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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. Name: BBQ Code: 5112 3090 6509
  2. I don't play it much, my brother is addicted to halo ATM and my friends are worse than computers and defently more annoying so i usally just play online.
  3. if theres a spot open ill join, im free everyday execpt friday nights and sunday morning.
  4. ill play also just give me a minute
  5. 25th for me, first year of high school :(
  6. seeing how everybody else is signing up here i guess i will also.
  7. im not a fan of reading at all but if i start reading a book i like i dont stop until i am done which can lead me into trouble because i finish books we read in school over about 3-4 weeks in about 3-4 hours and refuse to touch it again
  8. it goes to far on some subjects but otherwise it is pretty funny but that being said i prefer family guy
  9. im up for afew matches if anybody wants a go at it
  10. jiggleypuff and olimar i dont know why though
  11. not being able to continue on boss battle
  12. my mom playes mario 64 on vc and my dad can play sport games and can kinda play melee and fe9
  13. good games, that first 1 my phone rang right when it started so i had to kill myself np, i would have had to leave soon also
  14. ill play some one, fc code 511230906509
  15. heheh and were you lagging on pit's stage or taunting because i barely had any lag
  16. Thanks, first time playing online and first time playing against half those characters, i did better than i thought i would.
  17. the l, it says your code is wrong?
  18. Im on so just add me when your ready.
  19. Anyone want to play? FC:5112-30906509 Name:Pielz
  20. yes, somtimes i can just sit there and have a 15 minute conversation
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