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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. That means she knew Pelleas but not Micaiah. After they met, she became instantly loyal to her. Also, about your latest comment about Ike, how can you be confident if you don't know a lot of things and you even realize you're incompetent? Remember that everyone was going to die if not for Lethe and Mordecai's intervention.
  2. That's what makes me think Kaoz is town. He could have voted Marth like everyone else, but instead he said he'd rather vote Core. I think he'd vote Marth right away if he were scum, thinking about an excuse should have been easy for him when everyone was voting for Marth. If that's so, why did you stop here? You think that Shinori or Aere is scum, so you should be able to ISO them and find something interesting. It's better than saying they're scum without giving us any sort of conclusion. He could have a passive role. Or he could be Nexus. It would help if we knew if roleblocking has some sort of flavor in this game. >:
  3. Okay I'll stop playing Cave Story and FE9 and Guilty Gear and stuff for a sec. ... I hate when I'm so close to my vacation's end. This is a bad interpretation of an echo. If I find him scummy for making interjections and not contributing much and someone does too, is he echoing me? That's only logical, because it -is- something peculiar of note. Echoing is when you don't argue and you go on agreeing with something. That sounds stupid, but I wouldn't discard it either as this situation is too bad to be a mere act of luck (to me). Either way it's an useless thing to wonder about. What is this I don't even--- This makes no sense. ... /facepalm Stop saying someone is scummy without backing it up with arguments. >: With Bizz and Snike? I should remind you that if Core is scum, they killed Snike. How is this sole reason strong enough to make you vote Boron over Cam/Core? Stop, he never claimed deathproof. >: Manix seriously STOP jumping around so much. Because you never mentioned them. I could be missing one post from you, however. To be honest, I don't remember you very much. =P What is the point of this? These questions won't bring any kind of constructive info. ... So, are you an unlynchable or a bulletproof? If you think so lowly of him, why didn't you vote Manix yet? --- In short, I don't like how Shinori has begun pursuing Manix without voting him. All he does is tell how scummy he thinks Manix is, and the only thing that came to his mind when questioning Prims was "Hey tell me your thoughts on these posts of Manix". His earlier reason to vote Manix was "If Marth flips town I'll lynch Manix because he hammered" is an easy way to put the blame on someone. Manix's badly thought answer only helped Shinori's case. Also, do you think you were roleblocked yesterday? Manix has been jumping around and voting/unvoting a lot, and for weak reasons. His C1 was good, but his C2 has been quite weak. Blitz was invisible on C1, I don't remember him giving us any of his reads (or stating he has reads), has been very inactive on C2 and the only time he did something here was to get useless info from Boron. Same thing with BBM, to a lesser extent. He was pretty much inactive in C1, isn't doing anything on C2 (aside from justifying himself/being defensive and saying stuff like my second quote) and his vote agaisnt Marth seemed really weak and without much thought to me, as if he just wanted to get over with the Cycle. So ##Vote: Blitz Out with your reads and thoughts.
  4. Wait what, I never said I wanted to mislynch a veteran over a newbie. And what's the problem with me agreeing with what Snike said? Now take the 'assuming both are town' part and reflect about this. Okay, I understand. You voted Jedi because of his manner of speaking and you were willing to use such a bad motive (which could lead to a mislynch) because you thought lynching a newbie wasn't a big deal compared to lynching a veteran. I mean, am I correct?
  5. Yeah, my creativity is low. XD It's not ordered in any way.
  6. I voted you for your blindly leaning towards newbiescum!Jedi without thinking about the possibility of a newbietown!Jedi. At first I wanted to get some more reads from you, but you've been saying that you'd rather mislynch a newbie than a veteran and relying on poor excuses like "Jedi subbed so meh he isn't scum anymore, I resetted my reads", "Guys I was never Mafia and I'm still not scum" and "That wagon on me is scummy because scum want an easy mislynch". Because of that, I've got a more solid read on you. I'm asking why would you rather lynch a newbie than a veteran. They're all players, and they're all town or scum. The town's objective is to find the Mafia (obviously), so why does it matter? Would you just forget about every scummy thing I said/did because I got subbed, then? One thing is being tolerant to the substitute and letting him give us his opinions, another is resetting your reads completely.
  7. I believe I have told you all my reads in pretty much all of my posts. >: Anyway, to summarize them: Town: Bizz Snike Manix Neutral: Prims BBM (who I haven't seen contributing at all) Core (after his weird vote was explained) Xin Li Scum: Marth Aere Cam Don't put words in my mouth, I never said we should ignore newbies. Being tolerant =/= ignoring. Also, do you have any reads at all? You've been jumping from person to person at random. What's the difference, Aere? Again, what is the difference? They have the same roles. Jedi could have slipped some info about him because of his newbieness. However, I can understand that you can't blame Manix for his manner of posting the way you blamed Jedi. You just couldn't use that old excuse anymore, that's why you're giving us the excuse that you resetted your reads on him.
  8. You have town reads on yourself? Lol. That doesn't excuse Marth. I admit he's under the scum radar. Also, being fair or not doesn't matter. You can't treat a newbie like a veteran (expect him to contribute, have reads, scumhunt, be active etc.) because we expect the veterans to play Mafia properly and that's pretty much how we scumhunt. The same can't be done to the newbies. I'm talking about tolerance, not forgiveness. Jedi was in the same situation Cam and Boron are. Does that mean he was scum?
  9. You should take into consideration that they are newbies. Not even those players who are used to playing Mafia are that good with getting reads on D1 and digging info by themselves. That doesn't mean we should let them give us these excuses and forget about it, however. What I mean is, I think we should focus less on the newbies' mistakes and more on the more experienced players' mistakes.
  10. Looking like an OMGUS =/= Being an OMGUS. It's the reason I prefer Aere over you, really. ... When did Prims say that Bizz looks townish? I might have misreaded something along the way. I remember he said something about her action looked nice, but it's not the same as saying she looks townish. Marth's lack of "knownledge" is unsettling to me (see how many times he says "I don't understand/know/see why" on his post and you'll see what I'm talking about) but it's not enough to deem him scummy right now. It is as if he just wants to go along with some half knownledge about what's going on and see where it gets him, which is scummy to me. His main point agaisnt Bizz was "she's contributing to much, as if she's trying to look good". This is bad because there is some sort of scummy logic on this argument, as the Mafia gets more advantage when there is less contribution. Which reminds me Marth hasn't been contributing with -anything- and only now did he post his thoughts. I'm having a hard time choosing between Aere or Marth. >: Also, welcome back Manix. o/
  11. I underlined it. Isn't that a contradiction? Now he's explained that he was only trying to get a reaction from this, but his sudden vote with no explanation was really odd to me. Especially after saying 'voting newbies is often a reason not to vote somebody' without further explanation about why he was making this an exception.
  12. How does one mistype a vote? And your clinging to the 'newbscum' side of his because it's an easy excuse to give seems opportunistic to me.
  13. So the demo only covers up to Chapter 3x, or is the link from the first post outdated?
  14. You sound more nervous for echoing that echoing isn't as scummy as people say, tbh. Lolsheeping on Boron I see. At least you unvoted later, but only after people picked on you, which is unsettling to me. As long as they don't claim as soon as people form up to lynch them, it's alright. But claiming 9 minutes before you're lynched is bad anyway, don't mess with your own luck. >: Pointless discussion is still a way to get reads, that's why we got so many reaction votes and useless comments at N0. It is better than saying nothing and doing nothing. I still have a lot of problems when I play Mafia because of my playstyle. That's normal. =P Sorry but, this makes no sense. I get town vibes from Bizz (for her effective scumhunting) and Boron (because it reminds me of how I was when I first played Mafia). Same with Snike, who sounds very reasonable. In the other hand, I get scum vibes from Aere (his vote looked too opportunistic to me and he hasn't done anything else), Core (because his contradiction made no sense) and Marth (for thinking it's best to do nothing because the discussion we had been having was pointless), Cam isn't doing anything other than showing us he's a smart newbie (and he only did that once) and Prims' vote on Bizz looked like an OMGUS to me, but they look less scummy than the others I listed imo. ##Vote: Aere For being too rushy to conclusions and commiting mistakes that could easily mislynch a newbtown. We don't make quick judgements while we still have time because rushing to conclusions is always bad. We have to be aware of the risks we're taking and acknowledge them before lynching.
  15. Marcus is awesome on the earlygame and midgame, but his growth sucks so he's going to get swapped by other units later. Just hope his char is not a Jeigan with good growths and you'll be fine.
  16. I always save state like crazy because I'm always doing something stupid/risky which can kill even the strongest units. Unless I'm playing FE11 or any other FE on a console (that isn't Wii, because Battlesaves), then I reset. In FE11's case, I only reset if the unit is a part of my pre-determined team.
  17. That is a fallacy. You can use Titania while not stealing EXP from the other units. Sometimes it's better to kill That Annoying Boss with her/be more daring and risk taking with her than do it the hard way. Not using a good worker is a bad thing. Just use her talents accordingly. There is more profit in that. Only newbies let Titania solo chapters and steal EXP from the other units. I'm currently playing with her on my team and I'm not having any problems with the other units (except Oscar who's got cursed by the RNG). Imo she's still a solid supporting unit and will do her job (though with less proficiency than the other units).
  18. Some people may go agaisnt this but, I recommend Mist because of her promotion fo Valkyrie and her help agaisnt the Black Knight. =P
  19. If there's a spot for me, put me in it.
  20. Yay~ I suck at this, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong. Name: Raymond Age: 17 Gender: Male Physical description: ... Without the duel disk and the cards. I'll just say this is his school uniform (it's too fancy but I can deal with that). Backstory/Personlaity (this is actually optional, most characters are coming from the same backstory is the reason why.): He was on his way to home when it all started, leaving both his school and his small group of friends behind without knowing he would never get to see them again. At that time, he just wanted to get home and rest after spending practically all his weekdays on studying to the exams, but infact he never got home nor saw anyone else familiar again - he only saw the commotion running towards his direction, and he only remembers his last moments trying to struggle agaisnt it and see what was going on before the fortress crashed. Ray is basically an average student without anything else of special to be noted until the incident, as he got to know a side of him which he thought never existed and began to deal with all of his losses. Because of his mutation, he became an 'antithesis' himself, having to deal with his most primitive survival instincts and listen to his reason at the same time. When he isn't being affected, he could even be considered 'friendly' or 'caring', yet timid. Genetic mutation: The only visible change was his hair, which changed to a dark grey shade. He would look perfectly normal, if not for his psychological changes. After the incident, the radiation reacted on his brain and made Ray's most basic survival instincts to be amplified in a Darwinist manner - to survive at all costs, to adapt to the enviromnent, to know when there is a predator stronger than you (and know when to run away/engage), to kill when it is imperative without remorse (in order to survive), to not pick fights agaisnt foes who look stronger etc. The only drawback is: He can't control it. Nor can he stop listening to his instincts, or object in any matter, turning him into a sociopath of sorts. A beast and a man at the same time, trying to keep his sanity and survive without becomming a complete monster.
  21. The same applies to the GBA version, but you'll need to find hidden items on the chapters without losing for lack of cards because that's the only way your chars will regain HP (Morale in the game). You could just use a FAQ for that. And save states help a lot, so it shouldn't be that hard. Good luck, though. =P
  22. No, I just dislike RPGs in which you are an adventurer and you must save the princess from the evil overlord or some other silly stuff like that. Wait, that game is called Zelda, isn't it? ... Well, I like Zelda. The gameplay is great and the script is good enough for its plot development. Unless it isn't an RPG, like Castlevania and Street Fighter. Then it's fine.
  23. Well, I understand. It's kind of hard to keep someone's RPG going because we don't have the same idea of where we should be going storywise. It's great to know you made another RP and it's great to know it's going to be easier for you to manipulate than AS. I've been reading Impact, but I'm too lazy and it's probably going to take me a week or so of reading. As soon as I finish reading it, I'll post a sign-up. =P I promise I won't disappear
  24. Well, I'd like to play Lagoon but I'm growing very intolerant to games with bad storyline/script. Hence why I dislike Legend of Mana. >: I'm also looking for more games, because I really miss games like Fire Emblem, Phoenix Wright and 999.
  25. I agree. Not to mention some of the kids can be nerfed enough to suck more than their regular counterparts (when they are paired with Ayra and Lex/Holyn, for example). And drafts need to be quick (hooray captain obvious). It's no use wasting 30 turns to beat a single boss because everyone sucks except Oufaye.
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