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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. The NSA leaks you are referring to is that polemic thing about the USA government spying calls, right? I remember hearing about it some time ago, but I don't recall it through that name. I wonder why people are being so passive about it. It is an absurd. Even if there was no harm done, it means the government is breaking the laws it should be reinforcing and defending. And that's a serious insult.
  2. Play in Hard Mode, because otherwise the game is pathetically easy (and I'm an average player, so yes, I'm not that experienced). Don't be afraid of using Titania. Soloing the final chapter with Ike is easier than beating it with your entire army. Oh and there are no 'useless units', by the way. Nothing you can't fix with BEXP, at least... Though I've never used the mid/late-game ones (like, the units from after Chapter 17).
  3. There is Cecilia from FE6, if she counts as one... Too bad her stats suck and she comes right in a DESERT CHAPTER. Gotta love the irony.
  4. what Because I see my banner just fine, and no one else complained about it. I believe it's pretty much clear that the final round will be between #3, #5 and #6. That being the case, I like #3 more than the other two, because #5 is too bright and #6 is too visually poluted imo (that comming from a guy who kept the banner as simple as it could be... Not very credible).
  5. I was speaking about the idea of a modern-era FE (or FE characters riding bikes intead of horses, for example). I wouldn't have any problem with the game if it has guns and that kind of modern stuff, as long as they don't give them to FE characters.
  6. Can't decide which one is the most awesome, but among them there's Holsety, Ichival and Mistoltin. For unplayable characters, I'd say Falaflame and Thorhammer.
  7. To be honest I don't mind a modern-like Fire Emblem, as long as they don't use guns and lightsabers and tanks and Cavaliers don't ride bikes instead of horses. I imagine something like Fate/Stay Night for the SMTxFE game (as in, the characters will interact with a modern world, but that's pretty much the only thing). It's got my interest, but I'm not sure if it will be ever released outside Japan or if I will ever get my hands in a Wii U.
  8. 1) Reclassing. I believe it takes away a character's uniqueness, and it's just silly to reclass and focus on raising some stats on purpose. It was done rather well in FE11/12, though. 2) I'm not sure if there is such a thing in FE13, but I'd like to promote units the same way as in FE9/FE10/FE4 (if they don't promote like this in FE13, I want them to remove it). I dont want to wait that long until I get a promotional item. It's extremely silly how there are so few of these items in the GBA FEs. 3) I don't know how FE13's Support System works, but I prefer something like FE9's system. I'm completely against having characters sit next to each other so they'll develop their support points. If FE13's system works like FE9's, then I have no complaints. 4) An extremely OPed Avatar with broken growths. Also, giving the option to choose a personality for the Avatar would make him/her less wooden.
  9. The banners need 30% of the votes to go to the final round, then the staff will vote for one. Mine only received four votes (fifteen if you count the second part of the poll), so you have a bigger chance.
  10. This, and: Goran: Followers of the false apostle! Bow down to the miracles of our savior! As long as the Maiden of Dawn watches over us, we cannot be defeated! AKA the FE10 Bridge Map's boss.
  11. I honestly find FE7HHM to be quite challenging (I never beat it, but that's because my interest on the GBA FEs has lowered by a lot). Maybe FE5 too, but I don't like it that much because of the stamina and positioning and scroll and characters and secret-stuff-I'm-supposed-to-know shenanigans. FE4 isn't really challenging but the experience is different from all the other games, you might like it.
  12. That's really the only wrong thing I see with number three, aside from it switching images rather quickly imo. Well, congratulations everybody! The banners are really nice. I tried my best to make something simple and harmonic, but you guys made me notice I have a lot to learn yet. #3 and #10 in particular are great.
  13. I'm so anxious for this and so curious to see the other banners... I'm really looking forward for it. For everyone who's participating, good luck!
  14. I always thought M. Bison looked like a soviet. Either way, although I love Street Fighter, I admit I suck terribly in that game and any cool stunt I pull while playing is based on sheer luck.
  15. In my case, I'd wear some sort of clothing that allows me to switch from blue to red to green, or just buy spares and switch them quickly. Then I'd joke around as if I was playing Ikaruga. Of course, I'd still train a bit in case something goes terribly wrong.
  16. This. Also, it might be just me, but I disliked switching groups in FE10. First, I was investing in the Dawn Brigade, then I had to deal with Elincia's group, then the Crimean Royal Knights (which only appeared in two maps in Part 2, but you can arguably defeat the Boss in the last one before they even arrive), then work with the GMs (the acronyms are more befitting of 'Game Masters' than 'Greil Mercenaries' btw). I also dislike joke characters (Meg, Fiona, FE9!Sothe when you already had Volke, Tormod, FE10!Astrid), or characters with terrible growths altogether (like Leo and Sophia and arguably even Fiona).
  17. You're actually the 12ish, I submitted right after he announced there were 10 submissions. I'm anxious for this. @_@
  18. It's great how I missed something out right below my nose. I'm trying to make it less heavy before submiting, because it reached 234 KBs. I'm far too newbie with banners.
  19. By the way, is PNG an acceptable format for the banner? I triple checked and didn't see anything about it in the topic.
  20. By the way, I didn't forget about this. I'm just giving my banner its final touches before submitting. So far, I suppose we have only 4 contestants?
  21. Compared to Megaman, it really flipped 180ยบ. That's also why I really loved that series. I think I like darker plots more than lighter ones. =P Also, if you consider X's true ending in X5 and the fact that Inafune was going to make X the main villain of the Zero series, but left that idea when the developpers thought it'd be too much, you fully understand just how dark the following series would have been.
  22. It's not like there won't be bias for other participants as well (I'm not saying there is, I'm just saying there could be). And Vincent is just one person, so his single vote wouldn't make a huge difference. If you were to win, you'd win for your talent alone. But that's just me.
  23. I have a somewhat naive view about this topic, but... I'd say being responsible is a huge deal, because a truly responsible person knows that there is always a consequence for their acts. I'll use this example of yours as a reference. By crossing the street when the lights are green, you might not only cause an accident, but kill yourself and/or possibly killing somebody else as well. By complying with such a minimal law, they are contributing for the order and well-being of the society. Of course, that is just me. Nobody truly cares about anything anymore. This is one of the reasons why society is decaying so much.
  24. And Prims is nuts, so the set-up could be crazier than it seems.
  25. Meta is stupid. Sorry, but I won't fall for this.
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