Wisp; Blacephalon shoots a ring of ghostly fire that hits enemies multiple times. B + Up : Shadow Claw; Blacephalon thrusts his right arm upward with a shadowy aura, going up a fair distance. B + Down : Smack Down; Blacephalon brings down a rock out of nowhere and strikes some three feet away from him. This can function as a Meteor Smash, meaning you can launch foes down offscreen with it. Final Smash: Endless Blaze; a combination of the two Z-Moves Never Ending Nightmare and Inferno Overdrive. Arms appear all over Blacephalon, who can use them to attack for ten seconds. After those ten seconds, Blacephalon turns said arms into flames and scatters them around the screen. Taunts: 1: Blacephalon’s head bobs in all eight directions. 2: Blacephalon juggles his head. 1+2: Blacephalon removes his head and pretends to use it as a bowling ball. Winposes: 1: Blacephalon creeps into an Ultra Wormhole, and then abruptly disappears with it. 2: Blacephalon floats in the air with his right leg over his left leg, and then sticks his right arm out. 3: Blacephalon spins around in a circle of flames, then stops in place. Icon: Poké Ball. Victory Music: The Pokémon series music. Kirby Hat: His bomb hat along with Blacephalon’s head. If Kirby uses Mind Blower, he uses an illusion of Blacephalon’s head for a bomb.
  17. Well, in contrast to this, Echoes peaked my interest in the series. Also, it made me realize that Durability isn’t always necessary.
  18. I like the Gamma stage idea you got there. For characters, I’d wanna see Alm (or Celica), Tiki, Decidueye, Paper Mario, Takamaru, Ayumi Tachibana, the kid from Ever Oasis, Dillon, Sora (unlikely as it is), Sakura Samurai (lemme know if the actual name is somethings no else, because I don’t know it.), Mallo, Impa, Rex and Pyra (however they’d play), and Crash Bandicoot. While I liked the Classic mode in 4, I agree that the old Classic mode should come back. So should Adventure, and it doesn’t have to be like SSE (although I’d like it if it was). I also liked Target Blast, by the SSB64 and Melee Target Test should definitely come back, with a kickin’ remix of the Melee version’s music. And hell, even Board the Platforms and Race to the Finish, both of which like SSB64 and Melee Target Test (by which I mean each map caters to each character’s abilities).
  19. I kinda doubt they’ll get their voices changed. I mean, I’m not saying it’s impossible or anything.
  20. If Chrom, Lissa and Frederick skipped out on Fates and came to Echoes instead… Chrom: “By the gods…it really is one of the old gods of legend. Well, no matter-I must end you so I may return to my own time! Lissa: “We're not gonna lose to you, Duma! We’ve taken a stronger fell dragon before. What makes you any different?” Frederick: “Pick another god and pray, Duma. My late master, Lady Emmeryn, wouldn’t forgive me if I failed to fulfill my duties.” If Jagen, Gordin, and Cadea were added units… Jagen: “That’s enough misery to everyone, Duma. You must not get away with these horrible deeds you’ve committed!” Gordin: “If it’s all the same to dragons like you, then you definitely don’t belong here.” Cadea: “By Marth’s will…in the nameof Altea, you, Duma, must be stopped at any cost!” If Irma, Halcyon, and Massena could be recruited… Irma: “Mila, oh how sorry I am for your tragedy. I shan’t let it remain that way. Duma, your time has come!” Halcyon: “Grr…damn you, Jedah. I didn’t spend all my years as a priest just for you to steal my place!” Massena: “I give you my apologies, Duma. You know I’ve served Rudolf a very long time. But you are the reason why he has been lost. I cannot let his death be in vain!”
  21. I know this is extremely late, but can we get Jeff Goldblum as a bat person character? In all seriousness, a gothic themed Fire Emblem with vampires sounds like an interesting concept. I’m guessing maybe the vampires themselves could be referred to as “Vahmpyrah” or something.
  22. I agree with all of this except for Yahn being the true final boss. At the very least, Idoun should be buffed so that she can take multiple hits from the Sword of Seals and still be weak to it. Anyways, my wants… -Let character HP go above 100 (oh yeah, I went there). -Like you suggested, make Roy promote at Chapter 21 instead of 21x, since it makes sense in the story. -New Mystery of the Emblem and Shadows of Valentia had OCs. Why stop at an FE6 Echoes, as another user said? Maybe make that blue-haired protagonist boy Al from the FE6 manga canon. Maybe change his name to Alex or something. -This will probably be a gameplay mechanic for games after, but I want some two extra features; a Traditional mode, with normal FE rules, and Gaiden mode, with modified Gaiden/SoV rules, neither of which tamper with the Weapon Triangle. >Basically on Traditional, units can hold as many things as they want outside convoy. On Gaiden, units can hold four types of items; Weapon 1, Weapon 2, a Shield, and a Healing item. -Like in Shadows of Valentia, I want there to be some Memory Prism-like mechanic. -Have Bonus EXP once again be gained after a battle (assuming it returns), as well as have even more Bonus EXP be rewarded after meeting certain requirements (clear the map within X turns, kill X enemies, etc.). -Give more depth to what happened to certain characters after FE7, examples being Lyn or Nino. -Have amiibo work like they did in Fates. That’s my two cents.
  23. Average. Sometimes I make a move where I think it’s gonna go well in some form, then it all goes downhill.
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