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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. In no particular order... 1st - Zero (Mega Man X/Mega Man Zero): I simply like his Anti-Hero attitude, he doesn't fight for the greater good or for morals, but for what he believes in (his one and only Heroic BSOD was when he said "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR?!"). All his dialogues are pretty awesome too. Maybe I like him more than X because the first MMX game I've played was Mega Man X4. It focused on him way more than on X, and his script is much better. 2nd - X (Mega Man X/Mega Man Zero) I love his character development. He goes from a naive and well-intentioned Hunter to a more responsible and independent one, becoming more mature on each game. Always trying to find the best resolution, but having to bear with a cruel reality and take choices he'd rather not take, fighting for his ideals. 3rd - Yggdra (Yggdra Union) Starts as a typical princess who must fight agaisnt The Empire and reclaim her kingdom, but she matures a lot on the get go. 4th - Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) On his first game, he just follows Sonic around and helps h im with a few minor things. On each game he participated, he was a supporting character more than anything else... Well, until Sonic Adventure, where he stands agaisnt Eggman on his own. In Sonic Adventure 2, Tails is Eggman's main rival. His character growth is amazing and I've liked him since the first time I played Sonic 2 on my childhood. :3 5th - Colonel (Mega Man X) Imo he's the best boss of the X series. His reason to fight can be seen as a foolish way to start a war by rebelling and refusing to cooperate with the Hunters, but I see it as a war for freedom. Reploids are only made to aid humans on their lives, so the Repliforce didn't know about anything else other than living for their human masters. When the Maverick Hunters injustly judged them for Mavericks after the Sky Lagoon Incident, they decided to live freely from human jurisdiction on a Reploid Utopia. Of course, the Maverick Hunters did not see that as a good thing. I see the war as an excuse to achieve the freedom they were longing for. They would never be free as long as they kept acting as tools made to work for humans. The dishonor brought on them only gave the Repliforce a 'push'. I can't think about other characters right now, but I'm pretty sure I have more favorites.
  2. Well, $4 must be around 6-7 bucks on where I live. That's great. Thanks!
  3. The 3DS is region locked, right? So I won't be able to buy the European FE13 if it comes before the NA one if I buy a North American 3DS? Also, how much do the DLC cost (as in dollars since I know nothing about Yen)? This game is pretty much one of the main reasons why I'm going to buy a 3DS. =P
  4. Is there any confirmed/rumoured date for the NA release of FE13? And is there a way to download the DLC without actually living in NA? Sorry about the stupid questions, I know nothing about DLCs and I don't own a DS/3DS.
  5. Start with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (PSX) if you can, it's a lot like Friends of Mineral Town but easier and its got some stuff the last one hasn't. After you get the hang of it, I recommend playing Friends of Mineral Town. The GC one has a remake for the Wii from what I know. Have you heard about Rune Factory?
  6. That is exactly what I think about her: Ike had a lot of time to develop his fame, but Micaiah didn't. Her story was too rushed up in order to give space for the other Parts. Imo, Part 2 could have been mixed with Part 3, and Part 1 could've had more chapters focusing on developing each member of the Dawn's Brigade personality and story. One of the main reasons for me to believe in that is the narrative itself. It says that Pelleas' army liberated a lot of important tactical points of Daein and got larger and stronger from those victories, when we only get to participate in two of them gameplay-wise (I think). I love Micaiah as a character, but her portraying on the game is bad.
  7. ... Why does the Cleric have STR? Well, I can't say much because that's the only thing you've brought to us on this topic. But I expect this hack to be good, especially if you're having inspiration from A Song of Ice And Fire. =P
  8. why is roy using casual clothes and riding yune I think I began failing on C2, then it made me get lynched on C3. I could've tried to play better, but I didn't/was too lazy to re-read the things I missed, so it ended badly to me in the end. I hope we have a more active Mafia next time.
  9. And Lachesis. Bridget too, as it's revealed in FE5. Also, the villain (Emperor) is more of a case of a 'well-intentioned extremist' than a bad guy himself. But sure, he's a bastard.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOFMruVdTLk&feature=related This. At least the game's got nice graphics, music and story to compensate for the weird gameplay.
  11. Original 4 .hack games? You mean those for the PS2? Because if not, I'd like to try them out.
  12. Awesome! I wanna join, then. My progress will be kind of slow because of the emulator, however. =P
  13. Ike has Umbreons on his faec It kind of makes me want to play but idk if Haar is the only choice left and if I'm forced to solo the game with Ike until Haar's recruitment.
  14. Okay, I admit defeat. I should've played better from C2. Unvote ##Vote: Rapier
  15. The risk is too big, and since I was absent in C2 I chose to wait a bit more. I just hope you don't get lynched and you have a better role than mine. Anyway, vig shots happen as soon as I answer my role PM, so I think I'll be able to do it as soon as C4 starts.
  16. There was no Core wagon on C1. There was one on C2, though. And I only hammered him.
  17. This is back, awesome! Micaiah is weirder than before, but less Sue. It reminds me of when I used to read the FE10 script before playing but I read only some parts of it, so I always imagined the Dawn Brigade being like the Black Knights from Code Geass and Micaiah being a wise and well-intentioned passionate sort of leader who stands agaisnt Begnion and liberates Daein. And I thought Ludveck was conspirating with Begnion. I could swear he was one of the main villains of the game, and Ike's participation was on helping Elincia stand agaisnt his influence/power.
  18. ... This makes no sense, as scum are supposed to mislynch. Why should I be afraid to mislynch if I'm scum? What guarantees you that the last player who voted for Marth wasn't scum? Why would voting Marth make me look scummy? Why would I waste my time voting Core when, as a scum, I'm supposed to be doing stuff and mislynching? This is pretty flawed logic. I'm the Town Vig. I could prove that tomorrow, but there's no way I can prove I'm not scum just by that. I just regret being voted for weak reasons, like Boron's "He was defending me so it's weird imo I'll vote him" and Shinori's one sided opinion of "Lol he was discussing with BBM I don't like it he's scum". I'd rather be lynched for looking really scummy and having a lot of arguments agaisnt me. I was the first one to vote you for what happened with Jedi, because I saw that as an easy way to lynch a town!newbie and get out with it. Then on C2 I don't remember much because I was sick and I don't care that much about Mafia to be re-reading the thread and going through Cycles and picking on every little wrong thing I see. On C3 you disappeared completely. You didn't look great to me, and you still don't look great to me now.
  19. I have so many in mind.... But I can only think about this one.
  20. Most of my thoughts about Aere are guesses, so that's why I wanted him to say something regarding my post, which went completely ignored by him. >: Do you really think scum only have 24 or 48 hours to choose who they'll kill, then they spend 24 hours trying to mislynch? From what I know about my former Cycle games, kills aren't limited to 48 hours. What I mean is, they could have thought about killing Kaoz afterwad. Check out his role. If there is a Mafia Rolecop, then it's possible that he investigated Kaoz, and then BBM tried to mislynch him (foolishly, because no one else paid attention to that). What response? If it is about Aere and you, I already posted something about it. I like waffles, they're so yummy Well then, tell me what you didn't like in my argument with BBM.
  21. Now explain what you didn't like, please. I was not focused on BBM. I had voted Aere, then Blitz, then I went for BBM because he was next on my scumlist. And here we are.
  22. I defended you because it's easy to myslinch a newbie just because they can't keep the pace as well as the veterans. I picked on Aere because of that, too. I never said you voted Kaoz because of Snike. And I disliked that afterthought of yours because they were really weak, and saying X and Y are scummy without any argument is bad. On C2, you didn't vote anyone else and stuck with a player who hadn't posted for days.
  23. Celice, because he isn't competent at first and he wouldn't be anywhere without some backup. He's got some great character development. I'd choose Leaf if he wasn't as retarded as Naruto (at least where I last read). Ike is my second best Lord, and Sigurd is my third.
  24. He never voted Core on C1, and on C2 he was saying 'Where are you Core' like everyone else. Funny fact: I was the first to vote Aere. Then you went and basically echoed me. >: Let's recall that you switched to the Marth wagon pretty quickly, too. And without explanation of why you choose him over Core. Most of your posts are just excuses anyway. Things like "Guys I was scummy on C1 but would you please look at me now?" and "I felt like Shinori, Kaoz and Marth were scummy because Snike suspected them but Marth died, so Shinori/Kaoz must be scummy, even though I got no clues about this after ISOing". You say you are an active and contributive player, but your contributions aren't that big, nor is your activity - which is unfortunately bigger than your contributions. So... ##Vote: BBM My Aere vote won't work because I'm the only one who remembered him, from the looks of it. And you are my best bet now, aside from Aere.
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