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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. The thread is a reminder of our past sins. You may wish it dead, but someone always seems to revive it.
  2. You don't speak for everyone. What's fun for you isn't fun for all others.
  3. "People don't share my opinion and that perplexes me," is all I'm getting out of this. It's not a shocker because a situation like this means the fan service isn't so disgustingly blatant. See summer and bunnies for example.
  4. Why indeed Rey? Why indeed? Is global that scared of going with addressing the player? Or whoever?
  5. Hector knows how the prior seasonal tempests went. He's prepared.
  6. If things like Dragon Quest Heroes are to go by, not only do you have to factor the returning cast, but also the return of the original characters. Lianna and Rowan would likely appear alongside a new duo. And they would have story mode relevance. Maya from DQ4 did in both games for example.
  7. I just find it fun. Lots of interesting mechanics like capturing that are pretty cool. Although this does come across as a "I don't like this, so why do others?" kind of topic rather than one for meaningful discussion, but that's just me.
  8. Yeah, but PR is PR. If Japan got it, then I'm highly doubting this is a technical issue.
  9. This is really perplexing. But what's more aggravating is the radio silence.
  10. No update here. Nintendo dun goofed.
  11. I haven't used him much. Mostly Robin, Marth, Caeda and Cordelia. Lissa fulfills my personal axe quota for the most part.
  12. Linde being in makes sense when you remember Gharnef is an enemy in this game. She wants the fucker dead
  13. The fact no one listed how DOGA (I go with Draug but w/e) WILL CHOKE THIS POINT is pretty damning to me. I don't have a least favorite except for Gheb, Batta, etc. Those were all just dumb. 3-13 Archer, DA MARTY PARTY and DOGA CHOKING THIS POINT are top kek to me though.
  14. Most of the songs that were in both RD and PoR aren't even 'remade'. To me, they just sound like IS messed with the equalizer. Anyway, Thracia's is very good.
  15. >Sells slightly worse than Hyrule Warriors >Is now a failure Zuh?
  16. Jesus fuck, what the hell did I just read? I love Thracia, but even I know it's not for everyone. And if you didn't get affected by any of the warp tiles in 24x on a blind playthrough, I'm calling bullshit. You will run into at least one. Save stating to get around that doesn't count. Having a guide point out that there are warp points doesn't count. You play blind legitimately or you know about it. Heal staffs missing is a bullshit mechanic. Heal staffs doubling is too (since they can break). Dismounting does nothing but screw over units who were otherwise good (Hi Dean) while empowering units who were already amazing (Hi Fergus and Carrion). Fog of War is terrible in this game since it doesn't only obscure units; it obscures terrain which can be a major make or break. Torches? Sure, that's fine. But why do I have to use torches to see the goddamn map? Negative statuses are auto-hit if your character's MAG is too low. RES isn't a thing in this game. And the fact they never wear out unless you have a restore staff is horseshit. I'm sorry, again, I love Thracia 776, but ignoring its flaws is a load of shit. Genealogy, a game I also love, has issues with its maps. You decry that Echoes' maps suck, I get it. But FE4 has more than a few areas where there's nothing going on. The difference is that Echoes' maps are (usually) much smaller. I just can't agree with blindly loving them.
  17. I'm sorry, but while I love Thracia, 24x's design is not defensible. At all. The warp tiles that you have NO clue about (and outright didn't encounter if you went the route where you can get Sleuf and Amalda) not only screw you up, they send your characters to a death trap that they can't escape from unless you have rescue or rewarp staffs. There's no defending that shit. Not to mention your reward is...saving Eyvel. Who sucks by this point. And I say this as someone who loves Thracia.
  18. Mister Hero, you're mistaken. Python and Forsyth are notable for NOT being nobles. Fernand even mentions that they aren't during his little bitch fit before he leaves the deliverance.
  19. Tatiana's age is listed incorrectly on the Echoes character introductions. Internal game data states that she is 21 years old, not 28.
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