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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. fire pretty *gets gasoline* *pores gas on fire* *screams as face burns off* *turns harvey dent on yall's asses*
  2. :o *pukes* i hate how ike had no female endings in RD
  3. noremaC

    Working out

    lol i stole the name from my friend, even though i told him the name in the first place >.>
  4. noremaC

    Working out

    *pets head* its ok little buddy
  5. noremaC

    Working out

    ^ WOW my brother is 6"4' and 180 and he still looks like a fricken stick you must be like o -|- ^
  6. i dont want anybody to be kicked but if i had to choose i would would choose sonic, his games are down the pooper and i just don't see the great thing about hime
  7. noremaC

    Homework help.

    i type fast but i have to look at my keyboard to do so, sometimes i have to type my computer/myspace login 2-3 times because i dont read what i type.
  8. noremaC

    Homework help.

    that and my y and u somtimes don't work when i click them
  9. hey, im younger than most peoples here so :P as long as im not brutally murder i will live longer than alot of you and thanks again
  10. *my mommy says im to young for girls and they are ichy* add me to the list, I have a relationship in rl. and ^ true that metal
  11. noremaC

    Homework help.

    i have trouble with school, im just lay and procrastinate ALOT
  12. noremaC

    Working out

    I do laps in my pool and 75-200 (depends on how i feel) situps a day on school days but i have a slow metablislm so im about average weight.
  13. thanks to my brother ALL my teachers knew i was a *enter last name here* so i would be smart but very talkitive so i couldnt sit next to some of my friends and my geometry teacher lteraly seperated me from the rest of the class, other than that it was fine
  14. i thought they had to be done by the 24th
  15. yeah, he can host, he will need to add me thoguh
  16. i will join let me see if my wifi is working k its working, ill add yall
  17. fox, masu, mac, any of yall want to fight
  18. i used to be able to sing oprag, like when i was 10
  19. tls you can have mine, please, take him
  20. don't kill yourself, kill sombody else, it will make you feel beter, once you see their pain you wont want to go through it yourself :D
  21. fine, ill try to find one edit:found one ill post in a sec
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