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Status Updates posted by Ϲharlie

  1. I am, and you cannot prove otherwise.

  2. Happy 18th. Timezones are retarded.

  3. is Thor

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nightmare
    3. Ϲharlie


      Beta Ray Bill is pretty awesome, though.

    4. Nightmare


      He is, but he ain't no Thor.

  4. I eat them pretty regularly. Hey, wait! Aren't you supposed to be asleep?!

  5. What's this?! HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY! Would you prefer to get Skittles, gummi bears, french fries, or worms for you birthday?

  6. I think... I'll leave things like that to the sillies.

  7. Now that's just silly.

  8. I see you left comments on your own profile. Were you talking to yourself?

  9. They would never pay. In fact, my stepmother actually got pissed at me because I didn't put the cord for the vacuum cleaner back the way she likes. I should have stopped helping them after that.

  10. Don't be an ass. I work full time. I don't have the time to take care of their responsibilities while they're off relaxing.

  11. My father seems to think she was lying about the abuse, but it doesn't matter anymore. As for the rest of the family, my parents seem to be getting ready to spend some time at the campground. I certainly hope they don't expect me to take care of their animals and the house while their gone. >_>

  12. I don't know. I haven't heard from her, and I don't get many chances to see my parents with my work schedule. I don't know if you remember or not, but this is the same aunt who was supposedly being abused by her husband. :

  13. My aunt's husband died recently

  14. I still haven't heard anything

  15. Nothing, really. It was just busy.

  16. I had a busy day at work, and I'm very tired. I didn't sleep well last night.

  17. You're leaving a comment on my profile when you could just IM me? Moron.

  18. I went to change my badge from Seth to something else, and I noticed a disclaimer that said mods couldn't use badges that were marked with an asterisk. I picked a badge that had an asterisk to see what would happen. I never did bother to change to something else.

  19. Happy birthday. One step closer to the big three-oh.

  20. I will not kill you, dumb dumb. >_> And you're welcome.

  21. is glad to have avoided the shitstorm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunwoo


      I think it's still going on, actually.

    3. Dr. Tarrasque

      Dr. Tarrasque

      What shitstorm?

    4. Ϲharlie


      Copyright issues.

  22. Aww. Happy second birthday. I'm so nice I'm wishing you a happy birthday even though you missed mine last year.

  23. Oh, please. If I slapped you for every perverted thing you did/said to me, you'd be one big bruise by now

  24. You don't seem that mad to me....

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