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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. They criticize the ideas and those who believe on those ideas. Take the first billboard in the first post as an example. "This week, celebrate reason" implies that Christians are not following reason, because... Well, they haven't explained this part yet. Also, there's this one: The religious intolerance should have been made clear. I admit there are Christians who want to force their ethics into others, because nutcases exist everywhere in the world, but that's why we live in democracies - we have laws and rights that protects us from the desires of a group, and we can fight against impositions that may come from any group of intolerants (which certainly do not limit themselves to christians). Demozining religion with a "Imagine No Religion" billboard not only is extremely totalitarian but also anti-democratic. They're not as innocent as you claim.
  2. She doesn't die even if she's killed. now interpret it on your own way Say'ri is a nice unit, but I think she's too frail at the start. Doesn't seem to compensate in comparison to my other units.
  3. Luna affects def and res. I never cared much about Ricken, anyway. It's nice that he comes with Elwind in a chapter with Wyverns, and that it's still useful in the chapters to come, but overall I prefer either Miriel, who comes sooner, or Tactician!MU to do the job (I hardly ever reclass, because it makes the game far too easy imo). Their stats also surpass Ricken's by the time he joins. The only good thing about him that I can see is that he's male (I think this game lacks male characters, which limits how many future children you can recruit) and that he passes Luna.
  4. This is exactly why the Constitution exists. I am also against the teaching of Christianity in public schools. I give atheists all the reason to protest against these kind of things, so long as they don't mistake a Free Religion State for an Atheist State (ie, if they want to teach about religion in some private schools, then it's their choice and the kid's parents' choice). This is not a problem within Christianity, though. It's a problem with how those governors took in their beliefs, unless you say that all other states are atheists I wouldn't say that some stubborn sects of Christianity are attempting to hold back the "march of progress" because they don't agree with abortion, gay rights etc. just because of their religion. There are arguments against abortion, even outside of religious matters, for example, the one that you're effectively killing a potential human being, even if there are 50% chances of it aborting itself - there are still 50% chances that it WILL turn into a human being (embryos not having a nervous system until later doesn't matter in the slightest, for it still doesn't change the fact that it CAN turn into a baby, and that's what matters). Gay rights sound just silly because they should only be treated like everyone else instead of more specially, and I see a lot of victimism within their movements, just like with feminism. It' s not that simple. I don't see a problem with the culture, and I'd say it's dangerous to go with this "let's change the culture" idea. You can be an atheist and still live your life without anyone forcing you to follow any Christian tendencies, and I'm glad I live in a country that defends free religion, something that wouldn't happen in an atheist state (or, in other words, a country that accepts no religions) or in a muslim country (which hunts you for holding different beliefs from the official religion). Christians are, in their MAJORITY, tolerant, and don't bother anyone (unless you count ringing your door bell to preach about God as annoying... which I'll have to agree with =P). I have to agree with you here. Some arguments comming from some atheists sound so stupid that it sounds like we're using a Strawman Fallacy here. Except we're not, as the billboards on the first post proved. And I'm not referring only to the average atheist. Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins are (in)famous for doing these as well. There's also this. Both atheist and theism share something in common: Both use faith. Faith isn't theist exclusive, because you can't disprove the existence of gods as well as you can't prove that they exist.
  5. You can live your life pretty much however you see fit without any other religion forcing you to follow certain tendencies, unless you live in a middle eastern country on which people are killed regularly for not believing on the official religion. I also believe that it is not possible to sum subjects about abortion, gay rights etc. as mere christian ranting. They are far more complex than this, and there are non-christians that also are against abortion or are against the LGBT agenda, and so on. Some people mistake having a high christian influence in culture (we DO know that it influences 1/3 of the western culture, along with the greek philosophy and roman law/rights) as having a christian government. @dondon You're trying to establish a relation between two things when there is none. Why should I care about what others believe if it doesn't affect me or others in the slightest? I may have my opinion about the unexistence of a flying spaghetti god, but it's such an irrelevant and silly topic to me that I may as well find something more interesting to do. I've no need to attack the flying spaghetti god worshippers or comment about how stupid it is on billboards, for one, nor discuss about how theorically it is not possible for a flying spaghetti god to exist. Also, christianity affects science textbooks because, clearly, science started from christianity. Its many contributors also throw the "christians don't use reason or age against science" argument to the trash can, too. What is the issue with this?
  6. I think you didn't understand my question. If you believe that gods don't exist, why even bother with the subject?
  7. What I don't understand is why atheism is adopting a position on which it stands against other religions. If they don't believe in gods, why should it even matter? And why does it matter if the majority is christian?
  8. Agnosticism is more about not being sure, but tending slightly to the non existence of deities, IIRC. Gnosticism is the exact opposite, of course, but it may include more than one religion.
  9. You know that IS is on par with how the internet called them before, right? They're not completely oblivious to the fandom. They wouldn't make a game with retro elements that include FE4 if they were. Also, Alvis seems more like a legit name than Arvis.
  10. Honestly, I see no problem with the billboards from both sides. If they want to discuss and promote their positions, do it. It's their right to do so (and it's the other side's right to answer, too. Mind that). However, as a member here said, I also believe they should be discussing formally about it rather than rant out loud that theists believe in myths and/or that atheists will go to Hell etc. As a side note, atheists seem to forget a lot about Mohammed and Alah. I'm disappointed at their lack of guts to face off angry muslins, save for Dawkins (who uses a lot of fallacies, but fine).
  11. He reminded me of Lucina, actually. This one is arguably better: http://www.zerochan.net/998851
  12. More like we changed the point until we started brewing a shipping wars.
  13. I really like this Seliph fanart. Reminds me of FE13's style. http://www.zerochan.net/1286307
  14. These name changes sometimes feel worse than the names used before. Also, the worst offenders, such as Macedonia, Thracia, Miletos, Peruluke (wut) are still intact. Did they really need to change Alvis to Arvis? In both meaning and spelling, I don't see a reason to change there.
  15. Somebody remembered the "What is a man" speech from Dracula, as expected. But the whole dialogue is worthy of praise: "Richter Belmont: Die, monster! You don't belong in this world! Dracula: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by...humans...who wished to pay me tribute! Richter: Tribute!?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves! Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions... Richter: Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you! Dracula: What is a man?! A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!!!" There's also this, from Sonic Colors: Sonic: No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me!
  16. Zero, or X. At least Crapcom still remembers them, as their appearance on Project X Zone shows. Sure, Megaman was good news, but I never cared much about the character.
  17. ... You intend to make a copy of a part of Dracula's Castle from Dawn of Sorrow?
  18. You completed FE13 with only these characters at such low level on your first playthrough of the series? Seriously, wow.
  19. Ship wars, ship wars! Fem!Avatar x Chrom all the way. Morgan isn't a paradox: He's just been lying to everyone, except Lucina.
  20. FE10 is my favorite. The plot is too rushed and fails at execution, most characters are dull and boring, but the new mechanics sure pleased me. It's one of the most well balanced FE games imo, even though some units only appear later on and they will need BEXP to catch up; Master Crowns aren't needed for promoting, which is a plus; it is a challenging game even on Normal mode; I think it's got the best maps of the series, as well. Next comes FE13, for taking mostly every good thing in the FE series, old and new, and mixing it in a new game that reminds me a lot of FE4. It feels retro and fresh at the same time. I, for one, liked the Pair Up system. The story is more rushed than FE10's and the plot is average, some maps aren't memorable while others are fun. My only issue with it is that some characters are far too overpowered (Lucina and Chrom can OTK Grima, Lucina can OTK 95% of the game and so does the Avatar and most of the kids), making the game easy even in Hard mode, without grinding (visiting Paralogues doesn't count as grinding to me) and using Second Seals. FE4 takes the third spot.
  21. Were they confirmed as canon? Never heard of it. What about the others?
  22. The same thought crossed my mind once. The "good guys" can be only seen as this because the "bad guys" are even worse nutcases. I read a DLC script once, without any prior knowledge about the characters, and I found it pretty odd. Also, Valflame beats Forseti everyday in FE13. Worship Fala/Val.
  23. I understand why the other options lead to the same events, but I wish the Submit to Grima choice would follow what the Avatar chooses (ie, he/she and Grima unite), leading to a third ending on which the Avatar recovers consciousness right before the final blow and kills him/herself.
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