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Everything posted by noremaC

  2. no,no,no :D muahahaahahahahah and luxord medium height, pretty well built, dark shaggy hair
  3. tall, stern look on face, really skinny, somewhat of a beard
  4. Why is it that when you use a poke center they lady says "Hope to see you again". I know it is common curtsy to say that but when you work at healing almost dead things shouldn't you say "I hope i never have to see you again"?
  5. lol, i like Ev, but the 3rd and last one are the same....
  6. yeah, that was really just in the beginning, that won't happen again, now it is just scene changes. I just used then to show the world somewhat ending and the group of friends separating
  7. I Know nobody is probably going to read this but I don’t really care, I just feel like writing :D ~Chapter 2~ Will: Wha-what is that thing. Cameron: That my friend, is the future of war. Will: Great answer….but I mean WHAT is it? Cameron: Oh, That is Eric. Will: …. Cameron: Fine…. It is the super suit Eric is wearing it makes your cells get enhanced 10x over so practically we can make you capable of doing anything, I have programmed then to turn Eric in to a war machine, he can still do everything he can in human form but I think it is just loading his bodily functions so he is in a somewhat rebooting mode, he should be able to talk, move, etc soon. Will: Do I get one? Cameron: Yes, I was just getting to that, I have quite a few different types set out to different people that should be arriving in the next few days, until then we shall begin training. Your suite is archer based; it makes you more nimble and quick, while Eric’s being tank makes him somewhat slow but powerful and much more resistant to being hurt. Will: So when do I get it? Also, who else is coming…. Cameron: It is in your tent right now, and you shall see….. Will: I hate when you make me wait… Eric: *stretching* Ahh feels good to know you can take on almost anyone. Cameron: Good you are back from “sleep” I was just explaining to Will about to suits. Eric: I see, I guess you should go help him before he hurts himself. ~3 days later~ Cameron: Y’all are getting good at this, I think they are here, I see people walking up the hill. ?: Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric!!!!!!!!!! ??: Sorry, couldn’t hold her back….hey dudes Eric: Hey, long time no see. Cameron: Hello, nice to see y’all again. Will: Thanks to saying hi to me *sulks* ?: Well last time I saw you, you gave me a good reason not to greet you.. Will: I said I was sorry….. ?: Sorry aint good enough. ??: Will just shut up, there is no use, she will win the argument, trust me.. Cameron: Kevin, Kaitlin I will show you two to y’all’s tents, follow me. Eric, calm Will down. Eric: Will do. ~The tents~ Kaitlin: Why do I have to share a tent with you and Eric, I am a girl, I should get my own… Cameron: Well Will is already in the tent that fits two, this one fits three and you and Will don’t get along and we can’t trust Kevin to sleep in the same room as a girl…So it has to be me, you and Eric in this one, and Kevin and Will in the other one. Kevin: That was ONE time and I was 14… Cameron: You tried to take Jesie’s shirt of when she was asleep….. Kevin: I hate you…how the hell do you remember that? Cameron: I be smart. Kaitlin: where is the bathroom? I have to pee. Cameron: *sigh* Over there Kaitlin: Leave please Kevin: Why? Kaitlin: I am going to the bathroom… Kevin: so? Kaitlin; Perv, Cameron, please make him leave Cameron: Okay, lets go Kevin: You ruin all the fun…. ~back at gate~ Eric: So I guess it is time to train am I right? Cameron: Yes, Kevin, Kaitlin let me explain what the suits do, basically you put the suits on and they give you powers, Kevin, yours allows you to cast fire balls out of your hands and Kaitlin you can cast light magic to heal people. Kaitlin: Why can’t I kill anything? Will: because, you are a girl. Kaitlin: Shut up jerk I wasn’t talking to you Kevin: So I can like burn anything? Eric: Yes Kevin: heheh cool *Note* Everything in the story is based off something that happened in real life, Kaitlin is pissed at will for little reason, kevin is a perv and did try to take a girls shirt off while she was asleep, me and eric are the smarter people out of our friends, one much smarter person comes in later, i am going to kill of a few off my friends, i based what classes they are off of how they are in real life, eric is big and bulky, will is tall, skinny and fast, kevin is a pyromaniac, so i am but i didnt want to be a mage, kaitlin i just mage a priest because i couldnt think of anything else for her to be.
  8. As the topic states it is feedback for my story, i am writing the 2nd chapter as i type this so it should be up in the next 20 minutes.
  9. for some reason i was expecting a picture of a cow........
  10. well i can tell me and you arnt going to get along. Ever. being forced to take spainish in the U.s.a.
  11. My wireless is good, had it for 3 years and given no trouble
  12. wow, you are a really good writer... General Yogurt leader of the elite, i like the sound of that
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