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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. lol, that would be the WORST ending ever, Eric and Kevin are the only ones dead.
  2. ~Chapter 3~ Eric: GET UP GET UP EVERYBODY THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!! Cameron: huh wha *looks around base sees hunters of undead surrounding the camp* Kevin: I’m up, I’m up…… Eric: Good, Kevin wake Will up, Cameron wake up kaitlin, I will hold them off until then. Kevin: Got it Kevin: Dumbass wake up Will:5 more minutes mom.. Kevin: Wake the FUCK up Will: I said 5 more minutes mommy *Kevin’s hands glow red and slowly Will’s hair lights on fire* Will: Ahhh ahhhhhh!!!!! JACKASS PUT IT OUT!!!!! Kevin: Fine now get up we are under attack Cameron: Hey, Kaitlin, wake up. Kaitlin: Whhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy I don’t wanna….. Cameron: We are being attacked Kaitlin: Tell them to go away…. Cameron: …….. Kaitlin: fiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeee Ill get up…. Eric: Good you are all awake, now me and Kevin will take the north and east side, Cameron you and Will Take the west and south, kaitlin, heal whoever is getting hurt Kaitlin: Whatever you say boss Kevin: Count me in; I could go for some killing. Cameron: WILL I COULD USE SOME HELP HERE! Will: Damnit Cameron, I can kill ONE thing at a time, it is kinda hard to defend against HUNDREDS! Cameron: well, try harder Will: ……….. ???: RARWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Kevin: Ummm, what the hell was that.. Eric: *points at giant beast storming through the undead* Kevin: Holy……shit…… Eric: CAMERON!!!!!!!!WILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELLLLLLLLPPPP!!!!!!! Kaitlin: Huh I wonder what they need……. Cameron: No, stay back, it could be bad……. Cameron: Will lets go, kaitlin, stay back Will: Okay, right behind you Kaitlin: Y’all get all the fun Cameron:….. Cameron: Eric!!!! You alri*sees the beast* …….shit, what the hell is that thing…. Will: I am out of here Cameron: No you are not; you hold of the smaller ones, we will handle that thing Will: If we die, I will kill you. Eric: Little help here! Cameron: Coming! *The beast swings a giant fist, slamming into Eric, sending him flying into a crowd of undead* Kevin: We stand no chance!!! You two get Kaitlin and flee, I will stay and defend Eric. Cameron: NO!!! Y’all are coming with us!!!! Kevin: ……good bye……*runs into the crowd, heading towards where Eric landed* Will: …..It is no use if all of us die; let’s get out of here…. Cameron: Okay, we will avenge them someday, that thing will die. *they run towards the base to gather what they can and run* Kaitlin: Where are Eric and Kevin… Cameron: …………. Kaitlin: oh……….. *A huge burst of flames appears behind them, burning everything, and everybody in its path* nothing remained, the battle was over, but at the greatest cost of all
  3. texas, in the fattest city in America I LIVE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE!
  4. Meh, maybe if i could drive, would be quite difficult if not.
  5. noremaC


    psst less than 2% of abortion are rape, incest of could hurt the mother. And i agree with you 100%, i say no, it should not be legal, unless one of those cases and you could always just give it to an adoption place if you HAVE to.
  6. P.C. is better.................................................
  7. I like troll ownage :D they get real big and have spears, also i love the way they sound, my next favorite is orc, then undead, then night elves, then human, then dwarfs......
  8. *hits lyle in the balls with a bat* squeal like a man damnit!
  9. Same to you :D Hmm.......i need more.....trinkets......
  10. -Show off your interests -To practice designing your own layouts -Create photo galleries of your work to share -To make new friends that you haven’t met before -To read the daily bulletins people post -To blog and/or read blogs -Post personal photos If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most? -People’s personal lives -Chain letters -SurveysPeople’s views on major issues going on -Lyrics -Other (please list) Comments on pages: Do you display them publicly (Y/N)? Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)? If yes, which do you approve?If no, are you confident with trust? Pictures: Do you display them(Y/N)? If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post? any If No, are you concerned with your privacy or personal issues? Is your profile private (y/n)? Why or why not? no, I know nobody will stalk me, i don't really have much personal stuff, and people who will "stalk" you have ways to view your profile anyways ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope that was correct/helpful
  11. oh also i shall be breaking in meh computer
  12. lol what a surprise, if people go to texas, they go to houstan/dallas/austin
  13. fire, dehydration (as seen in the spongebob movie) hooks
  14. what town ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am staying home new years: get to be able to bench 190 get better at soccer/american football (only sports i am descant at and want to do one next year) do better in school
  15. muahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fear me!!!!!! yes, it is a mess, and that isnt all, just the cleaner parts.......
  16. Thank you sir *hands money* *leaves* see was that so hard?
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