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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. XD Well his personality is like Ilyana's... it's funny but when you think about it kinda sucks. But his personality IS better then Noah's.
  2. I should... I only read Noah's Bartre and Fir supports.
  3. Swordmasters because I always liked them... and they are so hard to hit (when there yours anyways...) but berserkers come in second and generals last. Generals are good and all but anyone could beat them if they are equipped well. But if you want to beat a berserker/ swordmaster boss (a good one like Lloyd... so sue me if they don't make any important berserkers...) you need like 5 units to attack them excluding healers. Generals, you rush at them with a heavy spear/ armorslayer and a good unit and there easily gone (if there REALLY good you could also use a sage to help).
  4. Dart, his entire crew and maybe even Eliwood's / Hector's army.
  5. Noah, Has better supports, is higher leveled, is actually useful (to recruit Fir), has personality and he doesn't look dumb. But Alan or Lance would own both alone.
  6. I don't know how anybody could prefer path B... it sucks...
  7. Mia for coming earlier, having personality and for being apart of the original Greil Mercenaries.
  8. Congrats! Is there any chance that we will have another moderator? Or is 5 the max.?
  9. Never thought of this XD. Sounds pretty normal except Ashnard... but apparently Ena is still good so I guess it would be pretty easy.
  10. Chad (and Astol) come earlier then her and he has better growths.
  11. Well I only got to Sacae... I'm surprised I actually beat those chapters... Well I can't say I prefer any since I never got to Ilia.
  12. Let's compare! Dozla might have a better class but he is a prepromote so he has less better growths. Amelia could have all 3 weapons while Dozla is stuck with one. Amelia comes in earlier, has better supports (and is more worth it), has like 50 levels to grow and she could become mounted(though I prefer general...). By the time Amelia catchs up to Dozla (she obviously will) she'll have way better stats then Dozla. Amelia wins!
  13. LONG TIME NO SEE DEBATE TOPICS!!! I'm not sure if there "legal" but since ChaosNinji made one I guess I'm gonna to. This time it's the nomadic trooper debate! I'm not sure if I spelled Dayan right... if I did... I now know where Daien comes from... I voted Shin.
  14. NICE WEER ALOUD TO MAKE "DEBATE" TOPICS WITH POLLS AGAIN?! BACK TO WORK! I voted for Chad for coming earlier, having better stats and having cool spiky hair XD.
  15. This wins the award of awkward post of the day...
  16. Tough one... Priscilla: PROS: Anima magic, mounted, needed to recruit Raven, is the only troubadour in this game, CONS: Gets the mounted weaknesses, is annoying to recruit, later recruit chapter, is accused of incest Serra: PROS: has a way earlier recruit chapter, has funny supports, needed to recruit Erk (I usually get Erk before Priscilla), CONS: has lower movement, has slow supports, has the weakest magic, is sometimes annoying, I know my PROS and CONS suck but this is a small way how I see it. I voted Priscilla anyways.
  17. But we could still change units to berserkers... right? I voted for swordmasters because I always had a liking for them.
  18. I expected a suggestion of Volke... Just try to only use like one per class (except paladins) Example: Mia or Zihark, Brom or Gatrie, Rolf or Shinon, Soren, Ilyana or Tormod. But don't use all of the pre-promotes.
  19. At least it was only a few bad endings... it's not as bad as FE6...
  20. Because I keep making debate topics with polls... So I thought you were targeting me... so nevermind
  21. Not sure is your kidding... I think you are Anyways I'm against a debate section. If we stick to the usual ways but we tell people to stop debating with people who don't wanna debate, we're all fine.
  22. I'm just gonna write class/role. Class: Wyvern Knight Role: Someone who thinks that the main vilain has good plans but isn't important. Reason of death: ...Thinking that I could defeat main charcter power Death Quote: I now see the true evil in this world...
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