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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. i will try this, first i will do eem just to see if it is possible on that then i will attempt ehm but what are you supposed to do on the chapter you get hector and the chapter you lyn and endgame
  2. there is NO way you can do this on hard, easy would be difficult but hard impossible
  3. i always go hectors way so i beef matthew up in lyns so he never gives me problems
  4. i do, its a force of habit, even though i have seen some of thier real pictures i see thier avatars more often
  5. Tied it out, McCain is the lesser of 2 evils, obama voted present on 128 (or close to that) bills, that means he didn't care for either side, also out of 100 senators 2 of them voted for partial birth abortion that is while a baby is being born they they inject poisen into the brain killing it. Obama was 1 of those 2 senators. McCain is just old and sucks at giving speaches also that is just 2 things Obama did, there are quite a few more *coughpastorcough*
  6. I seem to do/say things without thinking, making me sometimes act like a jerk but in forums and online i don't seem like a jerk because you have to think about what you are typing unlikr talking were your mind can be totaly blank but you are still holding a conversation
  7. i like the put ike to sleep and have laura OHKO him on turn 3 beter i love boss abuse
  8. those are good, i have have her reach 20 with 3 defence and i think 11 speed and 23 health with the robe thing
  9. i picked the recruit/journymen/pupil and summorners even though in rd the consept of the first three is kind of in it because of the 3 tiers insted of 2 and i don't really seo summorners coming back
  10. i recruit jill just to get a quick start on my jillxhaar support
  11. judgement day but if not that then i would say nuclear holocaust :)
  12. noremaC

    Cats vs. Dogs

    dogs, i have 3 dogs and only one cat i have had dogs as long as a can remeber, when one dies we always seem to somehow get another one
  13. i will join, its not good for people to be alone
  14. Oh no you didn't- mercs 2 only 30 seconds long but so addicting
  15. ooooooooh i never watched that show and that name was only temperarely, it is gone now
  16. noremaC

    Working out

    he plays offence and defence
  17. ........wow that was strange yet..... i couldn't stop laughing
  18. noremaC


    Nicely done, where did you get the pic/ what did you use to edit it?
  19. we have to read all our essays outloud so i write mine about stuff that i know will piss off the people in my class
  20. oo oo ooo my mom says im part horse because nomatter what she tells me to do i say nay
  21. huh what does that have to do with anything? and no i am not
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