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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. About FE9, my Soren finished her in two rounds before (I only remember this one because of the cool dialogue between them before she dies). I remember Bertram was also easy. IIRC, Oscar and Ike beat him in one turn. I count Deghinsea as a hard boss, at least. Hard Mode Ashnard is also kinda tricky because HE MOVES. And FE9's Black Knight is also tough (though the battle is more luck based than anything). The Black Fang bros were also hard to deal with, imo (the first one more than the last, since he moves). I still have no clue about how I'm supposed to take on Julius without the Book of Naga (though I only tried it on the Shin Patch), but this is optional. Ishtar is also tough.
  2. Not exactly true, since Vargas was highly populistic and acted as a father to the poor. He even based some of our laws on Mussolini's fascism (minimal wage, vacations etc.). I'm not speaking about Jango having been a communist, but the state was in utter chaos and somebody needed to intervene before the communist pressure reached its peak. Also, that "it's all fault of the damn bourgeois" logic again? Sigh. At least tell me why you think it is, because we see things through different perspectives. @Rehab I think that the USA's health system, prior to the Obamacare, had a lot of expensive hospitals in which some people couldn't even be attended. Since then, as a public health care system was established, more people have been included in its health insurance plans. Still, I find it expensive, with a lot of demand and lacking in quality. As far as I can see, the cons outweigh the pros, and other solutions should be exploited and taken. Solutions that truly make a difference. Holding the monopoly of virtue and good intentions doesn't matter to me. Correct me if I am wrong. @Miikaya Low-term problems with unemployment? Small long-term problems on GPD? I think there's far too much optimism within those allegations, and I hope I'm wrong in the long run. We'll see what happens. Still, the cost of his program on the USA's economy is quite evident now, and there's no way to look at it with optimism, or just put them aside. The dollar has fallen considerably, and unemployment is increasing.
  3. I'd say FE5 is filled with bullshit that make it hard, such as lolwarptitles on that-map-with-Eyvel, the amount of enemies with hero weapons, silence and berserk staves, the Xavier chapter etc. It's filled with fake difficulty, imo. It's as if the developpers made that game to troll you because they hate the players.
  4. I didn't understand the first part, unless you really mean that communists and their ideology are good and they're the victims here, in that case... WTF. Also, Austrian economists rejecting empirical evidence that they're wrong? Tell me more about the economic methods that some countries took from Friedman that succeeded. Actually, tell me more about these frauds, if you may. I can point at Keynes' frauds and how a welfare state needs a lot of money to maintain itself, but I can't see any issues with liberalism, Mises and Friedman (I can see issues within anarchcapitalism, though. Don't mistake liberalism with libertarianism). See how Obama practically broke the USA's economy with this ideology. "Trying to be edgy and contrarian"? It's not like the left-wing mentality is the predominant one or the right one, or are you assuming it is? There's much more to it than meets the eye. @Nobody You do realize that, while the military dictatorship WAS bad and I definitely don't cheer for them, they were better than communists in power? I prefer a dictatorship with 500 cases of death and torture than dictatorships with over 20,000 like in Cuba, thank you. Also, please expand on your reasons to blame them for unequality (which is still predominant) and for the organized criminals (how funny... Isn't our government allied with the FARCs? We just found one of their bases here recently, and we know they're part of the goddamn Foro de São Paulo, which our government has also its presence in. Do you think it is a coincidence that insecurity and violence have risen so much? They sell weapons and drugs to our criminals). About our economy, our problem comes from the actual misgovernment. When our currency, the real, was established, it was a solid one, even compared to the dollar. You can thank FHC for this, since he was the one to establish the real. Nowadays, with an increasing inflation and public expenses, it's value has lowered down so much that the dollar is now 2.5 times higher than our currency. @Defeatist Elitist You can see that free market works when you see that the countries with it are more prosperous, rich, and the poor have more accessibility to opportunities. A more open market means more competition, better prices, better services and products, and more accessibility for the poor. Russia learned this quite late. Our country is still overprotectionist with its national market, hence why the prices are high and the competition is small. I'll read about Canada's health system, but the USA and Brazil's attempt to have a public health care system failed miserably. It's no use to hold the monopoly of virtue ("I want a health care system on which everyone gets treated well") if you can't make this true, or if you have to suffocate people on taxes for it (where will they spend their money if it's taken?). I'm not indifferent to the poor. I just want good, solid solutions for our social problems, and that can't be brought with kind, optimistic words.
  5. I found the last chapter to be easier with just Ike and a Royal. He owned Ashnard and dragons singlehandedly. The rest of the team keep dying. =P I haven't played FE13 yet, but my 3DS is due to arrive tomorrow, and I must admit that I'm hyped.
  6. It's true. What you do is what makes who you are. Hence why, even though you want to get under a girl's pants, that doesn't mean this is the sole motive behind your actions, and that doesn't also mean you'll treat her vulgarly. In fact, most boyfriends have that desire in mind. Let me rephrase this: People may have thoughts that are considered bad lingering on their minds, but this doesn't mean they'll execute them. Therefore, affirming that someone "wants to get into a girl's pants" does not make him a terrible guy, unless he is actively doing that. What I didn't agree with on necktie's post was that he was generalizing chilvarous guys as a bunch of hypocrites. Also, girls should be smarter than that. You can see the difference between an honest guy and a con if you are patient enough. The latter will slip up at some time and the former will demonstrate their intentions clearly. ---- Regarding the friendzone... I've never been in it (at least, yet), so I might be kinda wrong in this, but... Isn't it hard to deal with someone who you love, but doesn't reciprocate your feelings? Is it not painful to see them with someone else, and still hold a solid friendship with them? I believe that the disappointment might weaken the friendship.
  7. That's where the risk lies: By giving more and more strength to the government, who is to say that they won't screw you with their given power? That's a clear path to serfdom, far more dangerous than some people can grasp. Our case is quite the same. Too much power accumulated within the Union in Brasilia, the Executive is run by PT, the Legislative is totally corrupt and the Judiciary has already turned over to them (for outsiders: some politicians involved in a big scandal did not go to prison, their judgment has been stalled for a long time). Give them more power, and they'll do with it what they see fit, all under the pretext of "equality" and "social justice". [b]- About the "teach them to fish" thing. Where would they learn how to fish? Yes, in schools. We, the upper middle class, have to be taxed (along with the rich, obviously and all the other classes as well.), and the tax money have to go to education, so the poor can learn, become competent workers and improve their life.[/b] I'm not from the upper middle class, and I believe we have more lower middle class people than upper middle class ones. The absurd taxation screws up with the poor because it takes the money they'd spend on something useful for them. For example, yes, let's spend our money on taxes so that public schools are better, and our public health system is also better... Except you could use that damn money on private schools or in a private health system, which are much better than the public ones. - And the little money they get from the government don't make people lazy or work less. What they get is needed for food and housing. Without that money, they'd be homeless, or hungry and in that condition, they'd work even less. Most people that get "bolça familia" also work, they don't live only with that money. Like getting 300 bucks in a country on which everything is expensive on purpose (again, because the state loves to tax people and screw with the poor, even though helping the poor is their main speech) makes a difference. They're still miserable. What they need are job opportunities and educational opportunities for their children, so that they can improve through their own work and effort. Also, before you say that many people ascended to middle class, I'll let you know that the government considers as "middle-class" any family with a familiar income of 600 reais (roughly 250 dollars, for comparison's sake)... Which is NOTHING. ------------- (I'd use quotes, but IPB hates me) The media being composed of right-wing activists? What a terrible joke. Tell me who you believe is from the right in the media, and please don't say Globo and Veja (which got right-wing people, alright, but they're a minority. Like Rodrigo Constantino and Reinaldo Azevedo actually mean anything compared to the left-wing legion). Mostly everyone you find in this country is left-winged. The universities make it obvious for anyone with half an eye open. - I wonder which country you've been living in for the past 50 years, because it sure as hell wasn't a left-wing government! The military dictatorship was extreme right-wing and the military acted because we had a left-wing president, and PSDB's government was center-right, which contradicts their name, they're the "social democrat" party but advocate typically right-wing policies (free market, less state intervention, etc.). Oh, yeah, the military dictatorship. They were the only right-wing government we had since then. And they didn't react merely because we had a left-wing president: They acted because the state was in utter chaos and the people ASKED them to intervene. Otherwise, we could very well be as bad as Venezuela is today, because of the communist activists. The military also had some left tendencies (thus, center), since they restricted the market quite a bit and started opening it slowly. About PSDB being center-right and defending free market... I wonder which country you've been living in. They openly defend intervention in market and welfare state even today. FHC, who was once our president and is from the same party, openly defends interventions and a welfare state. Their new candidate does the same thing. The candidate who competed with our current president had the same speech. If they were as right-wing as you say, then I wonder why they see privatizations with scorn (FHC only did a few and, guess what, Vale and the telephonics became much better. This is also one of the reasons why he is shunned). - I don't worship Marx but Marx IS one of the fundamental theoriticians of the world we live in today, and should be studied by everyone INCLUDING those with an inclination for right-wing politics. As I like to say, Marx takes the clothes off capitalism. He explains exactly how the system works. You may disagree with his economic theory, or with his dialectic materialism, but he was the first to point the flaws in the system. I'm not against the study of Marx in sociology or philosophy, but they're using him on economy too, even though he failed hard in economy and spoke about things he didn't know about ("the effort put into a job makes its price", as if digging up a hole in the ground grants me income. Mises explains it better: "the value of something is defined by the own consumers' taste and value attributed to it, hence why a bad wine is not as expensive as a good, well preserved wine", paraphrased in a simple way). Also, right-wing people know Marx and the socialist logic behind him. They don't just plain ignore Marx. Again, I'm not against the study of Marx. I'm against the omission of those who refuted him and the focus on him when studying sociology, law, philosophy, econony and other areas. - but there are accusations of corruption in the process, as well as the fact that, with the state things are today, it just shows that state intervention is more than necessary to keep things working [...] If we really had a completely free market, we would see even more abuse from telecommunication companies than we see right now, even with the government's intervention through state agencies, with numerous reports of badly executed services, disrespect for consumer's rights, and so on (I myself was a victim of that). Free market ultimately leads to oligopoly, and lack of compromise with quality. The chances of corruption are not null, but they're much lower than when things are under control of the state. We have a few monopolizing enterprises exactly because of overprotectionism from the government (yes, I'm speaking about our bus agencies, our internet and telephonics agencies which are better than before but still slooow and with a terrible signal, and our only oil retriever, Petrobras, which benefits nobody [luls, Nobody] but poltiicians and bureaucrats in general). In a free market policy, it is much harder to happen. If there's a monopoly, someone else can offer products with a lower price and challenge it, not because of humanitarian thoughts, but because of greed, since they'll earn more ("They're selling X for 6 bucks, I'll sell it for 3 so that I'll earn in double and attract consumers"). If there is an oligopoly, someone will invent an alternative to it in order to appease consumers and earn money, because free market benefits those who listen to the consumers. We HAD an alternative to our bus agencies, but the government went on and hunt them all. The consumers' rights are guaranteed by law. I don't see how a free market policy would go against it. Free market is not the same as anarchcapitalism, which stays in the faaar right. Also, you're terribly wrong about the service quality: They would kill themselves in order to attract clients and their services would become better, not worse. If an agency treats consumers badly, they'll lose money. If an agency treats consumers well and offers good services, they'll earn more money than the others. You yourself was a victim of the overprotected services from the state, not from the free market policy. Just like we all are. We don't have a neoliberal economy, contrary to popular belief. We have an overprotected market that has more to do with Keynes than with Hayek, or Mises, or Friedman. All in all, did you ever read Mises? - The things I have to read... Being right-wing is one thing, outright lying about my country is on a completely different level and will piss me off. I can (almost) guess who you've been reading and watching to say such outrageous things, but that's a topic I don't want to discuss, because it's irrelevant to foreigners. And these people I suspect you read are actually more guilty of using ad hominem arguments than the left-wing people Nobody complained about in his post. I'm not lying and I'm ready to defend my position. If PT is center-right, why are they flapping their red flag all over our faces until today? Why so much hate for privatizations? Why do they defend an inflated state with high taxation? Why is Lula participating in the goddamn Foro de São Paulo, which is a coalition of communists in South America, including Fidel, Maduro (Chavez, before he died), the FARCs, Morales and the Kirschners? Remember that opening yourself a bit to capitalism is imperative, because capitalism IS part of the economy, you can't just throw it in the trash. See Raul Castro's new government policy that mimics China's. There's no way that you can have a prosperous country without letting the influence of capitalism work within it. What they want is to stay in control of their respective countries while enjoying the benefits of capitalism as utter hypocrites (doesn't socialism oppose capitalism? Oh, whatever, communist logic). Also, we're already discussing about our national politics. Wasting two lines to quote said ad hominem right-wing activists wouldn't kill. Some things that they say aren't restricted to our country only, but to politics worldwide (like Olavo). --------------- I do find that the left-wing has a lot of hysteric parties in it that appeal to ad hominens. I see a lot of hystery comming from feminists, from the LGBT, from the Democrats "If you don't agree with Obamacare, you're a monster" and I dislike how most people compare the right-wing to Bush as a prime example. Why not Reagan?
  8. Same here, but she could've been developped better before Chapter 9. Something that would make her more than a generic mysteryous waifu (Deirdre was better than her in that aspect). also, she is the only girl that doesn't get shipping
  9. Regarding Tinny, Arthur, Fee, Paty, Faval and Seliph, I believe they could've been fleshed out better. I see a lot of potential within them, at least. Julia's also a generic waifu and this irks me. I wish they'd remake FE4 with Supports, but the chances of it happening are zero, obviously.
  10. Nothing beats Dahlia. Trolling Godot should mean something, too. But the best freak out goes to Count Manfred von Dracula. "Enough talk, have at you, wall!"
  11. Lakche can murder anything even with a crappy father. Same with Skasahaha. Their only problem is their movement. Anything that crosses their path dies from 4 consecutive hits before the enemy can wonder what hit them.
  12. Honestly, if FE4 had the same writting as FE5, I'd love that game a million times more. I believe FE4 had room for a lot of potential, yet the characters are portrayed superficially (for example, Sety is just another generic party member, when he actually did a lot of important things in FE5 that were only HINTED in FE4; same about Leaf, who acts like a wimp through and through in FE4... what about all the character building in FE5?). Yet I can grasp the hidden contents and the minor details of the story. I understand things are more complex than the game shows. FE9 earned my vote, though. I love the writting. The story is so simple, yet the plot was done magnificently. We really tend to admire Ike later because we see he went through a lot of things, and that wasn't just because of the in-game events, it's because his character was well developped along with the plot. As a comparison, Micaiah doesn't even stand next to Ike in character development, even though she also went through a lot to liberate Daein. Actually, FE10 was a game without much character development; I remember Skrimir and Pelleas, but all the rest seem like generic units.
  13. Why? Some people really leave others in the friendzone. It just isn't a rule. also hi prims and holy shit Axie exists
  14. If I just use Master Seals and a single Silver Seal on Avatar, will the game become nigh impossible for me because of the stat difference?
  15. It would never have happened if the door had been closed at first place. The thief wouldn't have been able to rob their home if that was the case. It's also funny how you consider the rich people as immoral right off the bat, as if they were part of a beehive legion. People are corrupt by themselves. They are born as natural bastards with a latent potential for evil. If you just allow them to do so, you're opening up opportunities for them. Being rich means nothing, just like being poor doesn't (regarding morality). Can you look over a materialistic point of view to an individualistic point of view? I blame the government for alloying lobbies as much as I blame the person who left the door opened, but I also believe the thief should be prosecuted and judged fairly in trial, just like the lobbyists. However, I don't try to justify the thievery because the thief is poor, the same way I don't try to justify the lobbying because the lobbyists are rich. The material spectrum has little to do with the moral spectrum. I see those lobbyists as individuals, not just a bunch of people who are a part of a 'rich' collective. Also, please clarify to me what it's got to do with education. Actually, the government would only pay the minimum wage for someone to enter a school. The toll of maintaining the school wouldn't weigh on the state's shoulders, Meanwhile, public schools include electricity, maintenance, infrastructure, books, transportation etc. in the bill. I didn't say they should be turned into state schools. - The actual reason taxes are so high here is not because of the social politics, but because of corruption. Which shows if we take into account that we pay almost the same amount of taxes than the average Swede, despite our public services being incomparably worse. A welfare state based government needs a high taxation in order to maintain itself. Our public expenses are far too high and sometimes superfluous. Our politicians earn votes by literally purchasing voters by giving them benefits. The people become more and more dependent on the state (why not teach them how to fish? Why feed them fish until the fish stock ends? That has always been a problem with socialism), and that creates a contradiction: The quality of government programs is measured by how many people don't need need the benefits of said government programs after some time, not by the increasing number of people needing benefits. You complained about taxes becoming even higher if public schools were closed, but the price of having a public good education, health care etc. Is so high that our taxes would increase stratospherically and, naturally, our income would decrease significantly until we are forced into a socialist-like state to survive (that's the intention behind inflating the state, by the way). Also, you must take note that Sweden isn't as gargantuan as Brazil. Regarding public schools, I still defend that most of them are worse than private schools, no matter how good they are compared to brazilian ones (even outside Brazil... Though, in my country, they're utter crap), and I also defend that the voucher system would benefit the education level of any country and lessen the money spent on education at the same time.
  16. Are the Taguel useless, kinda like most of the Laguz? How many times can I abuse the promote crowns until it becomes plain cheating?
  17. Kind of like in FE12 Hard Mode and above, then?
  18. You still know that's not the fault of rich people, but the fault of the government that's corrupt and accepts their meddling on governmental affairs? I'm terribly against lobbying too, and corporations. And before anyone says something about the right being sided with corporations; no, they aren't. A free market would actually make them less effective and end the protectionist laws that help those people. So, no, the rich aren't responsible for unequality, for the poor education and for all the bad things that happen in the society. I'll refer to some other points (Nobody) when I'm not dying of drowsyness. also [quote] But yeah, I do agree that the overprotectionism, insulting anyone that disagrees with them and the lack of dialogue is just terrible [/quote] I was actually referring to overprotectionism in economy. I wasn't referring to the polictically correct (which is also stupid).
  19. So, my 3DS is due to arrive tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow, whatever), and I'm anxious to play FE13. Is there something I should keep on mind that's fairly injust or bs from Intelligent Systems? I'm kinda sure that they won't pull a FE5 on me, but still...
  20. 16 SPEED MICAIAH WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?! Seriously, this never happened to me before, and her speed growths are so abysmal that it shouldn't even happen. '_'
  21. Public schools are bad in America, at least as far as I know. They're also expensive (you pay for them in the form of taxes, and in the bill there's electricity, books, transportation and instructure included). In Canada, some of them are actually good. In Norway, they're great, but they have huge ammouns of oil and profit, so they can maintain this wellfare state. In Brasil they plain suck, and I don't think it's because no one's interested with education. It's too big of a country for an efficient public education, and we see a government that intends to keep people wrapped on its fingers as much as possible (that's a risk that public schools take: alienating children since the beginning of their education). About the poor accessing schools... You know about Milton Friedman's proposal for a voucher to private schools? It says the government should lend some money for poor people so that they'd put their children on better and private schools. It's less expensive than maintaining public schools nationwide, at least. I find it pretty reasonable. Also, the rich don't control the government or politics. That's also a leftie false dicotomy. They have nothing to do with this, even though the blame's placed on them for unequality.
  22. It's true that studying Marx is not the same thing as thinking he was right, but plain worshipping him, omitting people like Mises and Hayek who plain refutted socialism and influencing people to believe the right-wing is evilz and communism is the way to go sickens me (why do people worship communism here, anyway?). How many teachers have you dealt with that speak so fondly of the points defended by socialism? Actually, how many right (or central-right) wing people have you ever met and chatted/shared ideas with? I'm not against the center left-wing, even though they tend to limit the market with impositions and protectionism, but I tend to be center-right. I'm in favor of a free market, less intervention, legally liberating guns for people so they can defend themselves from people with bad intentions, I'm against public schools (they're expensive, not free, and useless); but I'm against the liberation of drugs, the teaching of religion on public schools, and I plain disagree with some conservationist thoughts. About PT... Well, I'd rather discuss it by PM. =P
  23. That YGO manga and the D&D Bakura trolling part were epic indeed. =P
  24. I love Yu-Gi-Oh, even though it sure has it's flaws, like the ammount of bullshit in the first series ("My yellow golden chicken has a neat effect that I just made up now that screws you over!), cardgames on motorcycles and a school that exists to teach children how to play card games. I love some of the characters (the fifth season of the vanilla YGO only builds them further - gotta love Atem, Kaiba, Joey, Pegasus, Bakura, Yugi and Marik). I disliked the YGO GX anime but I liked the manga, as strangely as it seems. I've no interest in Zexal or 5D. I also love the Orichalcos saga. It only loses to the Ancient Egypt saga, because of the goddamn character development and YUGI YOU'RE SO BADASS (not Yami/Atem)
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