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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. The game only does that if you exhaust nearly ALL of your units, the ones gotten from the gaiden chapters too.
  2. Sonia, Igrene, Dorothy, Zephiel, Thany, Cath, Noah, Gonzales, Bartre, Echidna, Geitz, Karel, Renault, Rebecca, Brendan, Linus, Nergal, Franz, Vanessa, Innes, Lute, Cormag, Tethys, Ewan, Dozla, Rennac, Joshua, Tana, Valtar. All of these people (and many more) look away from others, and it's not that weird.
  3. The reason you have to kill units to get the Gaiden chapters is because you're not supposed to get them. They're for people who are new to the series and won't do as well. It's why they have the generic units who come in if you have too few units. They even have insulting names like Auffle and Owend. It's why you can only get Norne on easy. It's not meant to be experienced by seasoned players. Hell, they give bad players SO many breaks in that game that don't come again in the entire series. The extra characters are a boost and a punishment if you don't do well. People who say they are completionists should definitely not just focus on FE11, but on almost all of games in the series. In almost every game, you have to recruit some characters at the expense of others. Arran and Samson, Sonia and Deen, Johan and Johalva, Miranda and whoever is her counterpart, Bartre and Echidna, Lalum and Elphin, Karel and Harken. If you're a perfectionist, then you should dislike almost every game in the series. I do agree that Shadow Dragon had a weak story and character development, however.
  4. I haven't seen the movie yet. I haven't found a way to look at it.
  5. I really love that mug. I like how you're doing long-haired Anthy!
  6. The ever adorable Tiki. I would like some criticism on it, if anyone would mind.
  7. I should just make Naga and have the whole family.
  8. Did you already have a Tiki? Edit for 16 colors.
  9. I am stuck at this boss right now, and I have no clue how I'm supposed to deal with it.
  10. B-but, what if I wanted Rickard... Important question. Does the Fire Emblem work like it does in FE11? Because once you got it, thieves were basically irrelevant, since Marth gets all the chests and all you have to do is carry keys.
  11. When he steps backward during conversation, I wonder how it'll look.
  12. Is Maris going to be a mercenary or myrmidon? Are Jake and Beck going to be Ballisticians? Are Manakete going to have multiple stones?
  13. It's been some time since I've shown my icons, so I thought I'd update.
  14. The canon characters could have been cut, or changed into other characters and renamed, like Sedgar -> Edwyn.
  15. Why did Merlinus suddenly grow hair? I can understand if he lost weight, but hair? He doesn't even look like Merlinus in the face.
  16. The 'D' in 'Dj-' is usually silent, I believe. Iron Blue Intention theme.
  17. Who are Adelaide, Clara, Celine, and Regine? Why didn't you name Sedgar something close to his name? Why are Maris and Dice there? Is Maris going to be a mercenary or myrmidon? Are Jake and Beck going to be Ballisticians? Is there going to be a Trinity of Magic with Monks? In the first post you said that FE1's cast was bloated, but you added some characters (some seeming to not be canon) to make a total of 60. Isn't that too much? Are Manakete going to have multiple stones? Who did you cut from the roster?
  18. Yes, much better. The back of the neck seems distorted. Try making it straight. Also, the right sideburn rounds off at the end. Both sideburns should be uniform, so either sharpen it or make the other one rounded.
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