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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. that was funny. Sucks I'm a perfectionest too.
  2. I never played 11 so I wouldn't know about hard. GOD I want to play 11
  3. Very! I'm used to getting all the characters and trying them out. It doesn't worrk If they all have to be dead by 6x
  4. Avoid the tower? If I have to do that than it's not worth it. The reason why it's there is to train units it says so in the game! There's no point to playing any game in hard mode anyway I keep it simple and stick to normal. In 11's case I'm playing hard
  5. I do not like Knoll for summons. Although he is one in my game I use him because I like dark magic and it doesn't hurt to have 2 of them
  6. Yep He's the saint reincarnation Similarities: 1. There both the fattest of there games 2. Like to have people as sex slaves. 3. They both suck except you can't play with Gheb but everyone knows he sucks.
  7. Oops when I looked at his profile I didn't look at his age. OK then nevermindCgv DAMN now I feel like an idiot
  8. That's because it's so cool. But in seriousness those players that think there better and have only been playin' for a few months are posers. It takes at the least a decade just like any other instrument to be truly skilled.
  9. All axe user besides Ross, Pirates and Hector suck I wish I could have a decent warrior but that will never be due to IS's weird tradition of axe users sucking
  10. Yea I play GH too. BUT should play real Guitar Beacause it's cool
  11. Hmmm... tough to bring down :( Say "I wish I could do my homework/march/chores but I'm way too sick." Yea say that unless your parents/coach take that as back talk in that case do not say that
  12. Some people say if you journey into the forest too far Knives come at you HA I finally know who it is... It's Waha Knife!! (Was not making fun of the name I swear)
  13. Even when you talk with a congested nose... How can anybody fake that
  14. Don't know if you guys are on hard or not but I already beat that lame/fun game.
  15. WOW that sucks. I'm a Ginger (Irish) and I don't hate anyone
  16. 2 line= what I'm trying to say. 300 had a lot of action, if the filmakers can some how make a FE movie with a lot of action it would be genius. But no one would watch it beacause no one even know about FE but us. I'll bet I'm the only one in the entire Saugus High that plays it. They need a gimmick maybe marth and roy jumping off a bridge or something in real life. (It won't be live so they could fake it on tv.) Great idea... probably not ;)
  17. None of that matters... 'cuz you'll be there Tuesday.
  18. There's only 3 right? I know Fox is one but I don't know the other 2
  19. I could google earth a city named bacon I'm sure there is one the world is weird like that
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