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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. My guess is that they seem to forget about it unless marriage is an important plot point, as it is in Lufia, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, etc., because most of the time it is not important for the game makers or doesn't fit the tropes for the game in question.
  2. Sisters aren't overrated. They're awesome at what they do. Unfortunately, they don't do much. Seriously now, I really liked the FE4 sisters/clerics. Sara and Linoan are also great in my books, if you have the patience and wit to EXP abuse. Ellen is also a solid Aureola user IIRC, it's been a long time since I don't play FE6.
  3. Because they solve most issues with battles. It's part of their culture. And culture has weird influences in a society.
  4. Lord: Ike. Lucina and Seliph come right after him, though. Cavalier: Oscar, followed by Sain and Sully. FIN. HOW COULD I FORGET HIM?! Archer: Rolf. Pegasus Knight: A tie between Cynthia and Marcia Myrmidon: Mia. I like her attitude and stats (she still dies with two hits, though) Fighter: Boyd Mage: Soren Light Mage: Micaiah Wyvern Rider: Jill Armor Knight: Oswin. Tauroneo, as a promoted Armor Knight (I really like his backstory and character). Mercenary: Raven. I actually don't care about FE's mercenaries, but I like him enough. For promoted Mercenaries... Basilio. Priest/Cleric: Brady. Thief: If promoted thieves count, then Sothe. If not, then Matthew. Troubador: Mist. Dark Mage: Henry. Canas comes in second, followed by Ray. Pirate/Brigand: Geese. Laguz: Janaff. If Royals count, then Naesala. Soldier: Nephenee. Dancer/Bard: If herons count on this option, then Reyson. If they don't, then Ninian. Bow on a Horse: Lester Manakete: Tiki
  5. I meant a game with 9 players signed-up... please don't myslinch me on D -1 over a mistype
  6. So many subs for a 9 players game... Did interest in Mafia die while I was away?
  7. I had some issues with my internet back then. Honest.
  8. At least I won't forget about the game. =P ... err, I promise.
  9. I never co-hosted, but I can try. ugh votecounts
  10. In FE12 too, since MU and Marth have a lot of luck and it's very unlikely that it'll misfire.
  11. Jealousy isn't bad, unless you become obsessive about it and let it overcome you. It is perfectly normal to admire and desire to be as good as that person who you are jealous of. I think that the best way of dealing with it is recognizing your own pros and cons and working hard to improve and/or fix your flaws.
  12. TOTA is one of the games that I want to obtain for the 3DS. I'll buy it after AA5, which I'm prioritizing now. I'm not new to the series, though I've only played the SNES and PS1 one (which I hated) and the DS and Wii ones (which I loved because of the gameplay and, in Tales of Hearts' case, the story, but I never finished them).
  13. At least a D rank sword/axe/lance user won't be limited to their bronze counterparts, which suck. Also, I didn't notice that occurence in my playthroughs (because I don't pay attention to minor details. I wonder how I manage to even play FE), but I've seen some units wearing lances having a good hit chance against units wearing axes. I attributed this to their absurd stats and skill stat, but I might be wrong.
  14. Try disabling auto-battle, I guess. Or re-enter the chapter. I'm really not sure about this.
  15. This reminds me a lot of Mother 3. Influencing the flow of battle sounds like a good idea to me, if done properly. Yggdra Union comes to mind.
  16. The first post complains about the fact that a Paladin with A on Lances and E on Swords, while equipping a lance, has more chances of hitting an axe user than with a sword. I am saying that the WTA/WTD should've increased more (at least in terms of hitting) to fix this problem.
  17. This. In my opinion, reclassed classes should start with D-rank in every new weapon. Leveling up to C shouldn't be that hard, so I think this suffices. Also, it's the developpers' blame if a Paladin with A on Lances and E on Swords can hit an unit equipped with Axes with more ease with lances than if said Paladin had a sword equipped. The Weapon Triangle Disadvantage/Advantage should've been increased a little more.
  18. Correction: An extra slot on which you may deploy an unit that may or not be her. There are plenty of other units to use too, such as, say, one of the second generation children which you obtained, which are far too many. Later on, there's Tiki, who's much more usable than Say'ri (good def, str, average speed, won't die in 2 hits, will double some of the units in the following maps and deal considerable damage to the units she doesn't double). If you still find a vacant spot after all these considerations, THEN I find no problem with using her, even though she's vulnerable and unreliable until later on. She's still useful on some stances, though, and it's fun to turn a weak unit into a strong one. I particularly prefer Cherche over her, because a Wyvern Rider with a Hammer in consecutive maps with a lot of armors is just too invitative to resist. And she's more durable than Say'ri. Lon'qu has to compete with other units for space, but FE always encouraged the use of an specific team throughout the game anyway, unless we're talking about FE4. It's not like you won't be playing with 80% of your planned-team-for-this-specific-playthrough by the time you arrive in Say'ri's chapter. And even in case you don't choose Lon'qu for this one playthrough, there are plenty of options that you can take that are better than Say'ri. Also, as a pro for Lon'qu, he's a potential rival bachelor choice father. Say'ri can only have Morgan.
  19. He's got more time to develop as well. He'll usually have more defense than Say'ri and be as effective as she is. Not to mention he benefits from early supports as well. There is just no reason to use her, unless your team has an extra spot. And even then, she needs some babying before becoming good.
  20. The PSX and GBA. So many golden games for the PSX and so many awesome games for the GBA to count.
  21. I don't find it cheap because it's the developpers' fault if this game feels more rushed than Radiant Dawn (did they not learn from this?). Blazing Sword has 31 chapters, not counting the gaiden ones. They could've done the same, so the war against Plegia didn't feel so anticlimatic and rushed. Walhart could've had a lot more screen time as well (even if it were to be in cutscenes). Also, some characters don't really develop themselves even through Support Convos, bar a few examples, like Lissa, Maribelle, Lon'qu, Cordelia and Ricken, as far as I can remember. In a game with, as you said, over 30 playable characters. This is no excuse, as Blazing Sword (with 46 characters , without counting villains), has a huge cast with a lot of character development through Supports. FE:A has 43 characters, without counting the villains (and their recruitable paralogue versions). I can't really accept this as an excuse. Adding these points to the fact that FE:A has way more space than any of the GBA games, I don't see your point. @PKL You forgot to say that Say'ri dies with two hits or so.
  22. Someone totally should start a Fate/Stay Night Mafia. I just ask that we have few players, so we don't have 70 pages long D2s.
  23. do it do it do it looks like fe isn't the game on which people die when they are killed anymore, blame the new generation I agree, though I found every character in FE13 void of character development, save Chrom and... maybe Lissa? Lucina? The Avatar? I believe Say'ri was as badly developped as Yen'fay and Walhart. The latter could've been a great villain if only he didn't only properly appear in, like, 2 chapters.
  24. Looks like Walhart without the helmet. I didn't think of Jagen mainly because of the color of his armor. =P Here's another, from FE4. http://www.zerochan.net/135551
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