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Status Updates posted by MacLovin

  1. Happy Birthday Imp!

    Enjoy today!

  2. Your pick.

    You picked Igrene 8(

    I'm on now...

  3. Ok, it's really your turn

  4. Oh wait, I meant to say, that your pick list has run out for the 3rd/4th rounds

  5. Your turn again.

  6. Your turn, again.

  7. The fe6 draft has started, you're 5th place and get to pick 2 units for each of your turns.

    If you want, you can leave a picks list with me.

  8. The fe6 draft has started, you're 4th place.

    If you want, you can leave a pick list with me.

  9. Your turn, fe6 draft.

  10. Happy Birthday

  11. PKL knows you.

    He's on there often.

    And so are Boron, 13th, DOku, Refa.......

    Lot's of folks.

    Lot's of friendly people.

    And alot of draft talk.

    About 1/3rd of your friend list goes on IP chat often

  12. lol.

    Get on IP chat someday, so we can prove that you're not a robot who just plays fe10 and Pokemon 8p

  13. Happy Birthday Folgore White.

  14. happy birthday

  15. happy birthday

  16. happy birthday

  17. happy birthday

  18. happy birthday

  19. Your turn fe7 barter draft

  20. the RNG gave you Legault and Dorcas earlier for your last turn, and its your turn now.

  21. your turn, bartre draft.

    Edited OP..

    And yes, I let you get away with Pent 8P

  22. your turn, HNM Bartre draft.

  23. your turn

    bartre draft

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