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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Dr. Mario RPG: It’s Dr. Mario gameplay, but the Viruses are endless until one of the combatants’ HP reaches 0.
  2. 1. No limitation to each post except ONLY copy the OP when replacing a character 2. It’s only one change depending on the wishlist (if I post another one, people can post here again) 3. People can replace however many characters they want whenever they want 4. A replaced character can’t be re-added (so no back and forth allowed)
  3. Okay so this is a game I've come up with. I’m starting with 10 characters I would want for a fighter's pass: Euden Chosen Undead Bandana Dee Scorbunny Arle Crash Bandicoot Sora Frank West Sakura Shinguji Rayman Now, the next person would take out their least wanted newcomer from that list and replace them with their most wanted. Easy right? Just remember to say which one you've taken out. Oh, and another thing: copy/paste ONLY THIS POST'S ORIGNAL FIGHTER'S PASS. That way, when the fighter's pass is completely different from the original one, another person can restart with their own fighter's pass! When the game is reset with another pass, copy their pass instead. Alright, that's it. Have fun!
  4. Frank West Classic Mode: I've covered wars, you know
  5. A new poster popped up at 7/11 JP, and it's up until Oct. 4th. Whenever something like this happens, a new fighter is inbound. Maybe we'll something like...I dunno, a double reveal for FP7 and FP8? Maybe the former will release before or on Oct. 4th and the latter will release in early 2021 or something? I'm not saying a double reveal is definitely going to happen. Just a thought.
  6. Okay, so here's a character I've been considering recently; Frank West from Dead Rising. However, I imagined him more as a bonus character with his UMvC3 theme and a coupe Spirits of Chuck Greene and Nick Ramos.
  7. It's no secret that gambling is pretty controversial with video games (especially in the age of loot boxes). Opinions on the matter are usually negative once real life money gets involved. What's your opinion on this? In my honest opinion, should be reduced to in-game currency, and ONLY in-game currency (and even then, it'd be best to avoid displaying it as a real-life slot machine).
  8. Now hear me out: Bionicle vs. Capcom. I was thinking this could be released during the height of Bionicle's popularity. Bionicle Tahu (Toa Nuva) Kopaka (Toa Nuva) Lewa (Toa Mata) Onua (Toa Mata) Pohatu (Toa Nuva) Takanuva (Toa of Light) Vakama (Toa Metru) Matau (Toa Hordika) Jaller (Toa Inika) Hahli (Toa Mahri) Makuta Teridax Rahkshi Bohrak-Kal Nidhiki Roodaka Visorak Keetongu Vezok Reidak Axonn Vezon (arcade mode boss) Capcom Ryu Chun-Li Dudley Akuma Tron Bonne Zero Leon S. Kennedy Nemesis Dante Trish Vergil Morrigan Felicia Hsien-Ko Arthur Firebrand Frank West Pheonix Wright Mike Haggar Strider Hiryu
  9. I’m sorry, indie? You don’t have to like Ring Fit Adventure, but it’s anything but indie.
  10. That's weird. When the RFA Spirit Event got announced, I thought I saw someone say something along the lines of "oh, thank fuck".
  11. Oh....I moreso meant as a game. Being hard to find with everything going on is completely understandable.
  12. Just curious; what’s everyone’s beef with Ring Fit Adventure? I genuinely love the game, and I’ve played it a lot since I got it for Christmas.
  13. Look at the heart in the picture's background. Also, no. We're talking about KH1's opening.
  14. If you've ever had an opinion on requests for certain characters, you can least about 15 characters you can think of (5 overrated, 5 reasonably rated, and 5 underrated). Here are mine, in no particular order. Top 5 Overrated #5: Rillaboom (Pokemon Gen VIII) I'm pretty neutral on Rillaboom myself. It's moreso that people only want it to fill a Grass-type starter quota that was technically already filled by Ivysaur. #4: Spring Man (ARMS) Nothing against the guy, I love him as a character. He's moreso "overrated" in the sense that people can't accept that Assist Trophies don't get promoted in the same game as being an Assist Trophy (hence the reason I pined for Min Min). #3: Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) I've never played SMRPG, so I've no personal attachment to him. I just simply wanna see more support for characters other than him. #2: Master Chief (Halo) I understand that he's an important gaming figure, but he's never made a true appearance on a Nintendo console. Halo was going to get a DS game, but that got canned, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't count. #1: Waluigi Again, nothing against him or his fans. I just find him "overrated" for the same reason as Spring Man. Honorable Mention: Urshifu (Isle of Armor) Top 5 Reasonably Rated #5: Crash Bandicoot He's an iconic character who was on multiplatform long before his hiatus from 2008-2017. At this point, I don't see Vol. 2 ending without him (not denying that, hypothetically, it could). #4: Sora (Kingdom Hearts) Disney could be a roadblock. but they still did say they were okay with it. Plus, KH3 made the series mainstream enough that even casual gamers who played it might recognize him if and when he gets announced. #3: Bandana Dee (Kirby) His fans can get annoying, yes, but the demand is pretty justified. The fact that Ultimate barely has any modern Kirby content is a little sad, so hopefully Dee can fix all that. Plus, he'd "complete" the quartet the Return to Dream Land established. #2: Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) don't tell [USER=254250]@Cutie Gwen[/USER] May have been too late for base game consideration, but being Spirited and Mii'd shouldn't be much of a roadblock, if any. Personally, Rex seems like a natural fit for Vol. 2 since ARMS also got that luxury. #1: Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country) Like Bandana Dee, she'd be all that's needed to properly "complete" the Donkey Kong series' roster. Anything else is just a cool bonus. Honorable Mention: Rayman Top 5 Underrated (more of a wishlist from me) #5: Sakura Shinguji (Sakura Wars) It's a pretty big series in Japan, especially for one that's only sold 4.5 million units in total. You can have your Arles and your Kiryus, but Sakura's just as logical a choice as any, IMO. Plus, Smash lacks a proper samurai-like character on the playable roster (sorry, Lyn). #4: Chosen Undead (Dark Souls) Bandai-Namco's current best-selling franchise (thanks mainly to Dark Souls 3), and yet the Smash community doesn't even give it the time of day. I understand concerns about translating Dark Souls gameplay to Smash, but Source Gaming might convince you otherwise. It certainly convinced me. #3: Dig Dug (or, as he's better known, Taizo Hori) Another iconic Namco IP that people sweep under the rug because it's not Lloyd or Heihachi or KOS-MOS. There's plenty of potential that a fellow arcade star could bring (and don't laugh, because we know Sakurai isn't gonna go for you-know-what). #2: Scorbunny (Pokemon Gen VIII) Remember when I placed Rillaboom in overrated? That doesn't mean I don't want a Pokemon at all. I mainly want Scorbunny because it'd be interesting as a tiny soccer player-type character. Plus, it's bunny. And bunnies are cute. Therefore, it's too cute to not be in Smash. #1: Ring Fit Trainee (Ring Fit Adventure) Yeah, it got Spirited, who cares? It's still a game I massively enjoyed since I got it for Christmas 2019 and poured literally hours into. Contrary to popular belief, Trainee themselves would be greatly different from from the Ring alone. Honorable Mention: Euden (Dragalia Lost)
  15. If the next game were an Age of Calamity-esque thing, then all I need is: All the Black Eagles All the Blue Lions All the Golden Deer All members of the Seiros Church Byleth Marth (from his amiibo) Tiki (from her amiibo) Alm (from his amiibo) Celica (from her amiibo) Roy (from his amiibo) Ike (from his amiibo) Lucina (from her amiibo) Robin (from his amiibo) Chrom (from his amiibo) Corrin (from their amiibo) And I'm good.
  16. My Warriors 2 would actually be a Three Houses side story that mainly takes place between Parts I and II, with the History Mode maps shedding light on plot points left open. Here are the characters: Starting Roster Black Eagles Edelgard (Armored Lord) Hubert (Dark Bishop) Ferdinand (Paladin) Linhardt (Bishop) Caspar (Warrior) Bernadetta (Bow Knight) Dorothea (Songstress Mage) Petra (Swordmaster) Blue Lions Dimitri (Great Lord) Dedue (Fortress Knight) Felix (Assassin) Ashe (Sniper) Sylvain (Paladin) Mercedes (Bishop) Annette (War Cleric) Ingrid (Pegasus Knight) Golden Deer Claude (Barbarossa) Lorenz (Valkyrie) Raphael (Grappler) Ignatz (Sniper) Lysithea (Gremory) Marianne (Preist) Hilda (Warrior) Leonie (Bow Knight) Unlockable Characters Church of Seiros Rhea (Saint) Seteth (Wyvern Lord) Flayn (Bishop) Hanneman (Warlock) Manuela (Songstress) Gilbert (Fortress Knight) Alois (War Master) Catherine (Mortal Servant) Shamir (Sniper) Cyril (Wyvern Rider) Misc. Byleth (Enlightened One) $-Jeralt (Paladin) $-Jeritza (Death Knight) $-Anna (Trickster) $-Sothis (Girl on the Throne) Arundel (Dark Knight) Rodrigue (Holy Knight) $-Acheron (Warlock) Solon (Dark Bishop) $-Cornelia (Gremory) Kronya (Assassin) $-Nemesis (King of Liberation) amiibo Bonus Characters (Bold denotes characters who didn't appear in the first FE Warriors game) Marth (Lord) Tiki (Manakete) Alm (Hero) Celica (Priestess) Roy (Great Lord) Ike (Vanguard) Chrom (Exalt) Robin (Tactitian) Lucina (Parallel Lord) Corrin (Lord)
  17. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield: The Crown Tundra
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