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Status Updates posted by Ϲharlie

  1. Thank you, eCut~

  2. Thank you, Tangerine. *hug*

  3. Thank you Boron.

  4. Thank you, Sask.

  5. Thank you, Freohr.

  6. Thank you, Iris!

  7. just finished watching Madoka a few minutes ago

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightmare
    3. TheEnd


      why unwanted

    4. Ϲharlie


      Most children born under the circumstances I described aren't wanted.

  8. That's quite a bit of certainty you have there.

  9. I... suppose you're right. Maybe.

  10. We should never argue about chicks. That would be horrible.

  11. I like Mami best of all!

  12. I'm not sure I could be considered a fan. Not yet anyway.

  13. doesn't fear the cyber police

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darros


      oh no its the po po

      hide charlie hiiiide

    3. Ϲharlie


      Why would I hide from Popo?

    4. Darros


      Not Popo, the po po. I think that might be hyphenated.

  14. is bored beyond belief

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ϲharlie


      You've been very friendly lately, Tangerine.

    3. Tangerine


      Well I am like the friendliest person ever.

    4. Ϲharlie


      But you don't normally hug me.

  15. If you say so, Sask. If you say so...

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