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Everything posted by ciphertul

  1. Oh well lets see, Sakura Wars: So Long My Love: a fantastic steam punk fantasy romp thru 1920s New York. The characters, story and flow of the game where just great. Valkryia Chronicles 2: outside of Azure Rebellion this game gets zero love, everything work really well on it except the fact that it was only on PSP. Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection: These ladies did a marvelous job playing the idol game and with the exception of Blanc’s ending(she got screwed) it was brilliant. Infinite Undiscovery: Easily one of my favorite ARPGs not a lot of people liked it thou. Trouble Witches Neo: This game... has some of the worst voice acting I’ve ever heard but... I just loved the cornyness of it so much. Oh and last one(for now) Radiata Stories! I really wish they would do another game like this... this game had so much going for it and was just such a blast to play
  2. No I meant the level cheesing that you could do on PoR
  3. So... you don’t think it’s awesome, at least not anymore? That understandable each FE that comes out seems like the greatest one but then slowly starts to sink, I figured it would be a meh game but I’m glad I was wrong there
  4. Yes, just because I said something you disagree with I’m trolling. Solid reasoning. I do find it odd that 5 weeks and the black eagle thread has 5 pages and this has more already.
  5. Wow, really welcoming ain’t ya? All the blue lions eliminated, was that not clear? Should I rephrase it? I’m one person in the minority, so don’t mind me
  6. I just think they shouldn’t have nerfed her stats so badly in RD. An marksman with double bow is so OP compared to Astrid that it makes her special boss talk worthless as you are not gonna field her
  7. I think Astrid should get this, it would give a reason to use her over Shinon and Rolf in RD. She is boardline useless in RD But on the topic, getting the skill scrolls back after removing a skill(like in RD) would be something I would like to see
  8. ... or you could just CF Lysithea with Byleth and she would be fine... is that underrated? Byleth and Lysithea I never really see anyone on about that
  9. I’m the other way, Bernie, Lysithea, Marianne and Rhea are the only ones I really like. I would take the polarizing characters of Fate over the kinda boring group of 3H. That is why I’m generally disappointed with the 3H roster
  10. I don’t mean this in an offensive way but I really feel, now that the paint has dried, that in terms of characters 3H has the lowest amount of characters I flat out dislike but it also has the smallest amount of characters I really like too. What is everyone’s thoughts on the overall cast of 3H?
  11. These sort of poll are always rigged(not in that way). You’ll always be in the lead or you’ll never have a chance. Like this, my least favorite character in the game is the (US) fan favorite just because she like to show off her maidenform(joke). But maybe this vote isn’t for me outside of Ferdinand and Bernie I don’t really like the black eagles
  12. I had guessed that the marriage system would be trash, the game really didn’t have one so... bad guess I suppose. I was at least kinda correct as outside of Byleth, I don’t pair anyone up. None of the pair are that good in my mind
  13. It often makes me wonder if people actually gave those ladies a try. Having Vika solo the level she returns is a great sight. But I agree they need more love
  14. That is Caligula, but different attacks require different things like, Protagonist get a counter off and that will launch enemy. Your teammates are all set up to combo off that juggled enemy but... you whiff so everyone just stands around doing nothing since the enemy remained on the ground.... and then you have to wait for your turn Cooldown before trying again
  15. This is how I felt starting up Caligula Effect: Overdose, loved that game but the combat was a whole different demon
  16. True, but Charlotte doesn't have adoring fans gifting her things either. Dorothea may have had a harder start but Charlotte grows more.
  17. Some say yes, some say no. I thought it was good, not the best but pretty well off. Everyone has different issue with it so... take each person as you will
  18. Sure, but Charlotte worked to get where she was, where Dorothea got the help for the opera company. Charlotte also seems to show a bit more regret when doing that to people, like when she starts rejecting Kaden’s gifts.
  19. Outside of her specials, that is the only difference. Nameless charge spell-Elfire-Elwind-Thoron-Ruin-Goetia(Rexaura for Robin). I may have gotten C2 and C3 backwards, I don't often play those 2, Linde is a better Foot Mage.
  20. Well this doesn't hold entirely true, Iris for example as a Male Lead named Klein, but Iris is the odd one out.
  21. Oh no, I know better now. It's fine, I disliked the debuff and weapon system in Fate so whiffing then to be slapped with a debuff or death just got old. especially since I play with "Any death is a game over" style. But that is my fault for playing that way
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