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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. good idea, you just saved me literally weeks of work. enjoy my army of sandshrews
  2. It isn't connecting for me either, it is letting me connect to wi-fi but not to you.
  3. Ok, i am getting on, how we going to do this? can't you only trade pokemon 5-6 at a time?
  4. ok sounds good. You ready now?
  5. hmmm..... where have a seen something like that happen before.... It look good.
  6. I know it is a TM, i meant how many you want for all of the ones you have. I have 2 yellow 1 green 8 blue 2 red, i will get as many as you want though. My code is 5370 3858 9891
  7. One time.....Damn you Equator.....
  8. How many shards will it take to get all of your earthquakes?
  9. noremaC


    this, i don't really mind, mainly if they are only on the face, don't really like them anywhere else.........
  10. noremaC

    SUPUH POWAHS!!!!!!

    To be able to transform into a giant metal beast (Iron man meets the hulk)
  11. ~Chapter 4~ Will: What the hell are we going to do now? Eric and Kevin are dead and this just the beginning….. We are screwed….. Cameron: No we are not; Eric may have died but his plan is still alive, Kevin and Kaitlin were not the only people Eric contacted, they were just the closest, if they are not dead a few more people should be here soon… Will: How will this help any? What if we are attacked before they get here? Kaitlin: We won’t Will….. Will: How do you know you little slu… Cameron: SHUT UP! She is right. *Four figures are seen appearing over the hill.* David: Sup Cameron…….Hey……where are Eric and Kevin….. Cameron:…… David:….oh….I’m real sorry dude…. Luke: Well this is a killjoy… Lydia: Shut up Luke, you and Eric may not have been the best of friends but to the rest of us he was like a brother… Luke: I’m sorry just the world ending really doesn’t bring up my spirits… Matthew: None of us like it, least we don’t bitch about it 24/7. Will: Hey all of you let’s settle down. Kaitlin: Will…Want me to bring up the conversation from 10 minutes ago. Will: That will not be necessary. Cameron: Let me have y’all attention, I guess we should get everyone settled in, we still only have two tents so we will have to arrange things differently. David and Matthew, you will sleep in mine and Kaitlin’s tent, Luke and Lydia \, you two will join Will. Lydia: Please can I be you and Kaitlin, I can not bear the thought of sleeping were Kevin once slept. Cameron: But you are fine sleeping were Eric used too…. Lydia: Yep… Cameron: Fine……Matthew you will join Will and Luke then…. Matthew: Why me? Why not David? Cameron: You and Will actually know each other… Matthew: *sigh* ok, whatever you say boss. Luke: So are we actually going to do something or are just going to sit here and chit chat all day? David: Yeah, I wanna kill something already. Will: Okay, you can go out and kill an undead beast with your bare hands. David: At least give us our suits or whatever…. Cameron: Ok let’s go to the armory. ~Armory~ David: Ahh I like this one. Cameron:…..They all look the same…..you can’t even tell what it is yet… David:…..I still like it…. Cameron: Okay, I guess you can have this one. It is the General suit, same type Eric used, massive strength, a giant lance, intense defense, but extremely slow. David: Sounds good. Matthew: What about me? Cameron: I think you would like this one; it is a lancer, medium lance, somewhat fast, somewhat strong, and medium defense, all around average. Matthew: Okay, I will take it. Cameron: Luke, I think this one suits you, it is thunder mage, you use magic the strike you enemies with tremendous bolts of lightning, but in return you take goods deals of damage. Luke: I like it. Cameron: Lydia the sword mistress suits you well, quick, swift stroke with the sword dealing impeccable damage, but if you are hit you will take untold damage, but that is, if you are hit. Lydia: Well now then, that sounds perfect. Kaitlin: Why do they get to decide which one they want? Why couldn’t I choose…..I want to fight…. Will: Because somebody has to heal and you were the most fit for it at the time. Kaitlin: *sigh* Okay… Cameron: Oh yeah, Kaitlin, I forgot to tell you that you light magic heals will hurt the undead. Kaitlin:…..So this whole time I could actually fight? Cameron: No, after Eric and Kevin died I took your suit during the night and made it possible to hurt them. Kaitlin: Thank you. Cameron: Now let’s get to training. David: HORAH!!
  12. I need to finish my move sets. Back to battle tower...... :(
  13. Good game, each time i get closer :D
  14. Never mind, apparently my swarm today was cubone so i got my own club.
  15. ok ill get shards, how many do you need/want? my code is 5370 3858 9891 You said you are available tonight and tomorrow right?
  16. ~bump~ Still looking for a battle/ the cubone item
  17. noremaC

    Be Proud

    Proud to not be a dumb ass.
  18. my voice really didnt/hasnt cracked....it just got deeper.
  19. Me and my friend pretended to be the police for about 30 minutes on our friend.......The next day we went up to her and talked like that....she was not too happy
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