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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. Is there an English translation, because I would love to play this game.
  2. What what what. I've almost beat the game and I had no idea that was even a thing.
  3. Oh man, if FE had towers, that'd be cool. Like, if an archer stood on a tower, their range and power could increase.
  4. I disagree about Rolf. Rolf is an excellent unit. He ends up slightly better than Shinon, but you do have to train him. Gatrie is a much better choice than Brom, because while they both have a 60% defense rate, Gatrie also has a 60% speed rate and a 35% res rate, both much higher than Brom's own rates. Honestly, Mist is far inferior to Elincia. While they have similar defense and resistance rates, Elincia's strength is 40% higher than Mist's and her speed is 20% higher. Elincia's weapon is very strong, gives a brave effect, and doesn't break, while Mist's weapon doesn't even work as intended, so Elincia will be the better combat unit. Elincia's magic rate is 80%, while Mist's is 40%, so Elincia will be better at healing as well. Elincia also rides a pegasus, which grants obvious benefits to just a horse. Use Mist for healing in Ike's, but you shouldn't take her to the endgame. Consider dropping Brom for Gatrie and Mist for Elincia based on stats, which would free up space in Ike's chapters for Oscar. Also, you have to use the silver card immediately, because it disappears after you leave the base.
  5. Wasn't Naga a man in the past before he reincarnated as Nagi?
  6. Those battle sprites are really nice! Very smooth and clean, nicely animated.
  7. They do sorta look like Arwings. Also it's Bronze/Slim, Iron, Steel, and Silver.
  8. I've updated the original designs some and added some new ones. The categories are Bronze/Slim, Iron, Steel, Silver, Poison, Brave, and Killer. The Killer weapons are based on Japanese weapons, sort of like the Killer weapons from FE13.
  9. Here's the progress so far. I'm taking a break because this is mentally exhausting :v
  10. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/%C3%89ponine The wiki says Eponine is Zero's child.
  11. Though if you want to use Katarina, still get her to S rank in light, because you'll get the S rank bonus.
  12. One thing I think would help with the theme you've got going on is adding some effects to the movement. You know the light afterimages of the shaman/druid dodge? Maybe you could incorporate that in your attacks. Also, I think two pixels would be better for the height difference rather than one.
  13. It couldn't have been Roy, since he says centuries after him. Also, just because a bunch of countries unite under one flag doesn't mean that that's necessarily a bad thing.
  14. The problem with this sprite is the height. His height when he's standing is the same when he has his leg bent and spread out. He'd definitely be lower to the ground then.
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