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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. noremaC

    Truth or Dare

    We played truth or dare last year a lot in English (wasn't organized, our teacher did nothing so we came up with stuff at our table (5-7 people) we did stuff like poker, T or D and other card games) so anyways the things i had to do were -Rub a girls thigh and see how close i could get before she hit me/told me to stop -hug a girl while she was talking to her boyfriend -Get the ugliest/meanest girl in the class's phone number(was unsuccessful) -burp as loud as i could in front of the whole class -prank call the school -dance on the table -jump out the window to go to lunch -debate the teacher on why the sky is blue (got to 15 minutes before she told me to just shut up) -eat Iranian candy (was disgusting) there are a few more that i don't remember, also i would not have done some of that stuff but if you didn't everybody at the table got to punch you on the arm as hard as they could if you didn't/couldn't do it.
  2. uhhh my game just like stopped, i'm gunna restart my ds......
  3. *goes where he is going* 1 step ahead of ya
  4. Anybody up for a match wanna see how my team is so far.
  5. *sigh* I REALLY did not want to post in here, I try to avoid arguments but I can't stand it any more. Death, shut up dude, just because somebody wants to believe something does not force to to laugh in their face and tell them everything they believe and everything they live for is a lie and they should be just like you. Hika, if you care so little why even post? But i do agree with Hika, fftf is not suppose to be serious so with this being my first, and last post in this topic i would like to say, have fun in hell you two. Good day
  6. Don't you mean tinkering about tingininners tinkling?
  7. my friend loves it also, it can drive me cray sometimes.
  8. At first i didnt get it but now i can't look away.
  9. uhhh that is so wrong in so many ways......
  10. *hits destiny hero with anti-flame hammer*
  11. Depends on the game. I like a good even amount of both as long as the makers do it well.
  12. any body need pokerus? (if you do not know what it is it doubles the amount of evs your pokemon get.
  13. not really, i was out there for 20 some odd minutes bare foot in shorts and a t shirt, i love the cold. My body is naturally hot.
  14. Well snowed for 2nd time in my life, school tomorrow is canceled so i think it has gone pretty well so far.
  15. Pure snow in my back yard: Same snow after i walked on it:
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