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Epic Fail

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Everything posted by Epic Fail

  1. She can fly and use staves at the same time. What more could you possibly want? Availability She also has a high magic growth, a decent base and A staves. 5.5/10, staffers aren't overly necessary in PoR.
  2. This hack looks interesting, looking forward to release. Shame about the one-range bows, but, it's HeroMaster's hack and HeroMaster's decision.
  3. Am I the only one that thinks Tiki's bases are just a bit ridiculous? EDIT: Herp derp, just saw level 1 and thought "WHAT THE F-"
  4. Best way to describe Hardin? Imagine Cain or Abel at a higher level with B lances, 1 res and a slightly lower strength growth. 8.5/10, a dependable unit, good if the big two died or you want three horsies (and why not).
  5. I agree, that horn just looks out of place and ridiculous.
  6. Colm's combat will be rubbish regardless, may as well go Rogue for utility.
  7. Character stats are usually a good place to start. Don't do an xblade and not post stats until the last few chapters, no-one will take any interest.
  8. Halbs solo (good luck keeping Aran viable).
  9. Might want to have a look at the last rule, Narshen.
  10. Let's be honest here, Astrid is a bow-locked level 1 unit coming in chapter 13. Sure, she has Paragon, which means that level deficit won't be around for long, but she's still bow-locked until promotion. Having a horse means that she can hit and run with no real risk, but so can Oscar, Titania, Kieran, Marcia and Jill and, to a lesser extent, Makalov, who joins the next chapter (well, not with no risk, but you know what I mean). Not to mention that Marcia and Jill can, y'know, FLY. What she brings to the table can be done better by any of the five units I just mentioned, though having another horsie around never hurts (apart from the obligatory desert chapter). 6.75/10, TL;DR, she has potential, but not much more than the other mounts.
  11. Gatrie says hi (this isn't part of my vote, before you toss it). Anyway, her bases make me want to cry, her growths aren't entirely terrible (but not much to shout about, either), but her caps hurt her and almost any other unit can do her job much better, with MUCH less investment. 0.5/10, because she can break a wall or attempt to hit stuff with a wind edge.
  12. This is already in one of the pre-existing threads.
  13. It's because PoR is so hilariously easy. My first three runthroughs of the game, I never used him or Mist. Anyho, Rhys. Like I just said, staff utility has never been worth less. High mag is good, but 0 DEF with 25% (or 20%, either way, it's the same as Boyd and Largo, oddly) is not. Coupled with the fact that he isn't especially quick and has terrible STR (0 base again) means his offense after promotion is gonna be pretty sad. 6/10, he's useful, but superfluous.
  14. Boyd is a relatively slow starter, but when he gets going (may as well give him the early speedwings, not like Ike or Oscar need them and lol at using Shinon or Gatrie), his offense become just plain outrageous. One-shotting stuff with a Steel Axe forge? HELL YEAH! However, he's only a footsie (and worryingly fragile), so 8.5/10.
  15. Uh, Horace, the "Staves don't break anymore" screenie is the image of Thany's level.
  16. Good bases, good growths, earth affinity, horsie, get to choose your secondary weapon on promo. And all this without eyes. 9/10.
  17. Even if you do lose your mind and decide it's a good idea to train her (I personally haven't, nor will I ever), all you get is a shitty armour. 0/10.
  18. She breaks the game pretty damn hard. Imagine FE7 Marcus with better growths (and a bit less weapon triangle control, of course). She does slow down a bit towards end, but not a whole lot and more importantly, not enough to stop me from giving her a 10/10.
  19. Kon can have Devdan, Agility, you get Brom.
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