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Status Updates posted by Ϲharlie

  1. But I admitted I don't really hate you... Therefore I'm not really tsundere.

  2. I've already admitted I don't really hate you on more than one occasion. What more do you want from me?

  3. There you go with your tsundere fetish again... You're impossible to deal with. ~_~

  4. If you think I like this harassment, you're more delusional than I thought.

  5. Fuck you, bitch. Keep your abominations off my profile!

  6. You've been spying on my profile quite a bit lately.

  7. Fun police? That's an interesting way to put it.

  8. I would humbly disagree. I would think the actual technical issues like broken supports would take precedence over cleaning up an imperfect yet fully functional dialog. And that's to say nothing of securing permission to implement said changes instead of just talking about them.

  9. HB, dude. Don't see you very much anymore.

  10. Sadness

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tangerine


      Pretty sure nobody makes Mumu happier than I do. Because he is a happy depressant.

    3. PuffPuff
    4. James Bond

      James Bond

      Poor Charlie...

  11. Happy birthday

  12. Happy birthday

  13. I like it as well. Much better than boring old herons.

  14. That's 'cause I'm too cool for just one badge.

  15. Silly, silly Tangerine.

  16. No reason in particular. I've been a sad sack much of my life. Just chatting and bugging me, eh? :P

  17. I'm just moping about and feeling gloomy like always. And you?

  18. Then go to sleep, silly.

  19. Hm... You seem a bit hyper. I wonder what could be causing that.

  20. What brings you here at this hour?

  21. I used it as my avatar on Valentine's Day.

  22. knows the identity of the mysterious "masked Marth" from the new Fire Emblem

  23. thinks Berufu is a lovely name

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NTG
    3. James Bond

      James Bond


      With Darros I take it...

    4. NTG


      Berufu is a nice name ^_^

  24. Just as I said. Not good.

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