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Status Updates posted by Ϲharlie

  1. Happy 16th, Iris.

  2. I just thought it would go well with your comment about blowing a raspberry.

  3. Don't need to. >:D

  4. A "raspberry", huh...

  5. "Blowing", huh...

  6. Happy birthday -_-

  7. One of the girls I work with told me she'd "break" me if she didn't have a boyfriend...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ϲharlie


      Oh, wow. You're really funny. >_>

    3. James Bond

      James Bond

      Lucky Charlie...

    4. Raven


      Go for it. Clearly an invitation.

  8. Happy birthday, Imp.

  9. Ugh... fine. I may as well do something while I finish my coffee and bagel.

  10. Can do. I just got home from work, so I'll be heading to sleep pretty soon. I'll be on late tonight like usual.

  11. You were about 30 minutes too late. Message me ASAP if it's important. I won't be available after 9PM EST.

  12. But your comment was annoying. Mine wasn't.

  13. What happened to my last comment?

  14. Some lady said "Thank you, baby" to me at work last night

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. NTG


      I'm not sure... are they the same or from the same family?

    3. Ϲharlie


      They are. ._.

    4. NTG


      so many synonyms etc etc...

  15. Annoying, annoying, annoying... That's all you are.

  16. You're an annoying little witch, you know that?

  17. Happy birthday

  18. Happy birthday. Hopefully you'll have some luck at least for today.

  19. You look at my profile without leaving any comments? What is this shit?

  20. likes to be known as the angry young man

    1. Dr. Tarrasque
    2. Ϲharlie


      Sirius doesn't appreciate music.

    3. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      He's a robot; of course he doesn't.

  21. Happy birthday, Marth LXIV.

  22. What do you want, old Tee?

  23. But I'm not. Stop trying to force your favorite dumb animu archetype on me. Don't you have someone else you can force it on? ~_~

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