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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. All I know is that the whole talk of dreams really gave me some Final Fantasy X vibes. This whole paralogue was a trip, I'll say that much.
  2. A story worth a damn. Although that might be asking for too much after the trainwreck that was book 2.
  3. Actually, my only thought was "THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME?" and "DON'T FORGET ME!"
  4. The shambling corpse shambles. Or something
  5. Feh is Feh. Always has been. Always will be. Just like Roc. I wonder if this means Feh is actually a 4.
  6. I don't like repeating myself. You can headcanon Ike to be interested in woman if you wish. But don't outright deny the developer's word. And please don't claim I'm trying to "headcanon" anything. I've made it abundantly clear in the past I don't give one wit about Ike. I linked this because I thought it was interesting and potentially something overlooked. No need to get so defensive.
  7. Remember when Miles Tails Prower was voiced by Kate Higgins? Does this mean Tails is also a girl?
  8. Deny all you wish, but even if the overarching article is dubious, the wording comes directly from that Memorial Book. Essentially, it comes from the developers. Or are you insinuating that the developers don't know their own game? It's not about the "hugging" or the indifference to females. It's about the whole picture. The moment where two hearts became one.
  9. Source: https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/2016/09/05/ike-and-soren-in-fire-emblem-path-of-radiance/ We can now bring this to rest. Case closed. This ultimately applies to both RD and PoR, but still.
  10. Ike lost to a corpse. Waifu Emblem claims another victim! *Insert Kefka laugh here*
  11. My non-existent money is on the dead waifu walking, personally.
  12. *Kicks thread* I graduated college after many complications. Hooray.
  13. We're still shambling along. Yooo.
  14. There's some scans on Twitter already. And of course, characters have lore bios and whatnot. Cool stuff.
  15. If Cloud's cut, just replace him with Gilgamesh. It's not like Gilgamesh is a stranger to dimension hopping. :P
  16. I was more disappointed he wasn't voiced by Gilbert Gottfried. :v
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