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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Iris has another ability as well. Her safeguarding is one-shot, while Cam's can be done infinitely until he's targetted, which is when he booms. Usually roles aren't shared by players (I mean, like two Town Cops, or two Town Safeguards), but being this a RPG with only a few classes (that are used as roles), I don't see why there couldn't be two roles with slightly different abilities (such as two Alchemists, like Iris and Cam). @scorri I can't clear anyone, sorry. But I suspect Helios, Core, you (although I'm mixing my reads from Theatre with those of EO, so I'm confused right now), and the whole Shinori-Cam-Iris thing has also caught my attention. I don't find any of them really scummy but if I had to pick one, I'd pick Cam. I'm fine with either a Helios or a Core lynch.
  2. If he had left his best knights with her, he could have failed his mission. With Ludveck's influence, it was highly likely that his army was massive, so leaving his knights on the kitchen is actually a bad idea. After all, he was storming a castle (full-guarded) and that's not really an easy thing. Elincia is left with enough soldiers to defend herself well, and in the end she doesn't even need Geoffrey to take care of Ludveck. Yeah, she's lucky to have Haar, Brom, Nephenee and Marcia, but she was unlucky enough to have her castle gates open to the enemies.
  3. Roy is a joke character. Just look as his stats after promotion. >: Good luck with the last chapter! Though you have great units with you, like Alan, Treck, Miledy, Thany, Saul etc. it's going to be pretty challenging and fun to read.
  4. Omega Zero, Megaman ZX. That is all. He is stunned only for a very brief time if you get to hit him, he doesn't stop moving, he can kill you with three or four hits, he is insanely fast and his attacks are hard to dodge and he can attack from affar. By the way, he's got three lifebars and recovers his health considerably while invulnerable to attacks at the same time. The boss room is really short and there are no walls, which means you'll have to jump and dodge him in order to escape from his mad Leeroy Jenkins rush. Good luck beating him. This, too. It's an absurd to have the most difficult boss fight right on the start of the game. I mean, if he isn't the hardest, then he is one of them. At least your skills are on the maximum level when you get to fight the Final Boss. The trick to beat him is to let him climb the wall, then stay right beside him and hack away. You'll take damage but he'll be done for quickly... If you don't die first. Well, you won't get a good ranking with this strategy, but it's efficient at least.
  5. On Iris' case, she can only safeguard once. On Cam's case, he can safeguard whenever he wants and he dies with whoever targets him. I don't see how they are identical, Paper.
  6. ##Vote: Manix Okay, I made my resolve. Since you have been scattering sign-posts that say "Lynch me" all over the place while pointing at yourself, allow me to oblige.
  7. you never know Awesome, you still remember you have a LP. I won't complain because it's still gold. Even if it takes 2 months to finish a single part.
  8. Not really. People are picked on when they hammer someone and that player turns out to be Town, not when they don't vote. When I was scum on Xenoblade Mafia (or whatever it was called) and I didn't participate on the Marth wagon, I was able to get through without looking as scummy as, say, the others who followed the wagon. Also, did you mention that you were ok with either a lynch on me or Helios at any point? I have to agree with your Core read. I didn't like the way he just changed votes to me and didn't even justify himself. He also suggested NL after we had lost a townie, that isn't benefitial to the town at all. My role isn't necessarily a 'Don't touch me' one: I can redirect actions if I choose to idle/if I used my investigative action last time. Why would he start all this role discussion, then? He 'roleclaimed' when he didn't have to, so we can assume that he did this in order to prevent us from targetting him. .. But this doesn't really make sense if he's a Commuter. He didn't have to warn us about his role because it doesn't harm the town in any way.
  9. You know that people don't follow he standards of townie and scum very strictly. Unvote Something about this selfvote is troubling me, I want to think more about it. My reasoning is going agaisnt my instincts and I want to clear my head a bit.
  10. This is not logic, dude. If you can -confirm- your theory is true, why not do it? What makes you think your logic can't be flawed, your case not concrete enough to lynch your most scummy read? Sorry, but I see it as arrogance at most and a bad excuse at least. On both cases, it is a scummy thing to assume so much.
  11. Damn it I forgot to quote this post. ... You're kidding me, right?
  12. If you know your vote on SB won't contribute to anything now, and you find Manix scummy, why won't you vote him? You can always go after scorri and SB on the next day. It's easier to lynch Manix than the other two, and we'll receive info. Also, Prims' case was very different. He voted Core, but he expected him to come back and reply. Since he didn't, he had to keep his vote, else it would look scummy. I remember that, I was one of the scum. So if Manix turns out to be scum, Prims is most likely Town (or Third Party, should they exist). More relying on meta. >: I understand what you said. It makes sense... Kinda. But the way you said it troubles me. "Obvious answers or responses", alright. You're right about focusing on the players as they are now rather than how they can be after somebody else flips, but that doesn't mean the later should be ignored completely. Also, stop saying I'm speculating too much. The only time I speculated about that was on a response to Shinori. I may have done it at some point on my "wall", but I'm pretty sure my post wasn't full of them. I have to agree with this. We've got a lot to work on already. Well, you pretty much echoed on that other post. You asked him who is scum, when he had stated who he thought was scum. What makes you think Marth is scummy? Anyway, I still don't believe Manix's claim. It could be easily faked and, as BBM noticed, he would have investigated Prims, not Paper. Not to mention it is hard to counterclaim Deputy Cop. My vote stays on him.
  13. Didn't you read Manix's post, on which he said I wasn't on the topic for the last 15 minutes, and thus I couldn't answer/roleclaim? Your post: Your reason to vote me was a refuge on ignorance to Manix's post. Sorry, but I don't have any other term for that. This is scummy imo. ... Okay, I should go sleep before I keep saying any more weird things without thinking this through. >:
  14. If Manix turns out to be scum, I think we should also focus on Aere. He sheeped Manix early on, when he voted Elie. If Aere flips scum, then Straw is also scum, because he was the only one to defend Aere (which isn't an scummy thing by itself -now-, but on this hypothetical scenario, it would be different).
  15. Did you find me scummier than Helios? Would you vote him this time, if you're still suspicious of him?
  16. And I'm back from the dead. Yay. I still have to ISO more and get more reads, but Helios' vote on me was too opportunistic imo. He didn't state why he found me scummy, but he said I was scummy. I also don't remember him voting me (at least on that post), so I suspect he is Mafia who didn't want to vote me and look worse. ##Vote: Helios
  17. Argh I was writting a post but I closed the window accidentally. I have a neutral read on Aere. But taking into consideration that he overreacted over Elie's joke (which he acknowledged that it was a joke), and his stand agaisnt Core was based on calling him an hypocrite, I'm leaning towards scum. Paper has some reasonable posts, but I got a feeling he was too defensive towards Prims. When he said "Why aren't you voting Rapier/Iris if they were more inactive than him?", it sounded personal imo. When he disagreed with Elie's post, he didn't outright vote him. He posted what he thought was wrong with his logic, and left with that. On Manix's case, he took a more active stand. Then again, I could be wrong... I'm too sleepy for that now. I'll think more about this later.
  18. I don't have any 100% town reads, but I'm inclined onto believing that Marth and BBM are Town. I remember very little from Strawman, but the majority of his posts were reasonable. I'm warry about Prims because I was his scumbuddy on Xenoblade Mafia and my Spider Sense is tingling, but other than that he's been reasonable enough too. Shinori is also leaning town imo.
  19. Hi. My name is Rapier. The Mafia has killed my father. I hope they're prepared to die. ttly not roleclaiming Hitman/Vig You could elaborate what you don't like on Prims' argument about you, because it is a perfectly normal thing to push for a lynch... I think. Now I'll be more busy trying to adjust my avatar, so I may take a bit longer to post. I wonder where you get all those cute avatars, Manix. =P
  20. Hi guys I exist. Sorry for taking too long, I've been reading the EO topic for the last couple days and I didn't pay much attention to this game. Now then, I won't be lynched by the same reason I was lynched there, at least. My feelings exactly. I agree that Aere's jump on Elie seemed sheepish and his reason to vote was weak imo, but you can't say Elie's post wouldn't have been picked on if only he didn't add the meta part. Small details make the difference. I usualy dislike when people use falacies to back up their arguments. Getting slight scum vibes here. Don't lolvote without giving your reasoning. Relying on meta alone in order to judge someone is bad. Especially when we say [player] is scummy because of it. No, but speculating only helps the Mafia. The Town should try to work on more substantial stuff. This is not always true, but when we can't reach a conclusion anyhow because we're dealing with -possibilities-, this only helps the Mafia. Moreover, it wastes our time. ... Well, I'm not sure if Miller is a scum role. What makes you think that about Manix? And why should Miller claim? The problem of your interpretation is that you only voted him because of his meta. Eh, good point. If SB looks scummy to me because he said speculating was a good thing when we have nothing else to do, scorri is even scummier for starting it and then trying to stop the speculations because they were looking bad. She's been too busy with inactives for my taste. If she turns out to be scum, I'll probably look bad because she didn't mention me anywhere but eh, I'll bet on that. Weapons said he was semi-serious and didn't care. I know this doesn't justify his posts, but you shouldn't have focused on him that much. You know, being less one minded. Why would he, as scum, hint the existence of a Mafia Rolecop? Reverse psychology doesn't work anywhere. Do you believe Manix is Town? Why? @Manix Your post explaining why you voted Prims rely only on D1 stuff. You said he was inactive, okay. So, what now? Prims has been quite active for some time and you should acknowledge that. If lack of activity/content (on D1) is the only thing you have agaisnt him, and you can't blame him for that on his D2 gameplay, your reasoning is invalid. Your logic is faulty. Too faulty. ##Vote: Manix Scorri is my second strongest scumread, for the reasons I stated above. Aere doesn't look that scummy to me now, he always jumps to conclusions too quickly so I won't be ignorant about this usual behavior of his. Prims' posts have more content than before and he seems to be doing well. Shinori is being himself, as always, but he's been playing more seriously and more competently, which is... a good thing? Strawman has been reasonable with his posts, but should Aere flip scum, I think it's likely that he'll be his scumbuddy since he was the only one to defend Aere back then on D1. BBM has a good point agaisnt Manix, I like his stand. Weapons acts as if he doesn't care. I understand it's annoying to stay up to the gameplay standards of SF Mafia, so I won't tunnel him. SB made some newbish mistakes of which I'm aware off, but I don't think they're enough to lynch. I am warry of both. Ehh, I just hope my engrish is readable.I'm terrible with long posts.
  21. The remastered version is even better. [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W18wO0vrMrA
  22. Not being on your standards of scumhunting/playing doesn't mean necessarily that I'm scum. Rein kind of barked on Aere because he missed a vote, saying he omitted the third vote because he wanted to use it opportunistically. I didn't like it and I still don't like it. He didn't do anything scummy yet, but his playstyle bugs me. His response to my post was good enough, though. I'm leaning Town for now. He doesn't have that many posts, but they are substantial. Aere has been acting as himself. I don't know what to say about him. He doesn't look scummy right now. Could you please stop taking phrases out of my post that make no sense without the rest of the text? Thank you. Now then, my post wasn't really that long. I said it lacked a lot, and that I would continue this later (as I was going to sleep). I'm not tunneling Shinori, I said I'm leaning town and scum at the same time because I can't make out of his overly defensive and kind of fluffy posts. Scum who's given up? Are you serious? I've contributed way more as scum on my last two games. Just check them out. Why and how do I look scummy? Lack of content? Because I have only a few posts? Then, how does that make me scummy? That makes me inactive -at best-. How opportunistic of you.
  23. Wow, so much stuff happened and I missed a lot. I'll try to be more active from now on, even through I have to study for exams. First, I'll begin with a reread through the topic (which I'm doing right now), writing my reads and opinions along the way. scorri Paper Core tl;dr version: scorri: Town Paper: Slightly Town Core: Neutral, leaning Scum Clipsey: Being Clipsey. Nothing much to add. Town Iris: Null reads, she's been that inactive. >: Cam: Town Shinori: Neutral, leaning both town and scum sides. I really don't know. Helios: Too much fluff. Neutral, leaning scum. ... I'll continue this later. I'm sleepy, and I don't want to place a vote without a good argument. For now, I'm trying to decide if Shinori is Town wasting our time with more defenses than contributions or if he's Scum trying to justify himself while wasting our time purposedly. Also, I don't like his logic either. Helios looks slightly worse than him because of his fluffs, though.
  24. Unvote ##Vote: Aere I didn't like his motive enough and it seems pretty weak to me. Maybe it's because I didn't see Ellie's post as an excuse for doing stupid things because of meta.
  25. Either way that is not a reason to say he looks scummy just because he missed a single vote.
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