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Posts posted by DarthR0xas

  1. 6 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Well if you knew beforehand Lowen will end better then Sain, why you would even use Sain if you can instead make Lowen  level twice as fast?

    That said, Sain can be promoted to paladin in Lyn mode already, which means he perform comparably to Marcus early and quite quickly outperform him. 

    Firstly, your logic/math is faulty. Not using one unit doesn't mean that another unit will level twice as fast. Due to a combination of exp scaling and the fact that most people wouldn't just be using two units means that Lowen would probably level up 1.25 as fast.

    To put it in more mathematical terms, if we have a pie chart of five units, each taking up a pie of experience that is equally distributed, we're left with everybody having 20%. Now, if we subtract Sain from said pie, that means we have the same amount of experience to share amongst four unit. but one unit wouldn't just claim all of that now open slice, other units would take some of it. So now you're left with Lowen having maybe 30-ish percent of the pie with your other units taking up other parts of said pie. And even if Lowen took both slices whole-hog, said experience wouldn't be of the same consistent worth than it would for Sain. With exp scaling, Lowen would eventually get less exp for a kill than Sain might have, making it so he would only level up maybe 1.5 times as fast.

    That said, you would use Sain with Lowen because cavaliers and paladins are the best class in all of GBA FE and you want to use all of them because they are amazing. 

    Also, Sain would not perform similar to Marcus, he would be noticeably worse. Assuming he promoted at level 10 exact (because I have never seen a Sain at a higher level than that in anything I've played or seen, which due to it being Lyn mode is admittedly not a lot), then Sain has, compared to a base Marcus

             HP   STR   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
    Sain     28   14    8     10    7     9     2
    Marcus   31   15    15    11    8     10    8

    The biggest gap here is the minus 7 skill that Sain has compared to Marcus, followed by the minus 6 in res. Enemy mages will eviscerate the poor lad. And this is base Marcus, by the time Lyn's squad comes in at chapter 16 (I'm pretty sure it's chapter 16, might be wrong in this regard), Marcus has already had quite a few bosses to raise himself level-wise with, and he really is the best candidate for boss exp. So yeah, have Sain promote early in Lyn mode, assuming you play it on hard (although as to why you're playing it in the first place escapes me), to be a worse Marcus who will barely have the chance to surpass him. Although he'll still be set, so it isn't all that bad.

  2. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    Well, I left out Swords because I think we've seen enough Lords wield them. As for Staffs, well I just sorta forgot about em. :[

    Nah bro, we need more sword lords. The lack of them in this franchise is quite disturbing if you ask me. The only lords who wield swords are

    Marth, Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Eliwood, Hector (upon promotion) Lyn, Eirika, Ike, Kris (potentially), Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Corrin, and Edlegard (by the looks of it).

    I mean look at the rest of the lords weapon types.

    Lances: Sigurd, Seliph (upon promotion), Leif (upon promotion), Eliwood (upon promotion), Ephraim, Kris (potentially), Robin (reclassing), and Corrin (reclassing)

    Axes: Leif (upon promotion), Hector, RD!Ike (upon promotion), Kris (potentially), Robin (reclassing), Corrin (reclassing), and Edlegard (by the looks of it)

    Bows: Alm (upon promotion), Leif (upon promotion), Lyn (upon promotion), Kris (potentially), Robin (reclassing), and Corrin (reclassing)

    Magic: Celica, Leif (upon promotion), Micaiah, Kris (potentially), Robin, and Corrin (reclassing)

    Staffs: Leif (upon promotion), Micaiah (upon promotion), Kris (potentially), Robin (reclassing), and Corrin (reclassing)

    The other weapon types have had it good for way too long. Swords need their time in the limelight.


    Nah but for real though axes, or maybe a staff lord if IS pulled it off right. Magic has already had a shot, as have lances.


  3. I suppose my favorite would be Tellius, as it's the only saga where I love all the games in it. NES has Gaiden, which is a chore, but also FE1, which is surprisingly fun. SNES era has FE4 and 5, which are great, and I haven't played 3 so I can't really say if the era as a whole is great. GBA has FE6, which sucks, but also Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, which are both fun in their own rights. DS era has Shadow Dragon, which sucks, and I haven't played FE12, but I hear that it's a massive improvement so I'm waiting to pass full judgement. 3Ds era has Birthright and Revelations, which are boring in most regards, but also Conquest, Awakening, and especially Echoes, which are all amazing (less so on Awakening).

    So I guess the DS era would be my least favorite, but I'll get back to you on that once I've played New Mystery.

  4. I couldn't bring myself to eliminate any FE game, I've had fun with all the ones I have played (which is almost all of them), and the ones I haven't played look like they'll be no different.

    FE1, despite some clunk, has an unbelievable amount of charm. And said charm slightly mitigates all the issues. It's like nostalgia in a way, just the amount of effort and other junk that went into it makes it fun to play.

    FE2 doesn't really have the same amount of charm as FE1, at least for me, but it was still a good experience. Before Sacred Stones, it was an interesting and occasionally fun dive into a more open FE game. Before Echoes it was a way to see how different mechanics that FE had picked up over the years got there start, and also have some fun. After Echoes it serves the same purpose as the original Metroid does to Zero Mission (since we already have brought up Metroid in this thread, it makes for a good example). It's a very esoteric game, but despite its flaws and shortcomings, it's pretty fun. You should probably just play the remakes though.

    FE3 I've only sampled of, I haven't actually dove in. It's an improved FE1, and I like the style of it. More colorful than the Jugdral games, while still looking pretty good.

    FE4 is a complete and utter mess, and I love it to bits. The story is brilliant in everything except execution, being limited by the SNES to an unfortunate degree. Even in the hindered state, it's still one of the best stories ever put into an FE game. The gameplay can be stupidly easy, boring, and tedious, but also thrilling, tactical, and a pure delight. It has the greatest sense of scale that no other FE has been able to top (Radiant Dawn came close, but just missed the mark). And that soundtrack, beautiful. I may like FE1/2's tunes, but they get grating fast and have much better version elsewhere. FE4's songs are brilliant, and I find myself humming them from time to time. That said, it needs to be remade, and then it will serve something similar to Metroid 2 and AM2R (Yeah, I know that Samus Returns is the official remake, but I like AM2R more and would hope that the FE4 remake would be more akin to it than Samus Returns)

    FE5 is also a mess, although mainly just in the absurd difficulty curb. FE4 had hard mechanics that if you didn't learn, you might have a harder time but the game was still easy enough to beat. FE5 has incredibly hard mechanics and also moment of BS where if the player doesn't know what's coming up, they're basically boned. Don't know about the Manster escape sequence? Well too bad, you just lost most of your gear. Didn't know about the trap "In America"? Too bad, take Balista to the face. And despite my complaining about it, it's still incredibly fun. I daresay it is the most enjoyable FE game, merely for the fact that once you get everything, you can break the game over your knee and laugh as it tries to escape from the mess it created. That was an unnecessarily harsh metaphor but I'll stick with it. Plot starts strong but slightly fizzles out towards the end, that and my translation patch bugged out near the end, and I wasn't going to replay all of FE5 until a better patch than that one came out, so I don't really know the end. Suppose I could look it up at some point.

    FE6 is, well if I was dangling over a pit of lava and was about to be dropped in if not told immediately which game to remove from existence, it'd be either this one or another game later. It's worse FE7 in every way (except maybe the waifu department, that actually gives it more grounds than the other game). The gameplay is almost identical, just with a worse balance due to the absurd power of legendary weapons. The main lord is worse, the final boss it worse, the story is, well, better and worse. I won't elaborate too much, since FE6 vs 7 in the story is a long line of small comparisons that I don't want to get into.

    FE7 good gameplay, good story, good characters, great presentation, great music, great everything. FE7 is a great FE game.

    FE8 is a slightly worse FE game. I love grinding in FE, except in Sacred Stones. Having monsters appear randomly on the map was more a hindrance than anything else, and the Tower of Valni left a lot to be desired. At least in Awakening I could speed through the grinding, here it takes way longer. That said, still great animation and music, also one of my favorite FE characters (Tana), so it isn't all bad. Gameplay is still fun, but very, very easy.

    FE9 is my favorite FE game. I know my profile says FE10, but that's mainly because I'm too lazy to change it, and because I've played Radiant Dawn more so I feel that I should play PoR a few more times before definitely giving the spot to it. But it has the Best characters, best plot, and some of the best music the franchise has ever experienced. Gameplay isn't the best in the franchise, that would be Radiant Dawn before it was stolen by Fates, but it's up there. And presentation, not the worst, but in comparison to the clean 2D animations of prior games, or the better 3D of the following ones, it leaves something to be desired. But seriously, this one is amazing.

    FE10 is also great. The plot isn't as good, but it has some great characters (although admittedly most of the good ones carry over good will from PoR), the second best gameplay, amazing music, some great presentation, and the best combination of mechanics that feel properly implemented. Unlike Fates where map gimmicks were very hit or miss (I guess they never miss huh, sorry), any gimmick tried here works great. A lot of these gimmicks work because they're implemented with rewards that aren't "The player clears the map". Don't kill any rebels in 2-3? You get a butt-ton of experience. Save the villagers in 1-8, you get a ton of experience. The bonus experience system is just great overall, and really allows objectives to be changed in interesting ways.

    FE11 is that other game that I would remove from existence in a heartbeat. It barely justifies its existence as a remake. It's the first book in FE3, with the 6 or so cut chapters added back and some other modern touches, but nothing major. The animations are ugly, the characters bland, the story meh, the gameplay is a downgrade in every regard, and not even the music is that good imo. It's lost a lot of its original charm, that or I'm spoiled by the Smash remixes.

    FE12, I have never played.

    FE13 and 14 have been discussed extensively, I've already established my opinions on them elsewhere (probably). They're both good, with Fates's gameplay being the greatest, only slightly brought down by some map design woes. Awakening is an unbalanced mess gameplay wise, but is also some of the most fun I've had breaking everyone with my units. The stories are garbage (bar Awakening's first act), the presentation is pretty good (where are the feet), the music is beautiful and some of my favorite tracks are in these games. Overall very fun.

    FE15 is a masterpiece. Below the tie of Radiant Dawn and PoR it is my favorite game. It's mainly due to the full voice acting, it adds another level that any other game lacks (the voice samples in Awakening/Fates are more distracting than anything imo). The gameplay and maps have been criticized heavily, but I never really felt the same way. They all always were amazing to me. And full 3D movement was kinda liberating to see in an FE game.

    So yeah, I don't really think I'd eliminate any of the FE games, as I've just gone through all of the-

    Oh yeah, BS Fire Emblem. Never played it, probably never will. Basically just FE3 DLC, except they made it another game by the looks of it. I suppose this could be eliminated without any harm, but that'd be erasing some interesting history so I'd say no.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    A precocious 10 year old born to rule an old world theocracy + instructed in the highest forms of religious education for pretty much the entirety of her formative years??? Wouldn’t put it past her.

    Neither would I, but it's also important to think of the context in which this situation takes place. She is literally about to collapse due to how tired she is. I don't care how smart you are, at that point I think I'm safe in asserting that no one could argue philosophy and religious text to that extent. Sanaki absolutely could do it, just maybe not quite as well in the situation that has been devised.

  6. On 12/23/2018 at 7:05 AM, Hare'da-irijon said:

    How do you like my new Roy portrait?


    Looks pretty good. The crown looks a tad off to me, maybe just the fact I'm not as big a fan of the Byzantine style. More of a simplistic crown lover myself.

    On 12/24/2018 at 8:04 AM, Hare'da-irijon said:


    Pricilla is fine, but Lilina, well she's mostly ok. It's just the green lips, and I'm iffy about the green eyeshadow. Give her normal colored lips, or maybe red as a contrasting color, and the same with the eyeshadow.

    38 minutes ago, Hare'da-irijon said:

    I never get Sue's portrait good enough... I hope this will be the final one.


    That is the best portrait you've made bar none. No criticisms, just that I really like that portrait

  7. 3 hours ago, Jingle Bells said:

    I thought that Dai Gyakuten Saiban wasn't translated into English due to the very Japanese influences on the title?

    It might be a combination of some things that would make it incredibly hard to localize and the copyright on Sherlock Holmes that is keeping it from the west.

  8. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:


    Is my favoritism showing too much?

    Ha, I did the same thing. Although then I eventually gave the paragon ring to Lachesis to reach Master Knight promo earlier. If you actually get into the second generation, that Finn is going to do great things for you.

    With FE4, the guide I used as reference is the one on WoD (War of Dragons) link: https://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe4.htm

    Now, I never actually followed the strategies suggested, I just used it for map pictures and general events. It's pretty useful since FE4 is a game you generally want to have a grand strategy for each map, or at least that's what I did. Granted, that strategy would slowly break down due to a combination of RNG, going partially off the plan to get more exp to a certain unit, and me just being an idiot and doing something dumb with a unit, but it was a good guideline. I also did a lot of grinding, namely using a Sylvia + Lachesis combo to have them work off of each other to level up. By the end of chapter 2 I had a maxed Sylvia and around a level 12(might've been a couple levels higher or lower) Lachesis. I'm not saying for you to do that, as it took hours, but it does work.

    But try and give Sigurd as many rings as you can, it'll turn out much better for you if you get to the second gen.

    I certainly have fun with FE4. It's far from my favorite entry, maybe my fifth or sixth favorite, and it isn't for everyone, but I think everyone should experience it in the very least.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Jave said:

    I don't think what you're asking for is even possible at all. Characters are defined by their traits, and one could argue that every trait is in some form a gimmick.

    I think what Dinar is getting at is that we don't want characters to be limited to one trait, or one gimmick. Setsuna is sleepy, and falls into traps, and that's it. If she had some underlying factors that come out and make her more than a person who falls into traps then she'd generally be better. Sure, there can be one note characters, but if they exist at least have their one note be interesting and be able to interact with other characters in unique and character advancing ways.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Farina's Pegasus said:

    You didn't comment that my story was "competently written" in your initial feedback so I assumed that you found nothing positive. And I never implied that your critique was invalid, either, I agree that the world was not developed well and Rain is written (not intentionally, but still) as a mostly-unrelatable Mary Sue, and Trent is portrayed as too positive to feel anything close to a real person. I agree with all of that. I was just rather surprised that I was the only one who received entirely negative feedback from you, out of all your responses. 

    Ah, sorry. The reason why I didn't include it originally was mainly just the fact I'd already written so much for you just led me to not include thoughts that didn't pertain to improvement. Competently written, while something that should've been noted, doesn't really add to anything, so I didn't find a good place to fit it in. As for why it was entirely negative, that was mainly because I wrote it in the morning as opposed to the night (as I said, I slept on why I didn't like your story), and I am much more blunt in the morning. Had I written the critique earlier, I would've certainly been less negative. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Farina's Pegasus said:

    So... do I get any sort of positive feedback? I know my story isn't very good and it's far from the best that I'm capable of, due to time constraints, but, did I do something right?

    I mean, aside from the plot, character, and world problems it's competently written. I really don't know what else you want, the story is flawed in such a manner that any complement is minor at best to it, and it would seem kind of backhanded in my opinion. Look, I get that negative feedback is disheartening, but demanding positive feedback is kind of, what's the word, an immature thing to do. It's like, "I won't acknowledge this criticism unless it's positive". That probably isn't your intention (or at least, I hope it wasn't), but it's the impression I gleamed from it.

  12. 4 hours ago, Rapier said:

    I had a weird Star Wars idea for this round while on the bus, but it was too late. Oh well.

    Yeah, Star Wars is the perfect fandom for this theme imo. One of their main themes is mercy, and there are so many characters that can properly embody it or the absence of it.

    With that, let's get onto the whole peer feedback thing. I'll go backwards, as I usually do. That means we start with me. Self-reflection is always fun.


    Jeez, I am not proud of this one. I started it weeks ago, and then all the end of semester/course exams came and hit like a truck. After they ended, I was so worn out that I didn't really feel like writing for a day, and then I rushed it out. You can see that even I didn't think I would do it. I really feel like I didn't do this concept justice, and I hope that sometime I can revisit this idea, maybe under a different theme with a slightly different focus, and then allow it to shine like it should. The pace is breakneck as I skim through classic Star Wars scenes with barely any thought put into them. I planned for there to be so much more, but most of that got cut for the pivotal plot moments. And even my usual detail isn't up to snuff. Gods this is just a mess in motion.

    Next we get @Rafiel's Aria


    That was, actually incredibly heartwarming. I was kinda confused at the start, but I picked up on the gist of it. My only big issue is that it's kinda hard for me to picture what Death looks like. At the start I was think classic Castlevania Death, but then I quickly realized that this Death was nothing like that one. Probably just need a bit more context. That's the other issue with this story. The referencing of events and people that I only vaguely know about. Different incarnations of the world, master, these other people who seem important but yet I only have vague labels for. It's some neat intrigue, but it isn't answered in this story, and since it's a one-off it kinda suffers for that. At first I thought this didn't fit the theme, but then I realize that I was thinking too broad. The mercy here is mainly exhibited by the child, or more accurately the interactions to and at the child. The mere creation of him is an act of mercy by this master fellow. Pretty nice when you get right down to it.

    Then @Farina's Pegasus


    When I first read this, something seemed off immediately. But I couldn't place it. After a re-read, and a nap, I can conclusively say that this world is unrealistic, and the main character is weird. I'll start with the world, or namely the town this story takes place in. I think the impression you were trying to go for was "a slum town that has people with hearts of gold", but the impression that I got was "Literally two people who can remotely be considered good live in a town of creeps and assholes." The way that Trent describes it, it's as if the town literally can't be considered good unless he is there. Anything good in the town is derived from Trent. All hail Trent, he is such a great guy. It's annoying. He's supposed to be the focal point of the story if the title is to be believed, but he kinda ends up feeling like the most important footnote ever. The main character is odd. It felt like three characters stitched together into one. The down to Earth girl, the sexy girl, and some third trait girl that sums up the other oddities. Like, she is said to be attractive, but what does that really mean? The impression I get from the town is that they'd hit on her if she was a 2/10, so her being this sexy lady clashes with the rest of her personality. It's like you want to make the popular girl a quirky teen, which is incredibly hard to pull of while keeping both elements important and balanced, and you utterly failed. She basically just becomes the quirky girl. She's also oddly forthcoming. In other words, this story feels unnatural to me, and that is it's biggest issue.

    Followed by @Shoblongoo


    I always love me some Tellius. The mock bible verse was a nice touch, although a tad odd if I do say so. As much as I love a good ol' theological showdown of interpretations, at certain points the immersion broke for me. Such as when Sanaki said "be better than the haters". She would never say the work haters. Sinners, absolutely but haters, never. She refers to haters multiple times, and each time it caused my getting into the reading to shatter. Like a fine painting being punched through with a fist. Also, slight redundancy with wording with "yawned a deep yawn". I'll be honest, I'm nitpicking some wording stuff, since besides the little immersion breaks, this is amazing literature. Probably my favorite piece of yours that I read. I agree with Jotari that had the roles been slightly reversed, this story could be slightly better, but there's always room for improvement.

    And last but not least @TheSilentChloey


    From the second I finished reading your submission for the grammar check, I could see there were some glaring holes with it. However, those were with the plot itself, not the sentence structure or grammar, so I just kept my mouth shut. The biggest one is the disconnect between Lucina and Marth's stories. Lucina's story is basically meaningless, and doesn't connect to Marth's in the slightest. The fact that Lucina is just shoved in there unnecessarily drags the whole product down. It's two separate stories, in which one of the stories involves two separate stories. It's one of those, "Pick a plot and stick with it" moments. Your story was well written, and all that jazz, but if half of it is pointless fluff, then that's a major problem.


  13. 10 minutes ago, Shakespeare1142 said:

    it looks like the're roommates in an NBC sitcom queue song!  So no one told you life was gonna be this way! I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour! Stop fucking whining ross your a stupid whore! it's like this song is always stuck in your fucking ear!

    The only whore here is Roger


    Mmm Roger. This has gotten completely off topic.

  14. Well, guess I'll ask the question later. Someone who looks kinda familiar is asking about my personage, and it would be rude to just ignore them. "Why yes, I would happen to be Venitus. As for this guy, well, he might be a tad Sirius, if you catch my drift." Venitus gave the gent a cheeky grin as he gave Zeke a mocking poke with his elbow. That joke was awful, I'll need to use it more often. I'm sure Zeke is going to love that. "Oh, how rude of me, making puns before asking names, what would yours be?" As Venitus asked this he stuck out his arm for a handshake, partially as a friendly gesture, but also as a distraction for his optic eye to start doing its thing.  The second he got any info on this guy he was looking his name up, if he was in this line then he was bound to be in the database somewhere.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    You can make as many excuses as you want, but nobody in the franchise has proven to be a worse bodyguard in the franchise than Sigurd.

    Now hold the phone. There have been plenty of worse bodyguards than Sigurd. Any of the lords are definitely better than him in that regard, but out of every FE character, including the villains since nobody is an all inclusive statement, there are worse bodyguards.

  16. So I'm just going to assume that I die, since everyone else is assuming they live and I like to be unique.

    Marth - Would probably cry for me later, when I'm already long dead. Lame.

    Alm - He'd probably just stand there. Nope.

    Celica - Pray to Mila that I'd go to some peaceful afterlife. Sweet, but meh.

    Sigurd - He'd be devastated inside, but wouldn't really portray it to me when I'm dying. Not feeling it.

    Seliph - Not sure how he'd react, Seliph is the most forgetable lord imo, so I'll just say he does nothing.

    Leif - He'd leave me and then say to his friends, when they're already out of the castle, that they need to go back to get me. By then, I'm dead, the thought is nice, but nope.

    Roy - Roy would get super depressed, which isn't good, so no for his sake. 

    Eliwood -similar case to Roy, but he wouldn't be as depressed and would probably get over it relatively fast. 

    Lyn - The objectively best choice in this situation. She'd stay by my side, and she's hot. Boom, hot bodyguard chick to die with.

    Hector/Ephraim/Ike - Basically would all stand and be stoic. Hector would take it the worst, while Ephraim and Ike wouldn't really care.

    Eirika - Similar to Lyn, just not as hot imo.

    Michiah - Would probably revive me with her powers. Although then the assassin would just kill her and me again so meh.

    Kris - No clue

    Robin - He'd probably be the one killing me

    Chrom - He'd somehow be far enough away to bust out into a full run to get to me, and then fall on his knees with anguish. Probably get a good music track out of the deal too. 

    Lucina - Time Travel into a different timeline where I didn't die

    Corrin - Would be sad and that junk.

    So in other words, Lyn and Eirika.

  17. 5 hours ago, Hare'da-irijon said:

    She spent some time with Pent, and learning how to read isn't so hard. Let's say she was 14 during FE7, so let's say she got pregnant when 16, and gave birth as 17. (Still chldren abuse, FE is f*ed up). Then she run away. So we have three years for her to learn how to learn and write. That's more than enough.

    Yes, learning how to read isn't hard, the issue is learning how to read in-depth. She can learn the basics in two-three years easily, but magic tomes are basically Shakespearean literature. You need an incredible grasp of language to understand what they're saying, mainly since it's older English and the like. That is why I said five years. Also, your timeline means that the children are around 17 in FE6, which I refuse to believe. They are 14 at the most, and I'm being generous with that.

    5 hours ago, Hare'da-irijon said:

    As she begin to study Athos's works (which, of course, Pent had) she learned about the power of dragons and yadda yadda history, the Scouring, etc. She become facinated with the might of the ancient dargonkind.

    Makes sense.

    5 hours ago, Hare'da-irijon said:

    So, she travels to the west in search of the dragon veins, and leaves the children with Jaffar. But she never returns. So, Jaffar decides to search her OR vanishes (I didn't decide yet) and the children are put in an orphanage. (Best parents ever)

    Nope, that wouldn't happen. Their paired ending in FE7 states that Jaffar is the one who runs away. To quote the source itself

    They were married after the conflict and were gifted with twin boys. Their time in Pherae was happy until bounty hunters came for Jaffar. To protect his family, he disappeared. Nino vanished in search of him.

    Nino's time would be heavily spent on finding Jaffar. So maybe she'd stop by and take a book or two from time to time, but she wouldn't be insistently reading every book, since she's trying to find her husband.

    So let's set a different timeline, with some of your ideas, and we'll see if it's possible for any of that to occur.

    After FE7 ends, Nino works with Pent for two years to get a basic understanding of the language, and how to write it. During this time, she marries Jaffar. She gets a taste of history, but since she doesn't have an in-depth knowledge of the language she can barely understand a page of the ancient literature. So she spends 3 more years working with Pent, until she gets to the point where she can mostly understand the books, there are some points where she doesn't understand parts but generally she's fine.

    Then she gets pregnant, we can say she was studying during this time, but not very hard due to, you know, being pregnant. Gives birth about 14 years before Binding Blade starts. For the next four years she can intermittently study, but not hard since she's handling twin boys. We can say that over this time she gains, maybe a tenth of the knowledge she'd need to be an Archsage, and that's being generous with the amount of time she'd be spending on it. No matter how obsessed she might be over this, she'd still devote a lot of time to kids, and I'm going to imagine Raigh being a high maintenance child, since he totally is one.

    Now after four years of living in relative peace and studying, bounty hunters finally come around for Jaffar. He runs away, since the bounty hunters are after him and not Nino. A couple months later, Nino drops the boys off at an orphanage and rushes to find Jaffar. So yeah, no, she couldn't spend "25 years studying magic", that's more time then before Binding Blade even starts. She's going to spend around half of her time looking for Jaffar, a fourth of her time trying to survive, and the last fourth we'll say is devoted to magical studies. That is 2.5 years. I refuse to believe Nino could become an archsage with half studying for 2.5 years on top of the base she developed while she was raising children. Maybe she could get to 25% or 30% of the knowledge required, but beyond that is absurd.

    TL:DR Learns reading for five years, gets pregnant, raises kids while learning a little magic, runs away to find Jaffar. Learns some magic, but not enough to become an archsage.

    Her claiming the archsage mantle at this point is disrespectful. Athos defeated dragons, while Nino might have defeated a dragon. Athos studied for hundreds of years, Nino studied for at most 20, and even then her time would be divided very heavily. 

    Nino shouldn't be an Archsage. She couldn't be an Archsage. To suggest that she could be is absurd since then her timeline is utterly fucked.

    Also, that portrait is way better, good job

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