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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Is it bad that I'd prefer they, y'know, add other missing lords (Hi Sigurd and Leif) and more Sacred Stones representation before they go off and do fanservice banners again?
  2. Yes, I am fine with it. Because FE1 is FLAWED AS FUCK. Falconknights and Wyvern Lords being separate sets is perfect because again...what happened to the pegasus? Gold is meh. Weapon triangle is a good thing. So yeah, FE1's elements are interesting but archaic. Best to leave them in the dust bin.
  3. Yeah...it is what it is though.
  4. Walking through the area mainly. No labor or anything. Just bad cases of tripping. The knee due to this anchoring on the ground (From like a metal pole to the sidewalk) and the shoulder, which is more or less healed by this point, from some very uneven pavement. x_x
  5. Walking through the area mainly. No labor or anything. Just bad cases of tripping. The knee due to this anchoring on the ground (From like a metal pole to the sidewalk) and the shoulder, which is more or less healed by this point, from some very uneven pavement. x_x
  6. I kinda fell down and hurt my knee. Had a CT scan and shit today and saw a bone and joint institution yesterday. ...This is nearly 5 weeks after I fractured my shoulder. Both times in Chicago. >_>
  7. Do...people not remember there's a retreat option? Mind you there is one particular Fire Dragon on one of the lower floors (I'm not talking about the floor 5 one) that you can't retreat from but...yeah.
  8. Just ask the invoked revenants. They can confirm!
  9. Gonna say that Jedah played Celica far better here than in Gaiden originally. "Hey girl, I'mma make you watch Alm suffer" ...Which really meant I'm going to make him fight three waves of Necrodragons which are easy by this point. After that, he leads her and the army to the bottom of Duma tower and they're pretty much fucked because they're in the final map and are cornered by mogalls (Which is why the unit arrangement is how it is even in Echoes). In Echoes, Celica sees Alm fight Rudolf and ultimately kill him. Jedah by that point banished the rest of Celica's army to below Duma tower. No one was there to talk reason to her. And she also saw Alm's pained cry at his unwitting patricide. So while Celica's army is getting chased around by terrors (mogalls), Celica's despairing due to what Jedah made her see and the words he tells her.
  10. Cantor x Boat is the only true ship. Although I guess Alm himself is a ship considering he leads the DELIVERANCE. On topic, ship whatever you want or some shit.
  11. The ending of act 4 for Celica at least was less "wut" than it was in Gaiden. In Gaiden, everyone just waits for Jedah to finish and then they follow him only to fall below ready to be sacrificed. In Echoes, Jedah flat out makes the rest of Celica's army begone. Celica had no one else to rein her in when left only with Jedah.
  12. While I agree FE4 needs a remake, Thracia doesn't nearly as much despite being tough as nails. The UI is already close to the GBA games in a lot of ways. I love the game, but there's no rush to it. However, vehemently saying Elibe doesn't need a remake is folly. Binding Blade lacks the fine tuning that Blazing Blade has and it shows in a lot of ways. Although Blazing Blade lacks the need for a remake for now, Binding Blade needs some excuse to come out outside of Japan. tl;dr remake and release the non-international games first, although Mystery of the Emblem is in an awkward position for now.
  13. Have people really forgotten how Marth once essentially told General Lang to fuck off (In a polite way of course)? Kris took over that role which was unacceptable. It's not simply "3 or 4 scenes omg". It's that s/he legitimately removes what Marth once did. Also why is it that Kris gets to see Sirius without his mask?
  14. To add onto this: FE1/11: Imhullu and Earth Dragonstone FE2: Messiah, Dark magic, Duma's tentacles, eyebeams, monster weapons... FE3/12: Imhullu (Discounting that one DLC chapter where you actually have playable Gharnef), Dark Dragon breath FE4: All of the holy weapons you can't get and Loptyr tome and dark magic FE5: Loptyr Sword, Stone and Poison spells (They literally turn into Fenrir if you steal them) FE6: Outside of trial maps, Fimbulvetr, Tomahawk, Ecksachs and some other certain weapons I can't remember offhand lol and Idunn's Dark Dragon breath FE7: Ereshkigal is the main one. I'd count the Fire Dragon's flametongue but no manakete lol FE8: Ignoring glitches, the monster weapons and Fomortiis's specific stuff. Naglfar outside of Creature Campaign FE9: Ashnard's sword, Alondite...sorry, I'm not as familiar with FE9's weapons FE10: Creiddylad and the dark magic during a first playthrough FE13: Grima's Truth, Expiration FE14: Bolverk and some other stuff FE has always had enemy only stuff. It's just the nature of the game. And players having Imhullu not only makes no sense, it's game-breaking due to how it works. >_>
  15. Gaiden never really had a recruitment theme. Just a jingle. They kind of rectified it with certain characters getting recruited with the old Sage Hamlet music (Encounter).
  16. It's possible they couldn't get Adkins. *Recalls how Mark Gatha once voiced Domon Kasshu in G Gundam. Then game appearances had a different VA due to Gatha retiring*
  17. When I hear Jedah, I immediately think of Jedah Dohma from Darkstalkers. Which is kinda funny considering his last name is Dohma.
  18. You all are looking too deeply into this. Until we have a final build of the game in our hands, assume that debug shit is happening. As for why? Who knows? Maybe they had to fudge around with certain bits that weren't translated in the build. idk. You're all looking too deeply into this.
  19. We probably have to wait for either the OST or for someone to data mine the DLC itself to nab the music.
  20. The starshard DLC has a new arrangement of Expedition from Mystery of the Emblem. It's much closer to the original compared to New Mystery.
  21. Pretty sure drama and shit existed even as far back as the FESS days. The only difference is that the fanbase has grown so it's more loud. But I digress.
  22. The Awakening Deadlords are just Risen and Grima's Truth is unobtainable Validar-only shiz. And Grima hating Naga can be chalked up to the fact that Grima's literally an unholy abomination. Clearly, Forneus just did this for SCIENCE.
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