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Lord of Gabriel Knight

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Everything posted by Lord of Gabriel Knight

  1. The smile is off angle on Red. The right eyebrow is too short. Her shoulder are awfully wide, though that could just be big armor. Green is cute, but her overhanging bang goes out to far. move those pixels to the right about 1 or 2. I like that animation, very clean, though its plain and needs some extra movements. Also, I think he doesn't go forward enough. I really like that Sain remaster. Now do Nils.
  2. I must add that I love the map palette you're using.
  3. I love that Lucius and your Utena sprites.
  4. Are items like the crusader scrolls being taken into consideration?
  5. A unit's personality should fit that character, not a class. That kind of thinking leads to boring uniformity.
  6. It's not up to you whether you can't see it, it's up to the creator.
  7. Early in the review you said that you believe Alfred only got help with the portraits. I did the weapon icons, though the ones in the release are pretty old. Most of them have been updated to be better looking.
  8. I like the new Valkyrie staff, it's very useful. Seems like it could be very overpowered. I have to say, you're a very skilled person in ASM hacking, graphics, and a bunch of other things. I'm very jealous.
  9. Wow, lighten up, it's just a game, it's not like you're killing your dog or something.
  10. You could just increase the size using the aspect ratio, which won't mess up the graphics. On the Gameboy, you can't savestate, speed up, slow down, or edit the game in any way. And if you don't have an SP or a Gameboy light, you're out of luck. I'm not one for sentimental crap, so using an actual Gameboy is significantly worse for me.
  11. I think it's slightly more sexual, but that's not that big of a deal. Samus is just as badass as she's always been. I think her heels are too steep, they should be lowered a bit. But other than that, Samus' new look really isn't that new. She's been in skintight suits since the very first Metroid, so looking at her body shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
  12. The game tells you several times you have to get to Fa. It's even in the objective box. Shiori says it. Fa and the Demon King talk about it. I don't see how you could have missed it.
  13. I definitely said this in response to the Latona/Matrona/Divine Maiden staves.
  14. I do when there's been a lot of damage, especially during the Ashera fight.
  15. I find that by end game, heal, mend, physic, and rarely fortify are I ever need. Has there been a situation where recover is the ONLY staff that could be used to salvage a situation?
  16. That would be moi. Yeah you should work on it. I want to see when it's done!
  17. The cartoon designs and Boshi are the worst ideas for alternate costumes.
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