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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. eShop updates are usually at 11:00 Central. If I recall, the DLC gets updated roughly 1 hour after.
  2. I can understand why people may or may not prefer it over the original JP. I don't understand why she gets flack for it though, so...yeah. People are weird.
  3. I like how the dragon hairpin accessory is straight-up the same exact one you can get for Kris in FE12.
  4. Not to mention that unlike Fates, the paths converge after a certain point. There's still dialogue differences depending on the route chosen, but on the whole, they're not two separate stories.
  5. The reason I say Shadow Dragon's preferred to FE1 is because it's FE1 without the clunkiness. I would have said play book 1 of FE3 instead, but that game actually cuts some chapters and characters out. And no, it's really not nearly as bad as people say. It's actually quite good. But it does have its flaws.
  6. Got mine picked up easy peasy today. Best Buy said it was ready yesterday though. Not that I could actually pick it up then but still. 'Twas odd.
  7. Just the crash. No reason to translate it until the whole game's done, no?
  8. It's not a game I recommend playing as a first, I'll say that. You're better off with Shadow Dragon first and then come back to this one. At this point, it's more of a curiosity, albeit still fun. Just slow and clunky is all.
  9. Although the project's not done yet, DDSTrans did release a small patch that fixes the epilogue crash in the current patches, so now you can see your rank without have to load your save in a clean JP ROM. http://www.mediafire.com/download/6t26o8xpapxrco8/fe4_old_ending_fix.ips
  10. ...Holy shit, this is history in the making. Welcome to the forest. I'm of the opinion you've done a fine job as Azura and I'm really sorry that the fanbase was unnecessarily harsh. (Even if Youtube comments are generally one of the cesspools of the internet, it's still disheartening so I understand.) I'll go back to lurking far from the forest now.
  11. For those curious, the timeline goes as such. Namco x Capcom -> SRW Endless Frontier -> SRW Endless Frontier EXCEED -> Project X Zone -> Project X Zone 2. The SRW games mentioned are tied to it due to Reiji, Xiaomu, Saya, Dokugozu, Dokumezu, KOS-MOS and T-elos showing up. And then Haken and Kaguya show up in PXZ1 (Where they also meet Sanger lol).
  12. Goddamn it /has/ been a long time. Rey. Rey. REY. SoC. Fuck I'm losing it lol.
  13. Yeaaaah, Lewyn never comes across as a womanizer to me. More of that can be chalked up to how the current translation patch portrays him. Not to mention having him show up with Sylvia, who brings her own flavor to the table.
  14. One of Marth's is his tiara, I know that for sure.
  15. One of these is not like the others. Here's an unpopular opinion: Sain is a shit character only marginally better than the ladies man Alec from Genealogy. I'll go so far as to say I find Inigo more interesting. At least he has something more to him than just philandering. Sain has his one moment trying to tell off Marquess Araphen. And maybe the bits about Eagler. That's literally it. Inigo has quite a bit more, both in some of his supports (Particularly the Father-Son one), harvest scramble with Owain and Future Past.
  16. Fun fact about the JP Kamui name... That name was originally for a unit in Gaiden. (This is for Japan to Japan names, not counting stuff like Robin in Gaiden to Robin in Awakening.)
  17. That feeling when you realize Yuri Lowenthal and Liam O'Brien VAing together again is just like when they both voiced characters in Final Fantasy IV DS. I laughed out a lung when I found out the same guy who voiced Kain Highwind...also voiced Inigo. And now we've got Yuri Lowenthal, aka Cecil Harvey. V:
  18. The problem with fixing one issue is that two more issues will show up. The team needs to rest. It's just how it is. Debugging 101.
  19. There's still a shortage. Nintendo just seems to rotate them out a bit now. Which is good. However, that's a topic for a different day. I'll not expound upon that further here.
  20. I know that I saw mentions of Cloud being considered brooding. Do I have to bring up the evidence contrary to that thought? I don't care for Cloud much, but he's fine in his actual game. Hell, he's a dork sometimes.
  21. Juu'nen Hayain Dayo! *Blares Ride the Tiger* I said it earlier in the thread actually lol. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40818&page=1226#entry4215395 Also: "As a Sega game, Bayonetta uses this if she finishes a fight with a Tetsuzankou and gets a Pure Platinum rank for it. "--TVTropes
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