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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Viruses (Dr. Mario): Shoot a beam from each virus and inflict different status effects on opponents depending on the color of the beam. -Red: Gives the opponents a Superspicy Curry effect where they breathe fire -Blue: Freezes the opponent -Yellow: Inflicts a flower effect Towtow (Subspace Emissary): Heals the summoner when they’re sleeping, and attacks opponents who wake it up. Tom Nook: Rewards the summoner with extra coins to pick up. This goes into how much gold you earn after the battle.
  2. By this, I mean details from each represented series’ home games. Visual details and sound details (like with Hero and Terry) that are a clear yet subtle homage to each series represented. For example, a detail I’d appreciate is when an Assist Trophy is summoned by a Fire Emblem character, their outline is in green to represent ally units (but the color of the player using that character-even the CPU-remains the same above the Assist Trophy’s head).
  3. To celebrate our first bit of news in over 200 days, here’s a crappy photoshop I made using that bit where Shulk holds the Monado like a frying pan:
  4. THIS. Three Houses sort of had this, but it was mostly of your control with the whole calendar system.
  5. In Kingdom Hearts 2, the final boss takes a dragon-like shape and does similar things to what you’re describing. … Anyways, to keep from derailing this thread; another potentially fun boss ruined by bad execution was Cortex in Crash Bandicoot 2, and this goes for the N. Sane version as well*. In the original game’s case, Naughty Dog could’ve made the jet pack movement automated and the control being changed back to moving eight directions on the D-Pad or analog stick, but NAH. They kept them exactly the same as the preceding jetpack levels players were just getting the hang of. You then have to catch up to Cortex painfully slowly, and spin him when you catch up. I lost to him the first time because I was trying to work around the rocks and mines with the weird jet pack controls, and then I just barely won the first time. Oh, and he doesn’t even fight back with his laser gun. Yes, I know it was removed in the N. Sane Trilogy*, but he still had it in the original. If it were up to me (at least in regards to changing how he was fought in the N. Sane Trilogy*), I’d do this: -Change the jet pack control scheme specifically for this fight, with players only needing to move how Coco did in Crash 3 against N. Gin. -Have Cortex bring out his laser gun to shoot mines and blow up meteors. -Make the fight require that Crash spin the meteors into Cortex to damage him. -Give Cortex 5 hit points. *My copy of the N. Sane Trilogy was my first proper taste to classic Crash gameplay, as I’ve never owned the original 3 on PS1.
  6. King Jellyfish was an optional mini-boss who could be skipped entirely, and Robot Sandy is mandatory. I would know because I used to quit Jellyfish Fields early once my Golden Spatula count reached 5, which was the minimum requirement to enter Downtown Bikini Bottom (which i was eager to get to because I wanted to progress through the story more than anything) and then get its Golden Spatulas to 10 to Goo Lagoon. And then after that, I opted to get at least 5 more Spatulas there to get to Robot Sandy, because her level required 15 Golden Spatulas to enter. I’m sorry for coming off as pushy, but I didn’t make this thread to start arguments with people who don’t agree with me. Let’s stop this and get back to the topic.
  7. He could at least put up more of a fight. To put it in perspective; I by no means have any Olympian gold medal standards, I just wanna have a fair fight that’s fun. Look at Robot Sandy from Battle for Bikini Bottom (one of my favorite games ever, btw.); she has three whole phases, each with not only different attacks, but different ways to attack her back.
  8. As we all know, all bosses in gaming stem from an idea. It could either be a good idea, a bad idea, or (in this case) a good idea ruined by execution. To your memory, what’s a boss that fits this category? For me, it would be Petey Piranha in Brawl. He has cages with Peach and Zelda trapped inside them, and it’s up to you to rescue them. However, where this battle has a strong idea, there are two glaring faults to its lazy execution: 1. All Petey does is jump very slowly and swing one cage at a time almost as slowly. No fire breathing, no goop shots, no Nipper plants, jus those two attacks. And they’re so easy to avoid, you could probably do the battle on Intense and not lose a single life if you know what you’re doing. 2. Those two health bars for each princess’s cage? They determine which princess joins you, but that’s really it since the levels after are exactly the same on different playthroughs, but with a different princess. If it were up to the more creative me, that bottom health bar would’ve been used as sort of a time-based health bar for the caged princesses (a green health bar that goes slowly goes down) and the top just go to Petey. And the princess’s cage that was attacked the most (this wouldn’t deplete the bottom health bar, only throw Petey off like it does in the actual game) would determine which one joins you Oh, and his rematch is even worse for being exactly the same as before, two health bars for each cage and everything, but now without the princesses. Petey could’ve easily been able to cage the players and slam them down (kinda like how he does in Ultimate as Piranha Plant’s Final Smash), but NOPE. Same slow jumping and cage swinging, and the two health bars mean nothing now.
  9. Here are a couple mini-games on the side I think would be fun in a future game (I’m surprised we haven’t gotten this any sooner, not that I’m complaining): -A jousting competition where only mounted units (preferably horseback, but pegasi and wyverns are allowed) are allowed to participate. Battles are the same as any Fire Emblem battle, but with the rules of jousting. -An archery competition where units focused on range (archers and mages) have to hit a target, and that unit gets more points the closer their projectile is to the center (which is determined by the Hit Rate). On the rare occasion the unit gets a Crit in either game, their points are doubled. These games can be played in the Extras menu, with up to four players locally or online.
  10. Hmm… Well, how about sending a unit or two out with soldiers for stuff like recon, taking care of smaller groups of enemies while you focus on larger battles, or doing errands for villagers or friendly forces?
  11. …This is a Smash news and discussion thread. I would like to kindly ask to post your opinions on the general news in another thread.
  12. NINTENDO SHADOW DROPPED A DRIECT MINI ON US And it was confirmed that FP6 would be from…ARMS? They didn’t specify which one, though. I don’t think it’ll be Spring Man (even though he’s pictured above) since he’s an Assist Trophy. Still, it’s nice we’re getting more 1st party content just so the 3rd party purists can shut up. The character from ARMS is due to arrive in June.
  13. If there’s anything I feel like FE needs, it’s more unique general map objectives (general as in “Rout the enemy”, “Defend X person for Y turns”, etc.). What kind of ideas do you have for more unique objectives in the general sense? Mine are: -Capture X location (fortress, village, etc.) and defend for Y turns -Keep the enemy commander alive for X turns -Capture X commander’s item and return to Y location
  14. Defeat the boss, actually. In this case, you only have to worry about getting rid of the head honcho and only need to defeat enemies to open up the path.
  15. This next Spirit Event is specifically for pick Spirits I hope we TH Hilda in this This is the first Spirit Event in a while that hasn’t shot down a potential newcomer.
  16. I’d like a Lord who’s an actual adult after so many games of all the same teenage pretty boys. There should be army-specific music for enemy/ally/neutral phases again. Yellow units are a neat way to have a third army without the risk of bloating the enemy side. Celica’s maps suck. Magic-related units should be granted the same Mov. reduction immunity as the fliers, and units with white magic should be immune to damaging terrain. Fog of war maps also suck. Using a torch should-at least-not only light the way, but also let the player see the silhouettes of every enemy unit so the player can be better prepared. Character-specific animations were GREAT in the 3DS games! I know IS didn’t have much a budget with TH, but why do only Byleth and the House Leaders get unique animations? Alternate endings could work kind of like Mystery of the Emblem, where if you don’t have enough spheres for the plot to progress, the game ends after defeating Hardin.
  17. Silver the Hedgehog: Briefly freezes the opponent with telekinesis (allowing free hits) and then pushes then towards either side of the screen. Susie Haltmann: Turns the summoner Metal.
  18. -Any other JP-only Fire Emblem game: So far, we’re only missing FE4-6 (and technically 3, but you can thank FE11’s poor reception). -Tomato Adventure: This was a really fun game, and I’ve been wishing in vain for it to come to the west since 2017.
  19. Yoko Shimomura is my FAVORITE video game composer of all time. Her music is some the loveliest I’ve ever heard. And I’ve been wanted to ask this for a bit: would you like to see how Shimomura tackles a Fire Emblem game?
  20. Wait, got some more! Link: Statis Flurry Rush; Link activates Stasis+, attacks similarly to Triforce Slash, and then finishes off with the Ancient Arrow. Dark Samus: Metroid Prime; Dark Samus turns into Metroid Prime. She grabs up to three opponents in her vicinity, rises up, and then comes crashing down. Daisy: Change Daisy Blossom to give the opponents a flower effect while they’re asleep and heal Daisy automatically instead of having daisies appear. Dr. Mario: Virus Buster; Opponents are Dr. Mario’s vicinity are tossed into the air, and a line of capsules appears to catch the fighter in a hole. The number of lines that appear depends on how many opponents are tossed into the air. Young Link: Fierce Deity Slash; Basically the Triforce Slash, but Young Link transforms into a Fierce Deity. Meta Knight; GIMME BACK GALAXIA DARKNESS, SAKURAI. You could even follow THAT up with all the slashy stuff from Darkness Illusion. Pit: Give him back the Three Sacred treasures, and hand over the Lightning Chariot to Dark Pit. Pokémon Trainer: During Triple Finish, Charizard Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X for Red, and Mega Charizard Y for Leaf. And also have it shoot out continuous Blast Burns. R.O.B.: Unleashes his own version of the Subspace Bomb (entirely new design) that sucks in opponents in the vicinity. Toon Link: Ballad of Gales; Toon Link flies up on his ship in a tornado and crashes back down. Robin: Pairs up with Morgan instead of Chrom. Richter: Hydrostorm; Unleashes a violent storm that covers the whole area, firing one or two lightning bolts.
  21. Looking back…I’m kinda bummed FE4 is the only game with specific enemy phase themes for each army and even a neutral army phase theme.
  22. …Maybe I have the major characters ingrained into my mind, but I’m pretty sure I could distinguish them from NPC’s if I saw the, out in a crowd. In which case, challenge accepted.
  23. I genuinely think Road Taken should’ve come back in Three Houses as an auxiliary battle theme, since Conquest came back in Fates for certain paralogues.
  24. …Galaga’s not even an AT, it’s a regular item.
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