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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. 'Oi, that's just what I interpreted. Apologies on the "stretch in logic". I won't deny the insanity though, nyahahahah.
  2. So...just because you don't like Snake means people who mained and enjoyed him in Brawl should be left without Snake also. Logic? What's that shit? I don't think Snake is returning due to Konami going full-on stupid, but that doesn't mean I hope he never returns.
  3. I thought after V, everything changed. What with Sakaguchi not having as much of a role as before. I get the joke, but in all seriousness on my end.
  4. Not Leila. Somehow, she survives. Same with Gordon. Scott, Ricard, Minwu and Josef however...
  5. As an onlooker, the greatest thing in any of the FFXIII games from what I've seen (I can't play 'em due to a lack of a PS3 and lol using a laptop for a game like this.): I like Gilgamesh, okay? FFV's my favorite of the series bar none.
  7. Actually, X3 has some solid songs. The problem, however, is the instrument samples used in the SNES version drown out whatever good melodies are there. Moving on... They even kept Akira's "Juu'nen Hayain Da Yo!" from the source material.
  8. I will not judge you for your interpretation of that.
  9. That's not what set people off. What set people off was the "JAPAN HAS NO RIGHT TO BE ENTITLED" shit as though they get everything and everyone else gets jack and shit. Which is not the case.
  10. "Juu'nen hayain da yo!" Yes. Yes I do realize. And I see no making fun of you. No one is insulting. No one is putting you down. If you're talking about the lols, then IDK.
  11. Songs for the Fire Emblem duo are Conquest and Divine Decree. Both are the Ablaze versions. It's kinda...eh. X, however, got a much needed improvement. It's based off the SNES version of X3's without the godawful instrumentation choice. PS1 X3 not available for comment since that one sucks for other reasons.
  12. ...I can't even be bothered. Think what you want. Next time though, go to a Toys 'R Us. You'd be surprised at what they have. But I'm done. This entitlement is just...ugh.
  13. I can't even... http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40818&page=1164#entry4099721
  14. Then tell me why you don't see the OSTs here. Or perhaps, *Gasp*, the companies that make the merchandise you want don't have the license to do so in North America!
  15. ...Someone please restrain me from going off on an entitlement rant, because I'm this close to losing my shit. If you're talking about merchandise, guess what? That shit doesn't sell here. Are you talking about the OSTs? Because I can assure you those definitely don't sell here. Need I remind you that, on the whole, video gaming isn't viewed nearly the same way in the west as it is in Japan? Shit's improved since the early days, but on the whole, gaming is viewed in a completely different way here. How about the fact that Nintendo took a risk not dummying out Marth and Roy in Melee? Which would have meant you never playing any Fire Emblem. You have no clue how good you've got it. And if you think you've been screwed over, you really need to read about how Europe was treated. They never got Earthbound initially. Or many of the early Final Fantasy games. Don't tell me how "long ago" this was because I can assure you that even today, both regions that aren't Japan are getting shafted in some way. And need I remind you of Australia, which continues to get shafted in many ways? ...Of course.
  16. Gonna say it right here: No one is entitled to anything. If you don't like it, don't fund Japanese companies who release games.
  17. It's no biggie. Even then, it might not be easy to see, but the sword uppercut made me think of it. Braver's more like a helm splitter.
  18. Pretty much yeah. He's more of a dork than anything when his real personality shines through rather than the mask he basically wears for a good chunk of the game. Also Jedi? I think that was Climhazzard and not Braver when he did the Up-B to the ledge.
  19. So much salt. I've already made it clear that a better FF character to represent is Gilgamesh in my opinion, but even I found this to be really neat. Cloud's number of appearances is behind only Gilgamesh as far as I remember, so he is pretty much a FF staple. And...whiny? Emo? ...I rest my case.
  20. I don't care how Simon got in, even if it was a case of Konami allowing it. I'm just realistic in my expectations. Not to mention the mess with Kojima at Konami. Plus, Koji Igarashi has long since left Konami after Harmony of Despair. I just don't see any Konami rep getting in. Which also includes Bomberman due to the Hudson-Soft acquisition.
  21. I saw so much salt. I mean, really? Wow. Would I have preferred a different Final Fantasy rep? Sure. dat gilgamesh But am I raging about it? Hell no. I'm actually hyped. I now begin to view Smash less about Nintendo-only all-stars, but more of a celebration of video gaming in general. With that said... I've also seen wants for Snake's return and a Belmont. I'd love for either of those to happen. Only one problem: Konami has gone full-on derp, in case y'all forgot.
  22. You...I like your taste good sir. dat Shinobi III.
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