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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. That took me more effort than simply superimposing Arvis's mug on it. The path of METEORS EVERYWHERE.
  2. I did this once out of boredom. There's only one true path for IF.
  3. I hope they keep the accents. Because, you know, different countries. Plus Gregor isn't the only offended. Have ve forgotten about vun voman Athena?
  4. Xane is a trap in a whole /different/ way if you know what I mean. But yeah, I'd say FE3 /really/ started that. Between Xane and Jeorge...yep.
  5. Heroes of justice don't have forced grins. They simply face adversity with their mighty mandibles and their shining teeth. That is the mark of a fiery soul!
  6. Gaiden didn't have staves. Healing magic and stuff similar to that all cost HP to use. Actually, all magic used HP.
  7. Thank you for understanding what I was getting at. :D But holy shit he looks amazing.
  8. I want the blonde superguy to use his MIGHTY MANDIBLE against his foes. JUSTICE THY NAME IS CHIN! Oh, and Nyx looks okay, I guess.
  9. Sigurd and Deirdre alone shows that FE's always had "idealistic love".
  10. IS has never been great at balancing. Need I get into Genealogy of the Holy War again? As great of a game as it is, it basically comes down to mounts or no mounts and holy weapons or no holy weapons. I don't know anyone who would seriously consider using Arden unless it was a joke run or to prove a point.
  11. I laughed at the guy who said you're being a hypocrite, as though you didn't think the meme-like images weren't hypocrisy anyway. I just don't know how many times I have to tell people FE, with some exceptions, has /never been hard/. Maybe they should bring back Shadow Dragon's gaiden chapter requirements. YOU MUST HAVE THIS MANY UNITS DEAD. Suddenly, all the complaints about optional perma-death would vanish. Also you're a cancer? HAH! HAHAHAH! Wow. Whoever said that has never seen a cancer to a fanbase before.
  12. I just laugh at people thinking that FE on the whole was ever really hard (Barring Thracia and Binding Blade to a lesser extent).
  13. You should play Genealogy of the Holy War. Those are big maps. :3
  14. Durability is a problem? FE Gaiden seemed to work just fine without it. And Genealogy had repairable weapons. Not to mention all of the people who do indeed arena abuse and have more than enough funds for pretty much unlimited weapons. So...uh...yeah. Besides, FE has /never/ been OMG SUPER HARD except some things like Thracia 776 and Binding Blade to a lesser extent. Note that I'm talking default difficulties.
  15. Speaking of dancers... [spoiler=Interesting pairing ahaha]http://i.imgur.com/lhRh7Y7.png
  16. It's not Mario, Zelda or Pokemon. Hell, it's not even Kirby or Donkey Kong. At this point, Fire Emblem's in that middle ground of Nintendo IPs, like Animal Crossing (Which did really well, but let's face it: It's not one of Nintendo's big three). Yes, Awakening did /really/ well here, but Nintendo is still going to be fairly cautious. It's just how they work. Be glad FE isn't in the same boat as F-Zero, Metroid (Nowadays anyway) or especially the Mother series (Granted, this one's over, but seeing as the US only got Earthbound and Europe didn't get any of them until the Wii U VC with Earthbound, it's very rough). There's a long list.
  17. Accidental double post. By which I mean two different posts, but I forgot I made the first one. Not a big deal.
  18. I wish Micaiah had gotten in rather than Ike. Just for the obvious lulz. eue. Palla shows up in BS FE, but she's not playable. Only Catria and Est are. But in terms of overall appearances, Camus has them beat. FE1, 2, 3, TWO of the BS FE games, 11, 12 and 13 as a spotpass unit.
  19. In terms of appearances, the Whitewings and Camus beat out Tiki actually, due to the BS FE games. And yes, they do count. The whitewings appear in one of the BS FE games plus Gaiden. Camus shows up in two of the BS FE games and is playable in one of 'em and he's in Gaiden.
  20. Oh, how wrong you are about Leif. He fucks up and he gets called out on it massively because August doesn't take that kind of shit. Leif has quite a few missteps. FE6 was made after Thracia 776. I guess they wanted to see if they could make a lord tie with Leif for the worst one ever. "HEY GUYS, LEIF HAS A SUPER LATE PROMOTION. LET'S MAKE THAT EVEN WORSE FOR ROY! GENIUS!"
  21. I never understood hating on the spotpass characters who were established as "dead". How soon people forget the likes of Camus, who for all intents and purposes came out of nowhere in FE3/12. Or how about Michalis in FE12, where he can be recruited rather than him dying like in FE3. One doesn't have to take the spotpass chapters/characters uber seriously either. Remember FE6's trial maps with playable Hector, who died very early on? Or how about FE8's bonus characters in Creature Campaign? There was no story attached to those, I know. To which I say: So what? Who honestly cares? Spotpass was always optional. I like the idea that Walhart survived through sheer force of will. I liked seeing the Umad King have a chance at redemption due to accidental survival. And seeing Aversa's spotpass gave Validar an actual douchebag angle besides the usual "I AM EVIL SIDEKICK TO EVIL DRAGON". He's no Manfroy or Gharnef, but at least it was something. So yeah, bring on the dead character fake-outs again. I welcome it.
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