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Status Updates posted by Ϲharlie

  1. Well hello there. Are you happy that I changed my icons?

  2. had forgotten how much he loved the original Final Fantasy Tactics

  3. can't get a certain someone out of my mind...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tangerine


      Don't call my honesty into question as a joke, mister. I take it pretty seriously!

    3. Ϲharlie


      You take nothing seriously. Now stop pestering me.

    4. Tangerine


      I'm helping you!

  4. Welly, welly, welly, well! If it isn't old Dee's birthday! Have a good one, droogie.

  5. Somehow that comes as no surprise.

  6. I suppose you'd actually have to see him in action... Or maybe I have a twisted sense of humor. Who knows?

  7. As well they should be. The character in them is pure evil, though he still manages to be charming and likeable.

  8. Happy new year Saskman.

  9. That is what they all say.

  10. You are late. I know you saw it earlier.

  11. Crappy screwyear.

  12. Happy new year. :Knoll:

  13. I have to warn you... It has a few sex scenes and a good amount of violence. You may want to stay away from it if that sort of thing offends you.

  14. It's a movie. An excellent movie.

  15. It is nice. It comes from A Clockwork Orange after all.

  16. Just a plain old sociopath. The vampire bit is just surreal imagery.

  17. Not really a vampire...

  18. Merry Christmas

  19. Thanks, Saskman. Merry Christmas to you also.

  20. Merry Christmas, you silly person.

  21. Why must you leave me comments while I am working?

  22. is singin' in the rain

    1. Darros


      Are you dancing too?

    2. Ϲharlie


      No, I am breaking into homes and brutally beating people with my three droogs. All while singing "Singing in the Rain".

    3. Darros


      That's fine as well. 8]

  23. I got my very first warn ever today

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tangerine


      You're a moderator, you're expected not to break any. You received a verbal warn. Regular users don't make half as big a deal of it as you are.

    3. Jack of the Dead

      Jack of the Dead

      this amazes me. what did you do anyway?

    4. Ϲharlie


      Excessive profanity. The warn actually reinforces the point I was trying to make, so it's all good in the end.

  24. Ah, sure... I'll give it a look.

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