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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Draug is a god, for he can CHOKE THIS POINT. Final Fantasy Record Keeper has characters I can't stand (HI LIGHTNING) yet I use them when needed because they work. Stop being stubborn about characters you "can't stand" and use what's available to you. Mind you, Record Keeper is a vastly different beast, since characters aren't the source of the gacha. It's weapons and armor. But regardless.
  2. Clearly, FE10 Ike only got as high as he did due to his sexy muscle appeal to the ladies. I agree with what you're saying
  3. Arden got 93 That's just amazing. Also, Ana, you really need to chill. AHH I DON'T LIKE THESE CHARACTERS. PEOPLE ONLY LIKED THEM FOR BOOBS OR WHATEVER. Some folks might've only voted for Ike due to his muscles. Double standard much?
  4. http://pastebin.com/YpStEa7C I used Fiddler to find out the hyperlinks as the game was downloading the necessary data into the cache. Feel free to use as necessary. Unpack the ZIP files, convert the CKB sounds to a playable audio form, whatever. Fair warning that, after unzipping the ZIP files, in order to open the images, I had to open them using a web browser. It involved local files rather than any https link. Anyway, go nuts. EDIT: I wasn't sure if it should've gone here or the hacking/resources forum. I'll leave the moderation to decide if it's appropriate to be here or there. Apologies.
  5. Bluestacks is a bloated piece of shit, even if the game works on it. Normally, I'd recommend MEmu, but the game force closes on launch even with Qooapp. I believe it has to do with detection. A shame because I was hoping to try and dump the game cache so I could get some sprites.
  6. Linde is base 5*, meaning she'll ONLY be 5*. If Brave Exvius is anything to go by, those that start at higher rarities without any lower ranks (So not like pulling, say...5* Robin since he's base 3*) tend to be incredibly strong.
  7. Anyone attempted to data mine the art or other resources? I managed to find the links, but everything is put into a ZIP file. Upon extracting, there are PNGs, but nothing can view them.
  8. Record Keeper is an odd duck because you get relics instead of characters from the gacha. That and you're very, very unlikely to get anything that's not featured on a banner nowadays. Although even in the past (Though not like...the first 3 months), things were more skewed toward on-banner than off-banner.
  9. No way in hell will that happen. That kind of thing would undermine the whole gacha system, unfortunately.
  10. >Insulting your opinion... Right then, never mind. I wasn't really insulting you, so much as trying to assauge your worries about no Tellius at the moment. Sorry for trying to be nice...
  11. That's not how gacha games work. Period. Final Fantasy Record Keeper, at launch, lacked the majority of the games and only had a unique 5* weapon for Cloud at the beginning (via a much less kind gacha than the game has now). Other characters like Kain Highwind, Rydia and Wakka were there too. It's a different type of game (Since that has a weapon/armor gacha rather than character). And Brave Exvius, meanwhile, is to this day still missing entire games from the representation. To put into perspective: Cloud isn't going to be added to the Japanese game until this month (February 6th) and Final Fantasy VIII still has no representation even now. At launch though? There were no representatives from Final Fantasy III, VII, VIII, X, XIII or XIV (XV wasn't out yet, so moot point). My point is: This is a very silly reason to give a low rating. If Heroes has no Jugdral representation out of the gate? So what? I don't honestly care. Stuff will get added in time, and if it works like how those other two games I mentioned do, expect new units almost weekly.
  12. There's also an additional chance (0.01% though) to get an off-banner. But FFRK is an outlier here. (Also Ricard has no soul breaks in global but I digress--) Still, methinks folks will appreciate that these aren't Gumi-rates. *Glances at Brave Exvius*
  13. What about Phina? SHE CAN SLAY HARDIN. xD
  14. >Expecting FE to overcome huge IPs like Mario, Pokemon or even Kirby lol. Would you rather they not say FE is a major IP and be treated like Metroid or F-Zero?
  15. If we're being technical, the Whitewing sisters are all in Gaiden. Palla, Catria and Est. Seeing as Catria was in the trailer...
  16. But it's a public forum full of public opinions. Anything posted is freely subject to scrutiny.
  17. The depressing lack of Marty should be a crime punishable by endless runs of Thracia's A-Route without warp staves.
  18. That's exactly WHY it works. You'll have to see how it all happens though.
  19. I noticed Belf is still called Belf. No Vergil to be seen.
  20. That's fine to feel. Just remember that FE not going mainstream would've meant the death of the series.
  21. Make Thracia 776 again, except not Thracia. In the sense of...mechanics were great, difficulty was quite good barring a few roadblocks (Xavier...). Oh, and original new plot or some such. Keep the marriage and avatar bits since that helps sell the games to keep the series from completely dying. Not much to worry about in terms of characters. Trope-ness has existed as far back as FE1, so it's not really that big of a deal. Even the beloved radiant games are quite fond of it (Ilyana...Makalov...) Oh, and obligatory classic mode, but keeping the casual option open for those who want to get the supports and for those who actually are legit casual. Make it the default too, because I like seeing chaos happen lolol.
  22. Translating and localizing take effort. Nintendo doesn't like taking effort for old games. And before anyone says "B-b-but Earthbound Beginnings", may I remind you all that it was already fully translated back during the NES days, but remained unreleased because of timing. It was already an existing ROM. Hell, it was on the internet long before Nintendo decided to put it on the Wii U VC. Also, it was used as the basis for Mother 1 in the Mother 1+2 game boy advance cartridge.
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