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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss how Stages in Melee had their own little subtitles above their names that describe the world they’re from. For example: Superflat World Flat Zone What kind of subtitles would you make for the stages that didn’t appear in Melee? Here were some ideas I had: Isle Delfino Delfino Plaza Lylat System Lylat Cruise South Island Green Hill Zone Garreg Mach Monastery Officer’s Academy South Town King of Fighters Stadium Skyworld Palutena’s Temple Wuhu Island Skies Pilotwings Lumiose City Prism Tower
  2. Just as the title says. With the FE series now having 8 reps in Smash, I figured we might wanna spice up the roster by replacing Chrom and Byleth, Ultimate’s 2 FE newcomers, with two other characters. Here are my souls for souls: -For the base game, I’d (purposely) replace Chrom with Celica. -For the DLC, I’d replace Byleth with Claude.
  3. On SmashBoards, I saw a post about a leaker on Twitter who might be right about something: Here’s the link to the original post on SmashBoards. Click on the link in THAT post, and you’ll see what I mean. https://smashboards.com/threads/the-bandicoot-returns-crashs-nitro-fueled-smash-thread.446452/page-62#post-23795884
  4. As we all know, the last character is Byleth. Should we keep this thread going until all the last 6 DLC characters are released, or should we close this and reset discussion for the last 6?
  5. I second that, preferably as tweaked movesets for the Echo Fighters. I even made a list of that, actually: Dark Samus Neutral B: Dense Charge Shot Side B: Turbo Missile Up B: Screw Rush Daisy Neutral B: Sleepy Toad Side B: Flower Bomber Lucina Neutral B: Dashing Assault Side B: Heavy Blade Up B: Dolphin Jump Down B: Iai Counter Chrom Neutral B: Tempest Side B: Unyielding Blade Down B: Effortless Blade Dark Pit Up B: Wings of Icarus (taken from Pit’s old recovery from Brawl) Down B: Amplifying Orbitars
  6. If DLC Assist Trophies were a thing in the Fighter’s Pass (as in one Assist Trophy per challenger pack), what Assist Trophies would you have liked to see? My choices are: -Jack Frost (SMT/Persona): Runs around shooting ice at enemies, sometimes hanging from upside down. -Golem (Dragon Quest): Slowly walks around and chucks boulders at opponents. -Mumbo Jumbo (Banjo-Kazooie): Casts a spell that randomly transforms the player*. -Nakoruru (Samurai Shodown): Fights opponents with her dagger and her trusted bird friend, Mamahaha. -Hanneman (Fire Emblem: Three Houses): Teleports around the stage and casts Sagittae. He takes less damage from projectile attacks and is immune to magic attacks, but is relatively weak to physical attacks. *The transformations are as follows: -Giant -Tiny -Invincible -Bunny -Metal -Bullet Bill -Super Leaf -Superspicy Curry -Gold Or he can just turn you into a washing machine, leaving you completely helpless until the transformation wears off in ten seconds or an opponent tosses you off.
  7. I expected (and did want Byleth), but figured Sakurai might somehow throw a curve and give us Claude. I do kinda wish Claude replaced Byleth (FP5 or not), but I'm still happy for Byleth.
  8. It’s a wrap. Needless to say, Byleth got in over Edelgard. Might as well lock the thread.
  9. Mixed feelings I have. On one hand, I'm really glad TH got any representation, but...I don't think it should've been FP5.
  10. Oh. My God. I wonder of this means FE Warriors or Codename S.T.E.A.M. could be next?
  11. Terry and Chrom: Bad Dads Stage 1: Pichu x3 (Ally: Lucina) on Saffron City (Gold/Silver Medley) Stage 2: Young Link and Toon Link on Skyloft (Woodlands (Tri Force Heroes)) Stage 3: Villager x2 (Boy and Girl) on Smashville (Title Theme (Animal Crossing)) Stage 4: Ness and Lucas on Onett (Charge! - Wii Play) Stage 5: Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings on Shadow Moses Island (Main Theme from Metal Slug) Stage 6: Giant Kirby x3 (Ally: Robin) on Green Greens (Castle Lololo) Boss: Marx
  12. Hate to triple post, but now we’re getting another Spirit event that might disappoint some people: R.I.P.
  13. Just as the title says, pretty self-explanatory. If you felt disappointed by how bosses felt in Brawl, you can always redesign their fighting style to fit more in a game like Ultimate. I’ll start: Boss: Tabuu Game of Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008) What does the boss do? New Attacks: -Bracket Circle: Tabuu turns into ten golden golden brackets and surrounds the player, charging quickly into them; any one that grabs the player (8%) flies up and then flies down to the ground (26%, medium knockback) -Wing Blades: Tabuu lets out his wings and turns them into saws, spinning them around himself (32%, medium knockback) -Shield of Chains: Tabuu shields himself with a force field and sends out fives chain whips that strike different random parts of the stage. Any one chain that grabs the player (11%) will be swung around and slammed onto the ground (25%, medium knockback). If none of the chains grab the player, Tabuu instead sends orbs of energy one at a time to each chain (which can be broken easily) that disperse electricity when they reach the ground (15%, OK knockback) -Ghost Bullets: Tabuu splits into two of himself and both of him fly to both ends of the stage. Each projection conjures up a flame and fires a rain of bullets, both at once (22%, OK knockback). Only one of the Tabuu projections is the real one, and doing enough damage to him will break off the attack. The false projections are usually indicated by slight glitching effects. -Dual Eye Lasers: Tabuu’s shape expands, and he disappears. He then reappears as two of himself as they both fire lasers from their eyes at random movement (9% each hit, small knockback) -Electric Chain: Electric spheres circle around (6% each, medium knockback), and they form into Tabuu’s Chain of Light, which is amplified with electricity and which he lashes out in front of himself across nearly the entire stage (31%, medium knockback) Old Attacks: -Shark Blade: Tabuu turns into the shape of a shark and zooms to the opposite side of the stage (29%, medium knockback) -Diving Slash: Tabuu teleports to one side of the stage, turns his hand into a blade of energy, and dives towards the opposite side on the floor (27%, medium knockback) -Explosive Teleport: Tabuu sometimes leaves behind a small explosion when teleporting (5%, small knockback) -Off Wave: Tabuu charges power with his wings, and emits a powerful outward circle of energy that can only be avoided by dodging (50%, far knockback; 5.9% when shielding, as this attack breaks your shield instantly unless you can manage to Perfect Shield in time). If your current damage is 50% or higher when you are hit, you will SD on the spot. Setting/Intro: The same Final Destination where Galeem and Dharkon are fought, but without the additional platforms, slightly bigger, and bears a background similar to the background in Tabuu’s battle in Subspace Emissary. Tabuu materializes out of thin air, flaps his wings, and then recedes them. Defeat: Exactly as in Brawl. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Palutena (Ruler of Subspace) -Bayonetta (Winged demon) -Joker (Stand-in for Yaldaboth) -Terry (Stand-in for Orochi) These four are the exceptions because, normally, this boss is not fought in Classic Mode. Instead, he appears as a secret boss in the Final Battle section of World of Light after the true ending is acheived. He appears in a corrupted version of the portal created by Master Hand and Crazy Hand. In Palutena’s and Bayonetta’s case, you need to win the secret battle in World of Light to fight Tabuu in Classic Mode. Music:
  14. Call me crazy, but I was only a little bummed about Game Freak axing the National Dex. When I start a new generation of Pokémon, I moreso look forward to the new Pokémon friends I meet along the way.
  15. I don’t think they really care. I think they meant “original” as in ones who have been in Smash since the early titles.
  16. Confused about the title? Well, let me break.it down: This thread is one where you take previous Smash games and add two newcomers to each one's respective roster. Only rule is no characters who will become characters in later games (i.e. Marth was considered for Smash 64, but was in Melee instead). And for Smash 4 and Ultimate, only the base game is allowed for additional newcomers (so no characters who would become DLC in both games). Finally, no characters who are bosses from Brawl onwards (i.e. Porky is a boss in Brawl, so he can't be a character in the same game. Marx is a boss in Ultimate, so same rules apply). Let's begin: Smash 64 -Meowth (Pokémon Red and Blue) -Lip (Panel de Pon) Melee -Adeleine and Ribbon (Kirby 64) -Mach Rider Brawl -Plusle and Minun (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire) -Ephraim (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) Smash 4 -Bandana Dee (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) -Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Detective Club) Ultimate -Celica (Fire Emblem Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia) -DeMille (Tomato Adventure)
  17. Oh boy, get a load of this post by another user on Smashboards: "Other bosses aren't necessary other than Master Hand, Crazy Hand, honestly. Or Giga Bowser. The rest are very rehashed." And their reasoning was because the bosses other than these three aren't Smash originals. I wish I was making this up. Again, this user's words, not mine.
  18. Just as the title says. I believe we're getting about 10 more DLC fighters after the Fighter's Pass due to the supposed 16 dummy slots. If you were the ones picking the DLC, who would you pick? Remember, video game characters only. Mine are: 1. Edelgard von Hresvelg 2. Dimitri Alexander Blaiddyd 3. Claude von Riegan 4. Crash Bandicoot 5. Adeleine and Ribbon 6. Ring Fit Adventurer 7. Euden 8. Sora 9. Sirfetch'd 10. Balloon Fighter
  19. Okay, expanding on my argument in the OP regarding Byleth, here's a post from Smashboards that describes my feelings perfextly: "I never really understood the idea of all House Leaders from TH being shoved into the same character, the entire point of the game is that you have to pick a side, the only time they ever work together is in the opening map of the game, in the rest of it their relationships range from friendly rivalry to waging war on each other over differing ideologies. It's a particular issue with Edelgard and Dimitri, I don't think there's any way them teaming up could really be justified. To me the whole concept seems forced just for the sake of not having to pick one of the three, and I think it's fair enough to feel that way, but at that point Byleth is just the more logical option. In general I highly doubt we're ever getting anything like Pokémon Trainer again, it taking the development of three unique characters really isn't ideal, there's little reason to push for it given the concept is already realized within the game, and when we're talking about DLC I'm not sure it's even possible given that the development team is scaled down and they have a very strict schedule to keep up with. On top of that I think Sakurai also views the transformation mechanic as being Pokémon Trainer's thing, it's pretty noteworthy that he kept Zelda/Shiek and Samus/ZSS separate, but still felt the need to combine Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard back together." This user's words, not mine. Which supports my original point; either include all the House Leaders as separate characters, or include none of them and just use Byleth.
  20. Beginner Mode. At least, I was. This was back in late 2017.
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