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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Well, can’t say I’m super surprised. But at least we (supposedly) have Stage Builder coming in spring along with Joker, right?
  2. Nightmare is super-lame as an Assist Trophy. I’d gladly see him playable in future games, however that may be accomplished.
  3. I’m surprised people are saying the right could be Ike or Greil (then again we already got Valentine’s Day Hector, so maybe it isn’t him again). As for the right, the sword looks like the Falchion’s helm; Tyrfing has the Falchion-esque helm, so it’s gotta be either Marth, Sigurd, or Seliph.
  4. TheGamersJoint. He has a lot of creative humor.
  5. Let’s be real, here. Duma may not be super exciting, but I’ll take him over more Fates pandering any day.
  6. Just someone who likes to play video games for fun.
  7. Hey, so I didn’t create this, but I found a neat Bulborb moveset on Twitter:
  8. I made it a special. Guess I was just too lazy to come up with grabs.
  9. This thread hasn’t been active in over two months. How about…?
  10. So, I’ve had an idea for a fixed Phoenix Mode; whenever a unit falls, they come back 3-5 turns later with most (not all) of their HP restored. And I want your guys’ opinion: would that be buffing Phoenix Mode (making it better for people who didn’t like it before) or nerfing it?
  11. Well, he actually does. What I was going for was shooting a Nightmare orb at the enemy to put them to sleep.
  12. Darkrai Voids the Battle! (I couldn’t come up with anything good) Intro: Darkrai appears out of a dark portal. Notable Palette Swaps: Cresselia, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Arceus, DP Ash, Alice (Rise of Darkrai) Main Weapon: Darkrai, being a Dark-type Pokémon, mostly uses dark-based attacks. His signature move is Dark Void. Idle Animation: Darkrai’s eye begins glowing. Sometimes he’ll stand on his “legs”. Grab: Darkrai grabs the opponent with dark energy. Pummel: Darkrai’s energy pulses itself. F-Throw: Darkrai slightly throws upward and charges forward. U-Throw: Darkrai extends his right arm and throws upward. D-Throw: Darkrai extends his legs downward. B-Throw: Darkrai slashes the opponent he throws behind him. Special Moves: B : Night Shade; Darkrai shoots several dark beams above him, which come back down in the direction he’s facing (about 22% damage total). B + Forwards : Embargo; Darkrai whips a chain between Corrin’s and the Belmonts’ length (about 10% damage). If an opponent is hit, they cannot heal whatsoever. B + Up : Double Team; Darkrai splits himself into three, warps upward, and slashes whoever in the air’s in front of him (about 8% damage). B + Down : Nightmare; Darkrai shoots a dark orb that puts the opponent straight to sleep (each second of sleep leeches about 4% damage). Final Smash: Dark Void; Darkrai generates a massive dark portal. Whoever gets sucked into it is brought into Wish Park, and Darkrai unleashes several giant arms that strike the foes (about 62% damage total). Taunts: 1: “I must stay” says Darkrai as he emits dark energy oh his “legs”. 2: “Do not play games with me” says Darkrai as he emits dark electricity from his reach right hand. 1+2: Darkrai plunges into the ground and turns into a shadow. Winposes: 1: Darkrai comes out of his shadow form. 2: “I am the lord of nightmares” says Darkrai as he stands on his two “feet”. 3: Darkness clears off the screen, and Darkrai reveals himself. Icon: Poké Ball Victory Music: https://youtu.be/m9_ozzyG3uo Kirby Hat: Darkrai’s hair
  13. When I was playing Rosalina’s Classic Mode, I encountered a glitch on Stage 2 where a Warp Star went straight through the Great Fox, and then vanished. Kabu, are you drunk are something?
  14. Darkrai: Destroyer of Happy Dreams (basically going up against super fan service characters on Fountain of Dreams, in chronological order) Stage 1: Ice Climbers (Ice Climber (Brawl)) Stage 2: Mewtwo (Victory Road (Ruby/Sapphire)) Stage 3: Roy (Winning Road~Roy’s Hope) Stage 4: Snake (Encounter (Brawl)) Stage 5: Ridley (Meta Ridley) Stage 6: King K. Rool (Gangplank Galleon) Boss: Kirby on Fountain of Dreams (Gourmet Race (Melee)), then Marx (Battle! Mesperit/Azelf/Uxie) Credits: Vs. Dialga/Palkia (Brawl)
  15. Alm: Dungeon Rookie (representing fantasy games and dungeon crawlers) Stage 1: Link on Hyrule Castle 64 (March to Deliverance) Stage 2: Lucario on Spear Pillar (Prepare to Advance) Stage 3: Cloud on Great Cave Offensive (Destiny (Ablaze)) Stage 4: Chrom on Bridge of Eldin (Those Who Challenge Gods) Stage 5: Bowser on Dracula’s Castle (Crimean Army Sortie) Stage 6: Simon Belmont on Castle Seige (Lord of a Dead Empire) Boss: Rathalos (The Scions’ Dance in Purgatory) Credits: With Mila’s Divine Protection (Brawl)
  16. I just got the game today and my first Spirit was a Hammer Bros.
  17. 0/10 Unplayable trash. Not a single one of these heroes is Surtr in a kimono(/s). In all seriousness, I’m currently debating to myself whether or not Misery in Hand was the right track for this. In fact, now that I think about it, i think there could’ve easily been an original New Year’s themed track for this.
  18. Out of the games I got in 2018, I’d say Shadows of Valentia and FFX. Hyped for KH3, Pokémon Gen 8, and FE Three Houses!
  19. We know too little of it right now, so I’m gonna wait until we get more info to make proper judgment.
  20. Now guys, let’s not turn this thread into a heated debate about lifespans (don’t want it to become this: https://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/216872-original-characters-disney-worlds.html) (Or this: https://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/216854-winnie-pooh-confirmed-kh3.html) The whole point of this thread is creative control over an FE game’s development. If you have feedback for Black Tomorrow, that’s perfectly fine.
  21. Hey, are videos of the game allowed? I want to see how others are playing the game in action, nothing more.
  22. Aw, hell yeah! Fire Emblem: Web of Evil Plot: An ancient evil as the Rachein, led by the wicked spider queen Quintessa, has flooded all across the country of Berynst. Now, the emperor of Berynst, Ignis, must unite the war-torn country in an effort to save it from the Rachein and their malevolent leader. Gameplay: Mostly the same in most chapters, but some chapters feature tower-defense like gamemplay. You must sort out unit placements in advance (preferably as close to enemy spawn placements as possible) and protect a fortress from a certain amount of waves of enemies, be it Rachein or thugs or enemy soldiers. If an enemy unit does so much as inch into the fortress, it’s game over. Main Hero: Ignis (age 56), the benevolent emperor of Berynst, a vastly populated and independent country far north off the coast of Archanea. Ignis is a skilled wielder of magic as well as his personal lance, Mondlanze. After having won a brutal war across the country that happened 2 years ago, Ignis must take his army into battle again when the Rachein return and spread destruction across the country. Rachein: Demon spiders from the Berynst of long past. They come in two variations: the Bael, who are purely spiders and come in many different shapes and sizes; and the Spindel, who carry a human half and wield many different weapons. The Bael are mindless beasts that know only killing as instinct, whereas the Spindel are intelligent beings who can think and plan just like humans. They can even control the Bael and coordinate their attacks. Quintessa: The most powerful Rachein and the leader of the species. Alongside her cunning advisor Drayc* (age 23), a former Berynstian priest turned traitor, Quintessa is an unforgiving tyrant who intends the destruction of all who oppose her. However, there is a motivation behind this having to do with her past…but what is it?
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