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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. It actually looks like Yeti added frames and edited pre-existing ones to make the whole animation look better and flower smoother.
  2. I've always known all three were men. I feel that Libra should've had a very masculine voice.
  3. The bottom left room has steps leading to it, yet the wall surrounding it is just as tall as the walls everywhere else. Also, the steps in the middle go down, yet the walls on the above floor and the walls on the below floor are the same height.
  4. That's so cool! I think you two did a great job.
  5. I liked the difference in the way Lenneth's and Silmeria's photons behaved. I wonder how Hrist's will react.
  6. Guts + Auto Item is a godsend. The game would be impossible with it.
  7. Don't you just love when you've almost killed him and he heals all his health back then proceeds to cast Gravity Blessing every turn after?
  8. I like poison, it's an actual obstacle now!
  9. I've played through VP1 and 2 several times, but the reason Lenneth is what she is is because she's essentially
  10. Also, to touch upon a subject I missed earlier, I find that Alicia made the world of VP to be more enjoyable. Her inclusion brought up some questions I'd love to see answered in a new game, such as: What happens to the human souls that are being replaced by a valkyrie's soul after the Sovereign's Rite? Have there been previous failures of the Sovereign's Rite? Does a race's soul stay within that race during transmigration, such as if a god dies, will their soul always be reincarnated into a god's body? Is it possible for memories to stay with a soul? It's pretty much possible for a human to 'become' a god by having a god's soul be born into their body, as is the case of Alicia being able to use Silmeria's powers. Has this happened before? Can it happen again? Does this only occur with a valkyrie's soul, or maybe only Silmeria? Are there three girls who look like Silmeria, Hrist, and Lenneth running around Midgard from time to time? I'd think it'd be ideal for the new games (if there are any) to split into two timelines, one that goes from VP1 and another from VP2. I'd also love to see Levantine and the Sylvan Bow to be expanded on. I feel that the strength of the VP series isn't the story, but the lore/setting and gameplay. I find it to be one of the most enjoyable series I've ever played. There are a lot of things that could be explored more which could give rise to the next plot! Also, I think VP2's story is just as good as VP1's, since they have an interesting situation come up, and then have a completely bullshit villain come in and steal the story (less so in Lezard's case). The way the story is told in VP1 is interesting from a gameplay perspective, but from a story-telling perspective, its execution leaves much to be desired.
  11. I prefer Lawfer. I don't know why, but I've never really tried Aelia.
  12. You don't need Hellios for any of the chapters. You can do it without ever deploying him in battle. It's not easy at first, but it gets easy when people start getting powerful.
  13. Now that's not to say that I don't like VP1's voices. But a lot are of poor quality. Freya's is really well done. Also, make sure you keep an eye on Lenneth's Seal Value. It needs to be very low by a certain chapter as one of the requirements for the best ending. Most of the events that lower it happen only once, so plan ahead when you want to activate them, or you'll be sorry when the time comes. Just meeting Brahms will lower your seal value, no matter which choice you take. You should choose not to fight him, however, as it reveals some extra plot stuff.
  14. Yes Maddie Blaustein did Arngrim, Lawfer, and Lezard. She was born male, though, least thats what Ive heard.
  15. The voice actor is nice, but the way she did Lezard's voice is just bad. A lot of the voice acting in VP1 is very forced, has bad pitch/tone/etc., slow, and has a lot of pauses. The acting in VP2 is much better and fluid (except Farant's/Zunde's voice).
  16. Woah woah woah. Kashell's attacks do nice damage and his Soul Crush is better than Grey's, but Grey has no damage at all. The only thing Grey has is that his attacks are nice, but you can just attack with a mage to make sure the enemy doesn't block. Grey is surely the worst of them all (sadly). VP1 Lezard voice is trash. Just like most of the voices in VP1. Liam O'Brien does a much better job in VP2.
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