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Posts posted by Zihark11

  1. 17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    The sentinel are easy to take down with magic attacks, so either Theo or Merida with one of those magic lady swords you can buy that chapter (although do be warned their melee attacks have nosferatu like healing properties)

    Just had to brute force the dragon with troops that could take a hit, but I think the special Old Cornelius bow was kinda designed for this encounter.


    2 hours ago, That_Axe said:

    You can beat sentinels with Theo's magic easily. If his initial tome doesn't have enough enough charges you can buy more at the shop near the "entrance" of the map.

    Against dragon afaik I used a combination of Theo, Dune, Zade, and another one I forgot. You have to one-phase kill it so nobody dies. Actually, if you have anyone that can survive the dragon's retaliation just try and use those.

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    Golem's chest has an Astral Dagger inside. It''s a 5x attack with 80 durability. Dragon chest has Iron Duke, a spear that gives you +4 def which is extremely useful throughout the game.


    2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

    The Dragon should only move once you get into it's attacking range. So you have some liberty to set yourself up in an effective manner. Or if worst comes to worst, you could snatch the chest on the same turn you kill the boss, to avoid having to fight it altogether.

    Dragons are flying types, so they are vulnerable to anything dealing extra damage to those.

    As for the Sentinels, they just don't move ever. So you can wear them down eventually, as long as you can just damage them. You also need to only kill one of them if you steal on the same turn you end the map.

    gotcha Thanks guys, sadly i missed the dagger but i can get the dragon chest still. 

  2. So in both these chapters their are some guarded chests. Chapter 3 had 3 Sentinels guarding it and in chapter 4 their is a dragon guarding a chest. Has anyone had any luck figuring out how to beat those guys or get the chests? im just super curious whats in them. 

  3. 2 hours ago, StriderSean said:

    One thing I'd love is when you beat the game, you unlock a unit editor or randomizer. Say you want to torture yourself and make all your units Armor Knights, well now you can. Another unlock I think would be nice is to start the second generation immediately and use the substitute characters only or choose which ones you want.

    Huh never thought of this before. Pretty unique idea. Definitely wouldn't say no to something like that. 

  4. 2 hours ago, FE_McFly said:

    Thanks for the nice feedback! I really appreciate it!

    Of course on the biggest things that I, personally, would love to see in the FE4 remake that I didn't mention (due to the massive fan splits in opinion and my desire to not start a huge sub-discussion) is the possibility of including an FE5 remake in the game as well. I can understand fans' disapproval of the concept of including both games in one, but I find the positives to outweigh the negatives.

    For starters, as much as I love the story of the Jugdral Saga, it is very complex and deep. So much so that it required two games to fully grasp the situation going down in the Thracian Peninsula, just to give an example. Thus, to combine both remakes into one gives the player the chance to experience both sides of the story without waiting for an individual release of an FE5 remake.  

    Secondly, I believe that it would be a perfect opportunity for Intelligent Systems to help newer players truly understand what the Jugdral Saga is all about. What better way to promote one of the most interesting and gripping stories in the Fire Emblem than by giving the ENTIRE saga to fans on one Switch (or 3DS) cartridge? I just think that it would be to Intelligent Systems best interests to take their worst selling entry in the entire series and stick it with an eventual FE4 remake as extra, or even post-game, content. That way, fans would be able to experience the entire Jugdral Saga without having to buy an FE5 remake separately, get frustrated by its difficulty and differences from FE4, and ask, "Why didn't they just combine this with the FE4 remake?"    

    Yeah i would love that as well. im dying for remakes of both as i love the games. i guess if i could change anything in game it would be to implemennt a storage box system and one pool of money for units as well as being able to trade item between units, just kinda basic things we have had for most fire emblem experiences. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, FE_McFly said:

    Believe me, there are plenty of ideas that I would love to see implemented into an FE4 remake. Many of them have already been discussed by the previous members, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

    Story: FE4 has, in my opinion, one of the best stories in the entire series. With so many characters with complex and deep backgrounds and profiles, being able to expand each of those characters' stories with more dialogue and support conversations would be wonderful. Also, create more opportunities for the player to learn about the 12 Crusaders. I loved learning about the descendants of the Crusaders, but I think it would cool to have some more background on the original wielders of those OP weapons we got to use in-game.

    Music: This is obvious, of course. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia received a wonderful remake of the original Yuka Tsujiyoko score. Do the same for the FE4 remake. I want to hear all of my favorites in a new orchestrated version.

    Gameplay: I loved all of the gameplay ideas already discussed, so I really don't have too much to say in this regard. I especially love the idea of keeping the original sizes of the maps, but creating special seize maps when the player attempts to seize the castles held by enemy bosses. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776's Tahra Map is a perfect example of this. Just make the PLAYER the one trying to seize, and you have a great new spin on the original idea.

    I agree with all of this. Couldn't have said it better myself! 

  6. I like the siege idea as i love siege maps in general. i am also really hoping for a FE4 remake as i love the Judgral series a lot. I feel like the 3rd generations is really pushing it. maybe like a DLC later on? I'm personally fine with the current marriage setups of FE4 and wouldn't really change much. i agree with the battalions as it would make a lot of sense but i dont like the mechanic personally. One thing i hope they change is the barter system, hope we just get shops and one collective cash pool rather then each unit having seperate cash, this also includes adding a storage box system. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Timlugia said:

    Ah, Future Past were some of best written Fire Emblem short story, and it greatly expend Awakening lore and character.

    And where did they say there is no story mission? They only said there is no "golden route" in DLC, we already know Abyss is some kind side story from Famitsu.

    i disagree about future past but to each their own. All it says is "Abyss Mode' we dont actually know anything beyond that, i wouldnt assume its a side story. if it is that would be great though. 

    15 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    The "Rise of the Deliverance" DLC was set shortly before the main events of Echoes, how is that not "the past or the present"? Also, what does the time setting of DLC have to do with its quality?

    oh yeah i forgot about that one with fernand. DLC that doesnt take place with the current games timeline isnt that interesting to me. If they're making new ideas just make it into a game instead of making a half assed DLC. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Lord Otto said:

    I wouldn't call all fire emblem dlc bad, they did story dlc missions with echoes. Why note Three Houses? I would much rather see the tragedy of duscur and the purge of duscur rather then DLC that has no impact on anything.

    because they've already announced the dlc and it doesn't include those ideas. Echoes ones were meh and didint take part during the past or the present so they're not important. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Bashing Warriors games is so 2010. They quickly became a lot more accepted by the industry when they stopped focusing on obscure historical figures and went for One Piece and Zelda characters instead. The days were they got an instant 4/10 for being ''mindless'' are kinda over.

    Also Platinum games are hack and slash too and those almost consistently get rated very highly. 

    true at least they drifted away from that. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Agreed. I just don't think the first game realized its full potential. The DLC should've at least been characters from games other than Awakening, Fates, and SD. And Owain and Navarre should've been free DLC, not paid. And Ike should've been in the game period if Lyn was allowed to be. Honestly, the big problem was the roster in general.

    Thankfully, the Warriors devs pretty much never cut characters, so we'll see the first game's whole roster return in addition to the new characters coming in.

     But...you're not slashing the air? You're plowing your way through hoards of enemies. I think it's super fun and I wish more Warriors games would be released on Nintendo consoles. I'm not buying a PS system just for one game.

    If you don't like Warriors games, fine, but don't come in here complaining about them. This isn't the thread for that.

    not complaining just stating an opinion

  11. 6 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Of course it should exist. Its a chance to take the amazing crossover idea and do it properly.

    Warriors and Fire Emblem are a very natural crossover combo.

    hack and slash games are a thing of the past and shouldnt be in development anymore unless they are truly revamped. i have yet to see any developers undertake this task and thus i believe they shouldnt exist anymore. not sure how one gets satisfaction from endlessly slashing the air. 

  12. im on my 5th playthrough and i agree that im burned out as well. I havent even played jeritza yet and i dont plan to until the next DLC wave comes out. ill be really disapointed if the 4 characters are route locked (if they were thatd be a huge mistake by IS) i plan to do my black eagle run with edelgard to get jeritza and the 4 new characters all at once, in one playthrough. 

  13. On 12/27/2019 at 7:08 PM, XRay said:

    Orb distribution per month. We get 300+ on average per month. If I make an alt account, I can trade away all my Oboros and Jacobs on my main for better fodder and 5* summons, and that is essentially transfering over 300+ Orbs per month to my main for a measly $5.00. And depending on how much stuff gets carried over, I can also transfer over valuable resources like Dragonflowers, Heroic Grails, Divine Dew, Feathers, etc. that are attached to the unit.

    The only foolproof way I can think of to prevent players from abusing that is to tax both ends of the transaction using cash or a currency that can only be obtained with money.

    $150 per side per transaction ($300 total per transaction) seems pretty reasonable in my opinion, as it costs about $150 on average to almost guarantee to snipe something you want.

    huh yeah i guess just charge people like you regularly then for that amount of orbs to prevent people from doing that. i wouldnt go out of my way personally but i can see why it would be easily doable for dedicated people. 

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