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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. Im gunna be scared this playthrough, it is a magic only playthrough and unless my laura can withstand 12 turns of murder i am messed up
  2. i had him support with nolan so he got avoid and had him stand next to a boss that had a low hit rate (the one on the level you first get tormad) with paragon so he got 2 exp a miss, it took about 4 days.
  3. it was a few playthroughs ago so i don't quite remember but i think it ended it
  4. Yes i did on my lance only run through, i equiped ike wth an iron sword beforehand then got my 20/20/10 stat/boss abused aran to impale him
  5. I like kechup and cheese on popcorn and bbq sauce on mac and cheese, and ketchup on plain bread.
  6. Can i be in it i play a mean bagpipe B)
  7. I'm a lifegaurd :D well i was, i had to quit last week because school is about to start
  8. I never really liked cartoons in the first place and when i went to the chanell they were dressed as beans and were singing.
  9. I hate Valtome, i have his death by every person i used in the chapter he dies on recorded on my phone killing him also i have when the general guy grabs him by his neck recorded on my phone, i watch them when i'm bored.
  10. At first i thought it might be good but after seeing the commercials about 3 thousand more times i just wanted to hurt sombody.
  11. I watched that show once, it scared the crap out of me
  12. noremaC


    Ice tea because it is the only type of tea I know
  13. I used her on a lance only playthrough and she turned out about the same as oscar just alittle less hp and defence.
  14. do you have any proof he is alvie besides some theries?
  15. When i hear that name i think dead and overated
  16. It was awasome, i have seen it 4 times in theader, only thing i don't like is batman's voice, it is hard to understand at some points.
  17. I wanna be a super hero On a serious note though i and taking courses in the eltrical engineering field, i have already rewired the lighting in my garage.
  18. so... organised..... can't..... witstand.... cleanlyness....... (dies)
  19. Also you forgot to put Christian music on the list :D ,not that i listen to it...........
  20. i play it just to see how many coins i can get and to get the prize
  21. I mainly listen to rock/metal and a little country
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