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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. i didnt say God santa is big brother also anybody who believes in big brother is an idiot.
  2. not gonna debate but just going to say 1 single word Santa
  3. CONGRATS!!!! only one more year till you can "legally" drink :D
  4. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    Like is said, I don't want to debate, I am not trying to debate, just stating my opinion, don't really care what y'all's are
  5. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    the oldest argument "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" also, Men + Woman= more population Men + Men= Nothing
  6. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    people died defending what they believe in, which is how i would prefer to die, unlike most people dieing to defending their "gangs"
  7. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    I don't want to, I am not egging them on, I am stating what I think How is he irrelevant? Is he only suppose to matter when you need something and when you don't agree when with something he says he is irrelevant?
  8. Chapter one This is not based off of anything here and I do not plan on it being based off it. Also note I am typing on a copter with a cracked screen where I can not see some of this so the grammar may not be that well. ~2012~ Eric: Well…..this is goodbye I guess. Will: Yeah, maybe we will see each other again someday Cameron: Who are you kidding, you and I both know we never will, Eric going to God knows where, you are moving to Colorado and I am staying here in Texas, the chances of us meeting again are slim, very slim. Kaitlin: Brightening the mood as usual Cameron? Cameron: Where did you come from? Kaitlin: I have been standing next to you this hole entire time…. Cameron: Ohh didn’t see you down there. Kevin: Well I am off just wanted to say good-bye Will: Same, I am off as well, see you all, never….. Eric: I guess I should be going as well… Cameron: Bye……. ~2015~ ???: It has happened….. the world….it is ending, hordes of the undead are rising out of the ground after the sudden meteor shower, they are destroying all in their paths ~2016~ ???:Sir, what are we to do, the men are tired, we are almost our of weapons Eric: just hold out for now, I have somebody working on the weapons thing as we speak…. ~Later that year~ ???: Doctor, we just got 20 more injured, what do you want us to do? Will: Treat the worst injured first, and then make your way to the mildly injured ???: Got it. ~2017~ Will: So what are we doing here again? Cameron: For the 3rd time, Eric said he was going to meet us here Will: Sorry for trying to start a conversation……. Cameron: Didn’t mean to snap at you there, I am still depressed about Justin…. Will: I heard about that……I did all I could to save your brother…. Cameron: wait…..YOU were the doctor that injected the penicillin into his vain?!?!?! Will: Uhhhhhh…… Look here comes Eric….thank God…… Cameron: Late as usual Eric… Eric: Shut up. You bring the stuff? Cameron: Yes Will: What stuff? Cameron & Eric: Nothing Will: I hate when y’all do this Cameron: Can I tell him? Eric: Sure….why not… Cameron: I Eric: We Cameron: WE have come up with a devise to fight the invasion; we call it the “super suit” Will: lame name…. Will: What does it do? Cameron: Eric if you will *A flash of light goes off and then standing where Eric once was stood a giant metal suit holding a lance* I know it might not be the best but Oh well, at least i tried :D
  9. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    God, the government, me
  10. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    I am sorry if this offends anybody but i am glad this was passed, i don't care if you are gay or not, but marriage is the bond between a man and a woman, not a man and a man, or other way around
  11. noremaC


    people nowadays think racism is the littlest of things...but no, i don't think that there will ever be a time when there is no racism
  12. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1218014206836 <1st http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1218010537415 <2nd http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1218009477085 <3rd Personally i choose the 3rd one, what do y'all think
  13. noremaC

    Prop 8 passed.

    *cheers* awww to bad....
  14. My dad bes a cop so he not be home much, but he is cool, he gets me into baseball games for free and even though he never plays them he is really good at video games
  15. times the sloppyness of yours by about 24 then square it, that is mine, i would post some of my work but my computer isnt working so just take my word, i get benefit of the doubt from teachers cause they know i am smart but cant read what i write so they just give me good grades.
  16. yay another person who likes muk 1.ditto 2.luxray 3.hitmontop 4.muk 5.primeape (however you spell it)
  17. *hits in nuts with hammer repeatedly*
  18. quiet i guess, and with the exeption of my house and 4-5 others, poor
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