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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Sorry that Nintendo doesn't design their VC emulators to take into account homebrew applications. :P Yeah, I know the feeling, but who knows. Maybe folks will reverse engineer it. I can dream.
  2. Then maybe some of this shouldn't have been in the game in the first place. But y'know, not every single country in the world holds the same values and whatnot that many western ones do. Japan's different in terms of culture, etc. And if those who originally developed the game gave the green light to it, that kind of tells me they don't mind their work being modified to make sense outside of the home country. The most important issue when it comes to censorship is if the original intent and meaning is lost. I'll be blunt: Most of this stuff changed is nothing compared to what was flat out censorship back in the day to the point entire plotlines were either removed or mangled beyond recognition. Do I think the censorship is okay? Of course not. But I'm also not about to chastise others who feel the reactions are overblown. Because while you have the outcry of people who hate the 'censorship', if it wasn't censored, you can be sure Nintendo's ass would be on the line because they are the family friendly company. I'm just trying to give a more neutral input.
  3. You'd be surprised how nice sleep mode is to have. Take it from someone who has done custom GBA games on his 3DS via homebrew. There's also the matter of the 2nd screen not really shutting off when you do play the GBA games, so you won't get the longevity of battery life the various GBAs had.
  4. Stop worrying what others think. The thing I hate is when people bash others for their views. If you don't like the games, that's cool. If you do like them, that's fine. But if you say someone is stupid, moronic or pathetic for liking/disliking it, you're going too far.
  5. Sorry, but Ike's very much flawed, yet the narrative rarely admonishes him for his flaws. He's kinda like Seliph in that regard. If you want a damn good example of flaws that are acknowledged and make an impact, look no further than Thracia 776. Leif makes more than a few fuck-ups and it costs him dearly. In one instance, it gets him imprisoned. In another, he ends up having quite a bit of his army wiped out (Not your playable units, but random NPCs) along with one of his advisers. The whole thing for him is growing up and learning what it means to be in charge. Even PoR Ike doesn't have that really happen to him, where he really has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
  6. Gaiden has Draco Zombies, along with palette swaps Alm fights alone called White Dragons.
  7. I fail to see why Ayanami can't just say JP. But whatever. It's an Ayanami topic, what else is new. Yes, censorship sucks, no it's not anything akin to a big deal in this context. That about covers my thoughts.
  8. 3DS. I'd rather not see FE on death's door again due to failures caused by failing sales expectations on a console again. And honestly, pick up and go is a good style.
  9. Actually, both Amid and Linda are different classes than Tinni and Arthur.
  10. She may mean in North America, where they still haven't had a reprint. No updates on the CPSIA site. Still, you're right.
  11. Not to mention dastard is an actual word that doesn't really fit the intended "bastard" word. I don't really call Arvis a coward (Based on one definition). :v
  12. It's why we can't have nice things. Also I approve of the bugfixes that should and likely /would/ be fixed in a remade game. So, yeah.
  13. If fatigue's optional, don't bother including it. It's a waste of time otherwise because it won't be designed around the fatigue. Go big or go home, that's my thought.
  14. So basically, Thracia 776? Because that's pretty much what Leif went through and learned from August.
  15. Romance sims were popular as was horse racing and breeding. Okay, that's hilarious.
  16. Not to mention Morgan suddenly recalls things with surprising clarity for someone with such a bad case of amnesia.
  17. I can't say I am. All the games listed there have a lot more going for them, as much as I agree that it's a pity none of the SNES FE games showed up. I'm not surprised by the lack of the Tellius games though. They tanked hard and both the GC and the Wii had a lot of other games that would push it out of the typical person's mind. Also I'm amused that FFV was more memorable than VI lol.
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