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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I can't say I am. All the games listed there have a lot more going for them, as much as I agree that it's a pity none of the SNES FE games showed up. I'm not surprised by the lack of the Tellius games though. They tanked hard and both the GC and the Wii had a lot of other games that would push it out of the typical person's mind. Also I'm amused that FFV was more memorable than VI lol.
  2. Sorry to quote this old post, but to clarify, Michalis was never playable in FE3 Book 2. He was playable in New Mystery of the Emblem however.
  3. For 3DS homebrewers, I can confirm it runs on a couple of RetroArch's SNES emulators like CATSFC(+) and SNES9x Next. Virtual console injections aren't a thing though since the virtual console emulators for the currently released games don't support 8 MB ROMs.
  4. Probably because they didn't recoup the losses caused by those games in terms of finances.
  5. Basically, fuck name wanking. He thought it through and we should respect it. Besides, it gives us gems like this :3
  6. You know that's done with that one code though. :P
  7. To add onto this, you shouldn't be using ZSNES anyway. The emulator is old, outdated and a security risk. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-news-59/critical-security-vulnerabilities-found-in-zsnes-4175546354/
  8. Project Naga patch dropped too today. My patcher is ready.
  9. Open beta != final release That said, this is still awesome.
  10. It'll probably be closer to Record Keeper than All the Bravest. Which honestly is the lesser of two evils. But Record Keeper has its issues, primarily on the global front. Still more merciful than most gacha games though.
  11. Oh my god, they left Sapp and Piddler's theme alone in the English Bravely Second. xD This needs a translation lol.
  12. So..uh...what's this from? http://childofdain.tumblr.com/post/141114700494/watch-out-loptous-youre-about-to-get-nagad
  13. You and I think alike. I don't honestly give a fuck either way with the popularity bit. They could do so by Russian roulette for all I care. I like what I see all the same.
  14. Chapter 10: Where Ninji would wish Glade existed outside of FE5.
  15. Nah, they moved over to complaining about censorship on #FE instead.
  16. You know what we need? Ninji!FE14 Lunatic Conquest
  17. Wellspring of Truth was not DLC. It was a spotpass map.
  18. I find it funny because usually, boycotting the game sends the message that "We don't want any more of this game." Which destroys chances of stuff getting localized. And then people complain when the stuff doesn't get localized. It's a vicious cycle. Torrential Downpour? More like Silly Salinization.
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