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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Weird. Using Claude and I think a Brave Bow, I made pretty short work of him in a late chapter.
  2. Yes, you read that right. Three Houses is now so big that it's bow getting a theme in Tetris 99. I think at this rate, a rep in Smash is inevitable.
  3. Finally, we got Dong Armor Alm. Now all we need is Pantsless Marth.
  4. Exactly as the title says. There are unused boss icons in Smash 4, implying that we would see how much health they have at one point: https://www.ssbwiki.com/Unused_content_(SSB4) So this got me curious to question a what-if scenario where in Smash Wii U first, certain characters fought bosses thematically matching said characters instead of Master Hand. Here’s my potential list of which bosses fight what characters: Viruses: Yoshi, Kirby, Ness, Dr. Mario, Wii Fit Trainer, PAC-MAN Ridley: Samus, Fox, Falco, Marth, Roy, Zero Suit Samus, Duck Hunt Metal Face: Link, Sheik, Sonic, R.O.B., Shulk Yellow Devil: Pikachu, Olimar, Mega Man
  5. Maybe she accidentally cramped her arm and wants to stretch it out? She could use a banana.
  6. …I don’t even have a joke for this. It’s one if the most unintentionally funny things in the game.
  7. Hey, I just remembered that I never bothered to talk to Gilbert before the start of the war in Ch. 12. Is he possible to recruit before then?
  8. My apologies if this shouldn’t be a topic, but Sora just won Guinness World Record for most appearances as the hero of a Square Enix JRPG! This could totally be used as a supportive argument for Sora in Smash!
  9. Just as the title says. Instead of Duon, what if the boss on the Halberd Bridge in the Subspace Emissary was Metal Gear REX teaming up with a Kirby boss? It’d thematically make sense, since the Halberd is a Kirby location with MGS-esque interior design in SSE.
  10. Welp, after playing Three Houses for only three chapters and a few hours put in, I can safely say this is the best FE game yet. It might as well have earned a character in Smash, in my opinion.
  11. What was the EXACT dialogue between Ashe and Lonato? I could care less about Lorenz, I'll find THAT one out for myself.
  12. Exactly as the title says. What specific boss conversations did you encounter in the game? The one I encountered was: More specifically, however, I made this topic to search for certain conversations with certain characters.
  13. https://www.deviantart.com/herotrainer7/art/Smash-Moveset-Byleth-808124293 I made a moveset for Byleth from Three Houses via Google Slides.
  14. Well, forget what I said. Close the topic if needed, because I eventually found the pictures I needed: https://www.deviantart.com/herotrainer7/art/Smash-Moveset-Byleth-808124293 (Don't ask what happened to the format, I have no clue.)
  16. I was thinking Ruptured Heaven for Side B, and Battalion Command for Down B. Does anyone have pictures of those two? (If this topic is not needed, feel free to close it.)
  17. So if Three Houses got any songs in either a future game or a later update, what songs from the game would you want? Mine are:
  18. So I decided to spoil myself on the Black Eagles route and
  19. Just as the title says, so to keep the “Everyone is Here!” thing alive. But don’t forget to be civil about it. Personally, I’d remove Isabelle (keep her Assist Trophy) and Hero (don’t care much for Dragon Quest) and I’d replace Isabelle with Mimkyu and Hero with Ryu Hayabusa.
  20. Wait, I just had an idea for a stage based off Gourmet Race; a 50's-style diner area simulating a 50's-style car race, with food and other hazards constantly appearing, kinda like most of the racing game stages.
  21. Just as the title says, now that good ol' B&K are in. I was thinking these could be Grunty's quotes as a boss if she won, basically mocking the character she defeats. I'll start: Banjo-Kazooie-At last I've defeated my most hated rivals! None of your tricks could help your survival! Bayonetta-You're not even close to a genuine witch, so don't be surprised when you get left in the ditch! King K. Rool-Get lost you big green fatty, you're so irrelevant I bet you're batty! Wario-I don't like your games or your stupid farts, what happened to treasure hunting to boulders and darts? Samus/Zero Suit Samus-My choice to let you live wouldn't be a maybe if you just stayed quiet about that revolting baby! Joker-You have quite the appropriate name, for your style is simply just lame! Dr. Mario-Come see me when you're a real doc, your medical license is nothing but a crock! Kirby-What's this pink revolting thing? I'm quite sick of its putrid little ding! Sonic-Just because you're devilishly fast doesn't mean life will be a blast! Hero-What kind of name is Erdrick? It was given to a boy dressed like St. Nick!
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