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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. I don't have any issue with the clothing or armor, the issue I have is with changing the identifying features of the characters, namely the hair style and color. There are subtle enough differences in the original art that this talented artist could have made them look very distinct while still keeping the characters true to their original design. Like she did with Alm and Celica. Even though their clothes changed, you know it's still them because their defining features are still the same. New Cliff looks so different from the old, they might as well be separate characters. Shadow Dragon's artist took the equally drab and boring designs from FE1 and made them unique and appealing while still keeping true to the individual aspects of the characters. And there's no reason this artist couldn't do the same. Hell, I did it myself! They aren't the most unique designs, but Grey still looks like the sprite from Gaiden, while still looking distinct from both Robin and Cliff.
  2. The designs that were used in game and the art depicting these appearances are obviously the original designs. The only person that doesn't follow this is Alm, but people have known he's had green hair for years, even before Awakening was even a concept. Also, because there's only like 2 conflicting designs for only a few characters, it is extremely easy to see which is the accepted design of a character. The designs are not the same for certain characters. In anime, character individuality is determined at a glance by hairstyle and hair color, firstly. Grey has green-bluish hair, in game and in some art depicting him. Yet now, he has black hair, which makes him seem like a different character. Also, the original designs are very similar, yet there are still small differences that could have been expanded on. For example, Leon had a rather wide build in his original art and even had squinted eyes like Oscar, yet these traits are not carried over to his updated design. Any artist should not have a hard time identifying these traits and expanding upon them. Also, most of the characters had one consistent design anyway.
  3. I'm extremely disappointed in how some characters changed. Characters like Grey and Cliff look nothing like their original designs, where as Robin and Clive look just like the original art. What was the point? Cliff, Grey, and Boey honestly seem like they are completely different characters, they've been changed so much.
  4. It's probably to keep weapon classes balanced. So that lances, axes, and swords each have their own distinct weaknesses and strengths. If lance units were just as fast as sword units, as well as their already better strength, it'd make the game incredibly unbalanced.
  5. If you seriously think Wrys has any chance of being playable, you're delusional.
  6. Yeah, Kitty told me he's changing his name to Markus. I think Marcus is the typo but, he might have changed his mind?
  7. Those numbers are scores. Marcus has been renamed to Markus.
  8. No, you're missing my point. Elincia being alive does not stop a world war from happening at all. He wants a world where people can make their way up the social order by way of power. So he wants to create a war where people will be forced to become strong fighters to survive, fighters who don't care about anyone else. If he kills Elincia, why would he stop at Crimea? He thinks he's a powerful person, he thinks he'll have the power of a dark god to help him, why would he stop? He'd just go from country to country killing whomever he wants to make his goal a reality. The reason they attack Ike is because while they were chasing Elincia, the Greil Mercenaries defended her. If they are trying to kill her, naturally, they will try to kill the people who defend her. "It's the fact that you have a bunch of events that just so happen to be involved with the same people." ?????? Ike and his family are the main characters of the story. Of course a lot of the events of the story will focus on them. That's why they are main characters. A great majority of plots detail events that happen to the main characters. It's what stories do. So you think Zelgius is a bad character because he doesn't make logical decisions? Yes, what Zelgius does makes him an asshole. That's drama! Literally the point of drama. "Someone could behave that erratically" People behave erratically all the time in reality and fiction. Him doing what he did is a perfectly realistic occurrence. That's why Ashera wants to turn humans to stone; humans are chaotic! They do stupid things and they don't always make sense! The wolves are bad writing though.
  9. Ashnard is trying to make a world where only the strong survive. Which is why Ashnard pursues Elincia, because she would stop him from achieving this if she gained support. Plus, his philosophy is to crush the weak, and he thinks she's weak. And if Elincia died, he would have taken over Crimea and then invaded another country, sparking another war. Elena marrying Greil is not 'a bit of a stretch' Greil was very well known and Elena worked at a very well known temple. Zelgius felt alone because he feels his mentor abandoned him when Greil and Elena fled Daein. That's when Sephiran found him and befriended him, to use him as a tool. It was planned by Sephiran. Zelgius went out of his way to find Greil to beat him and kill him. He wants to prove to himself that he's better than Greil. He sees that Ike can be the Greil he never beat, so Zelgius kills Greil to make Ike hate him and want to get stronger to avenge his father. Also, writing off plot points as bad because 'they just so happen' is a very empty way to do so. Dramatic plots, especially when a lot of characters are involved, require many interactions that probably wouldn't happen otherwise, it's the entire point of drama.
  10. So, I just read this, and I have to say, you're missing or intentionally ignoring a lot of the factors here. Daein chases Elincia because she's heir to the throne and can (and does) start opposition to their occupation of Crimea. Elena 'just so happens' to become friends with the Heron princess because she was imprisoned in the same place Elena worked and because Elena is a nice person. It's not like it was a chance meeting at all, like you imply it to be. Zelgius is Ashnard's right hand man as well as Sephiran's, because Sephiran installed him there, purposefully. And Greil is not more powerful than a Branded swordsman, evident by the fact that he is killed by said Branded swordsman. Did you even read the story?
  11. So, so far I like where the hack is going, though I have some criticisms. I feel like the story with Aceline is underdeveloped as it's made a point that she wants to redeem her family name, how the lord tried to force her into selling her estate, then the story is dropped as soon as she's recruited. It seems as though this is implied to be a reoccurring plot point, but is never followed through. When you have to take the valley fort, she says she'll be mad if she's made to talk to someone near the boss. I assume it's the boss, but it's not clear since there's no cursor point out who exactly she's talking to. There's no talk command with the boss either, so I'm guessing this part is just not fully implemented. And this is also true for Sven. It's mentioned that he's killed an important person and he's an infamous criminal, but none of the group knows who he is and it's never explained what the situation with Sven is. Also, his speed is awful, so he died on my playthrough lol. I had no choice but to let Nilda die, since she leaves her cell and then is immediately swarmed by reinforcements from below and the pre-existing enemies in the room. Getting to her is a problem since the only way to her is a bottle neck that's blocked by numerous enemies. I think she should wait in her cell. If you want an incentive to push forward, I think you should increase her survivability by giving her an elixir and widening the hallway leading to her area. Chapter 13 has it's own issues as well. The left most village is destroyed on turn 4, but realistically, the only way i was even able to get to it in time was by pushing my level 20 promoted unit in that direction, and even then, Lani was barely out of reach to get it. If the idea was to make saving that particular village a challenge, then I think it should be destroyed by turn 5 or 6. Moreover, the sages pursuing the group appear on turn 6. This is entirely too soon, and the map lets you field over 10 units, but the map's design also restricts movement greatly. The only way I even beat the map without losing someone was to take only 4 units and fly my promoted unit over to the boss. I personally think the map has a gorgeous design aesthetically, but for a timed map where powerful enemies also chase you very early on, it's very frustrating and this takes a toll on the overall enjoyment of the chapter. I like the setup you gave Aras to protect herself as an npc.
  12. i honestly think you should keep the gold trim on the breatplate
  13. Those features are being omitted because I assume the creator doesn't know enough code to implement them into GBA. If so, I don't understand why anyone is surprised it's happening. Your portraits really need fixing and I suggest you ask a more experienced spriter in coaching you. A big thing to note is that a portrait can only have 15 colors plus one background color to be able to be inserted into the GBA, and all of yours have a lot more than 16. All your portraits should have the same outline color.
  14. Here's Alec. I stopped using him pretty early on as he simply couldn't do nor take damage. How exactly does one recruit Kruge?
  15. So here is my final team. I have to note that Alec really fell off badly for me. He couldn't deal a lot of damage and was costantly getting hit, so I had to drop him.
  16. Eve is a male, but his sex has been changed to female for the purposes of this game.
  17. How is it rude for them to remove things when we're messing around with their IP, coding, data, and property, which is illegal btw.
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